View Full Version : December 8, 1980... Another day, more infamy

12-08-2005, 08:25 AM
25 years ago today...

John Lennon.



12-08-2005, 08:59 AM
I'm glad someone else remembered today. I can remember exactly what I was doing when I heard the news. I was driving to work and almost drove off the road.

RIP John.

12-08-2005, 10:45 AM
I am going to my hemotologist today.. that's infamy enough for me, thanks :)

Evil Chris
12-08-2005, 12:03 PM
It was the morning after (the 9th) at the breakfast table in my house when I heard it on the radio. Even as a 15 year old, I was quite shocked at the news and wondered why anyone would want to harm this peace loving man. I was also a big fan of the Beatles music, and most all of their individual solo work.

Continue to rest in peace, John.

12-08-2005, 12:39 PM
10 years old at the time and, to be honest, I have no clue when or where I heard it. Tragic to be sure though.

12-08-2005, 01:00 PM
such a great loss

I was only 9 and to be honest only really started appreciating his music in the last 5 years or so

12-08-2005, 01:18 PM
My husband and I were watching Monday Night Football and they had a crawl across the bottom of the screen.

Younger people today are used to the "crawl across the bottom of the screen" bit, they're everywhere, but at the time it was a damned big deal. Breaking into Monday Night Football showed the ranking on the "popular culture food chain" that Lennon held.

I remember shock. I remember staring at my husband and uttering the completely stupid and useless "you're kidding?" :(

12-08-2005, 04:02 PM
I was old enough to remember it well, but young enough to not understand why they used the word assassin instead of murderer. (Though even today, to an extent, that can be debatable.)

Was disappointed that "Strawberry Fields" memorial in Central Park is just a bronze stamp in the walkway. (Yes, park, Beattles, strawberry fields ...) It really would not have taken much to plant a stretch of wild strawberries in Central Park. That would have been much nicer I think.

(And then the city would probably get sued by homeless people for poisoning them or something stupid, but I digress.)

12-08-2005, 04:04 PM
I wasn't alive.... :unsure: :(

12-08-2005, 04:05 PM
I was old enough to remember it well, but young enough to not understand why they used the word assassin instead of murderer. (Though even today, to an extent, that can be debatable.)

You must have been a pretty dense 20 yr old then :)

12-08-2005, 04:15 PM
You must have been a pretty dense 20 yr old then http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif Hey to me he was a singer, not a politician.

Only politicans got assassinated when I was growing up. So there! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/mf_tongue01.gif

12-08-2005, 04:26 PM
So you didn't know the meaning of the word then....

12-08-2005, 05:01 PM
I was old enough to remember it well, but young enough to not understand why they used the word assassin instead of murderer. (Though even today, to an extent, that can be debatable.)

Was disappointed that "Strawberry Fields" memorial in Central Park is just a bronze stamp in the walkway. (Yes, park, Beattles, strawberry fields ...) It really would not have taken much to plant a stretch of wild strawberries in Central Park. That would have been much nicer I think.

(And then the city would probably get sued by homeless people for poisoning them or something stupid, but I digress.)

Lennon was indeed a "public figure," though, and associated with many things politically motivated, so the word "assassin" does fit. (I'll look up the etymology of the word "assassin" later. I believe it comes from specific individuals but the memory fails as to which ones.)

I, too, was disappointed in "Strawberry Fields," as I expected the name to be literal. My mental picture was quite lovely and full of life.

I wish I could tell you were wrong about the lawsuits, though. :( I wonder if they took that into consideration in limiting themselves to a bronze stamp?

12-08-2005, 05:09 PM
Small trivia: an actor, delightful, good looking guy, was slated to play Lennon in a bio pic. Unfortunately, first, middle and last name were the same as the assassin. :(

Unsurprisingly...he lost the gig.

He was the hero in that Stephen King movie where the little whatevers ate time.

12-08-2005, 05:20 PM
Morgan and dravyk...its nothing to get hung up about.. LOL

Listen to the song ;-)

Lennon was writing about the shade of a tree behind the orphanage where he and his friends played as kids...the orphanage is called "Strawberry Fields"

The plaque says "imagine" and is in the shade of an Old Elm...

I think he would think it’s all right, that is I think it’s not too bad.


bloody Americans...

12-08-2005, 05:30 PM
It was a depressing day ... I remember hearing it as I was driving home from work.

Nick, just stop it. Don't bring me down ...

12-08-2005, 05:44 PM
It was a depressing day ... I remember hearing it as I was driving home from work.

Nick, just stop it. Don't bring me down ...

but you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see....

12-08-2005, 09:09 PM
What was I doing on this day 25 years ago..... hmmm.... probably crying and shitting myself... I was 5 months old...

Way to date yourselves

12-09-2005, 05:42 AM
I was 8 and living in Northern Ireland, so Jon Lennon being killed wasn't really on my list of things to fret about.

12-09-2005, 12:37 PM
Morgan and dravyk...its nothing to get hung up about.. LOL

Listen to the song ;-)

Lennon was writing about the shade of a tree behind the orphanage where he and his friends played as kids...the orphanage is called "Strawberry Fields"

The plaque says "imagine" and is in the shade of an Old Elm...

I think he would think it’s all right, that is I think it’s not too bad.


bloody Americans...

You're right, Nick, except for one thing.
This isn't a "bloody American" thing. It's a "bloody writer's" thing.
Dravyk and I both "wrote" something different in our heads. Writers tend to do that. It's annoying as all hell to "normal" people. :)

Yes, folks, you have just encountered the one and only conversation where Nick gets to be the "normal" one. I now return you to reality....