View Full Version : Alito is not conservative......

12-08-2005, 08:20 AM
He is just "compassion challenged" :yowsa:

Sounds like George W and company doesn't want the media calling Alito conservative. Hmmm. Wonder why they shy away from that :rolleyes:

If you are gonna be a Nazi, at least be proud of it dammit :okthumb:


The Bush administration is mounting an aggressive effort to counter a Knight Ridder story that described Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito as a committed judicial conservative.

The administration's response - delivered separately Tuesday by the White House and the Justice Department - reflects its determination to defend Alito and its sensitivity to the "conservative" label for him.


Administration officials said the story unfairly cast the Supreme Court nominee as a conservative ideologue.


Brand, whose duties include shepherding judicial nominations through the Senate, rejected the conservative label for Alito.


John Nowacki, senior counsel in the Justice Department's Office of Public Affairs, also objected to the Knight Ridder analysis. In an e-mail to Henderson, Nowacki criticized attempts to discern a judicial philosophy by looking for trends in a judge's record. ( :blink: )

The White House produced an opinion article defending Alito against the Knight Ridder analysis by lawyer Jeffrey Wasserstein, a Democrat who says he supported John Kerry in the last presidential election. Wasserstein, a former Alito clerk, said he was unaware of Alito's political leanings when he worked for the judge in 1997-98.


But some of Alito's allies say he should embrace the conservative label because it fits.


The response to the Knight Ridder analysis was the latest in a series of administration efforts to counter any suggestion that Alito would be a conservative activist on the Supreme Court.

12-08-2005, 11:17 AM
While those hypocrits, who constantly said to every camera they could find for years that "Every one of the presidents judicial nominees is entitled to an up or down vote" they were then attacking Harriet Miers to try and deny her that very same thing and constatly crowing about how they wanted this HUGE national debate on the role of the courts and, as you cxan see with this and other articles, they have totally wimped out. What a bunch of hypocrits and cowards.