View Full Version : Would you be concerned at all ?

12-08-2005, 09:28 AM
In this day and age of identity theft this piques my curiosity just a little bit. I had been talking with a gentleman and did some work for him, about $100 worth over the weekend. He stated he couldn't have me doing anything else until an NDA was signed, but had plenty of steady work once it was sent in, he also mentioned he wanted my D.O.B. etc.. Then the weird thing, he asked for my I.D. as well - which I guess isn't all that weird, but.. I have signed about 15 NDA's over the years and NEVER asked for an ID before. Even though 2/3rds were people I had known for years.

So he says he didn't get it at first, I re faxed it - He got it that time, since then not one message was sent and he has been off-line for three days. He used to be on-line every day for over a week in a row, guessing invisible mode.

I sent a message and said If you don't have any work, don't worry just give me a shout so I know what's up. Still, no word 2 days after that - the last message I sent. Normally I wouldn't be concerned but after some fuckwad posted my bank information on a public message baord it made me realize how easy identity theft would be ...

12-08-2005, 09:50 AM
Who??? said the fucked up old owl..... who ?????


12-08-2005, 11:13 AM
Hmmmmmm.. you should be suspicious to be sure. Keep an eye out on everything and maybe try and pre-empt it by finding out if there is anything you can do now that might be able to prevent it from happening to you.

12-08-2005, 12:04 PM
The NDA was worded pretty lightly, should of been a hint to me... If I don't hear from the guy by the end of the day I will start to look into my options. Hopefully, the guy is just having internet problems or something...

12-08-2005, 12:32 PM
Good luck with it Ryan.

12-08-2005, 12:37 PM
Yikes, good luck with that! Hope everything turns out for the best for you!

12-08-2005, 12:52 PM
NDA's just require a signature, address and names of the parties, never ever will they require dob or id to be sent along with it.

12-08-2005, 01:39 PM
What matters on a contract is your signature.

When I took Dingo to the vet, there was a place on the form I filled out for Driver's License number and Social Security number. Since Dingo did not have either a driver's license nor a social security number, I left those spaces blank.

They had no need for this information on me.

el pres
12-08-2005, 02:04 PM
If you've got his phone number, do a reverse look up and see if the info matches what he's told you, name, city etc.

Does his whois info match if you know any of his domains.

If they don't them maybe you should start to worry.

12-08-2005, 02:11 PM
Ryan, the fact is, you've already started to worry. El pres gave you some great advice on how to determine whether or not you should panic.

What did you fax him for ID? Your driver's license?

12-08-2005, 03:22 PM
He's paid you a hundred bucks for work with the promise of more and you've provided him with everything he needs to blow your credit through the roof... he got a very good deal. I'd be worrying now, not later. :(

12-08-2005, 05:25 PM
NDA's just require a signature, address and names of the parties, never ever will they require dob or id to be sent along with it. What he said. :(

And I agree with the others, reverse lookup, track down all info you can on him, and contact your bank and credit card companies and tell them not to let any suspicious or large withdraws or charges go through until they hear back from you.

12-08-2005, 05:42 PM
The thing that would worry me more than anything else is the lack of contact.

Might be a nice time to sign up for one of those credit monitoring services as well.

An NDA may not require identification per se, but an NDA without some idea of who the fuck is agreeing not to disclosue information is of questionable value, wouldn't you think?

12-08-2005, 07:00 PM
The thing that would worry me more than anything else is the lack of contact.

Might be a nice time to sign up for one of those credit monitoring services as well.

An NDA may not require identification per se, but an NDA without some idea of who the fuck is agreeing not to disclosue information is of questionable value, wouldn't you think?
I've signed 2 NDA's so far, the strictest of them both only required my home address as the extra.

I'm a funny fucker... even in an airport, if the immigration guy wants to take my passport away "to be looked at" (hong kong) I go with it!

12-08-2005, 07:07 PM
Thanks for the posts everyone .. Man it's been a long day, daughter is home with a SERIOUSLY bad case of diaper rash - feel so bad for her. Had to change her like every hour and she was whaling!! It's starting to look better but damn.... I am not made to take care of kids ALL DAY, at least not when they are super sensitive etc ... lol

I'm going to go off and do a reverse phone lookup etc here in a bit, I do *think* I spoke on the phone with the gentleman once. He showed up on ICQ as NA this morning and has been NA for 8-9 hours now.. Sent a message, no reply...

Damn - my head hurts ... Shitty Day !

12-08-2005, 07:11 PM
I've signed 2 NDA's so far, the strictest of them both only required my home address as the extra.

I'm a funny fucker... even in an airport, if the immigration guy wants to take my passport away "to be looked at" (hong kong) I go with it!

Same here like I said literally 15 in my life, at least .. People tend to ask me like it's going to be taken offensively or people they know have taken it badly in the past. To me, it's a sign of a wise business man... nothing more, nothing less..

That being said, I somewhat agree with PornoDoggy (first for everything, right lol) about knowing who you are in business with. This guy doesn't know me heads from tails - and although I see nothing that would of been sensitive data I understood his precaution. In the future, I will be much more careful regardles of the outcome of this situation.

12-08-2005, 07:19 PM
Same here like I said literally 15 in my life, at least .. People tend to ask me like it's going to be taken offensively or people they know have taken it badly in the past. To me, it's a sign of a wise business man... nothing more, nothing less..

That being said, I somewhat agree with PornoDoggy (first for everything, right lol) about knowing who you are in business with. This guy doesn't know me heads from tails - and although I see nothing that would of been sensitive data I understood his precaution. In the future, I will be much more careful regardles of the outcome of this situation.
You can take someones life with:

Passports, drivers licenses, birth certificates, national insurance numbers (social security in the US), utility bills... the list goes on and on... contact equifax and experian (main credit info holders) and make sure that YOU can't start any "new" credit. ID thieves are after new credit, not the credit that you currently have.

12-08-2005, 07:58 PM
Now I have to see what else I can find, this is troublesome... However no one will be approved right now with my credit.. Not to mention the mortgage I carry..

He told me he was in jersey, yet the area code I faxed the NDA to was right by Mike Fold - 740

12-08-2005, 08:01 PM
Now I have to see what else I can find, this is troublesome... However no one will be approved right now with my credit.. Not to mention the mortgage I carry..

He told me he was in jersey, yet the area code I faxed the NDA to was right by Mike Fold - 740
So with no new approvals, the chance for an address change and a re-issue of current cards is still on the table.

I told you I'm a freaky fucker. :(

12-08-2005, 08:04 PM
So with no new approvals, the chance for an address change and a re-issue of current cards is still on the table.

I told you I'm a freaky fucker. :(
Thought about another route, this fucker can start a company in YOUR name and drive it into massive debt (news papers... why I read them I'm not sure)

12-08-2005, 08:06 PM
Don't you have an alternate way of contacting him instead of icq?

If so, perhaps you should try it.

Icq can be terrible. I just got some messages today that were sent to me on the 2nd of the month.

I personally don't think I'd have sent the ID.

Then again, as I always say about identity theft...

if they want my fucking identity, they can have it. ;)