View Full Version : December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy

12-07-2005, 10:13 AM

12-07-2005, 11:22 AM
We always remember this day. My dad lost a brother at Pearl Harbor.

Almighty Colin
12-07-2005, 12:39 PM
No blood for oil!

12-07-2005, 12:52 PM
Each year, I'm saddened anew by this day...but at the same time, grateful that it is marked. I know there are people that want this day forgotten, based on some politically correct version of history that says you can't remember the past if the former enemies are now allies. This day isn't about hating anyone, it's about remembering what was lost.

12-07-2005, 03:23 PM
No blood for oil!

12-07-2005, 03:46 PM
Remembering days like this is important so the world doesn't allow it to happen again.

To forget preventable tragedy is to risk repeating it.

No more world wars please.

12-07-2005, 04:17 PM
I went to the Dentist today to get the stitching out of my mouth from last week's wisdom teeth extractions. Across the waiting room was an old couple, who started talking about 64 years ago, blah blah was in the army, blah blah, before I tuned him out.

It didn't occur to me that it was the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I was wondering why that old fucker brought it up soon as I sat down, and loudly. Now I know.

Fuck that racist bitch who thought I was Japanese and just had to say that.

I should walked over, punched him the face and take a shit on his carcass.

Fuck American Xenophobic Assholes for putting Japanese AMERICANS in Interment Camps during this war.

The 442nd and the 522nd were still treated like enemies even after serving and dying for their country.

I'd like to think we've come a long way, I'll believe it when I'm not reminded, like today, that I look different than your average bear.

Mike AI
12-07-2005, 04:23 PM
In todays world by Feb 1942 democrats would be calling for a retreat, saying we cannot win.

Mike AI
12-07-2005, 04:27 PM
Getting a little paranoid eh?

First it was the mexican kids fucking with you, now some old couple.

You may want to take the time and talk to a professional about your feelings.

Interning the Japs during WWII was a wise move, while a majority of those who were interned were good Americans there was an undercover guerrilla force that were specifically trained in japan to cause major problems in the US. Documents that have been released in Japan proves this.

A book about the topic if you are interested. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0895260514/qid=1130668469/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/103-6990331-7067065?s=books&v=glance&n=283155

I went to the Dentist today to get the stitching out of my mouth from last week's wisdom teeth extractions. Across the waiting room was an old couple, who started talking about 64 years ago, blah blah was in the army, blah blah, before I tuned him out.

It didn't occur to me that it was the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I was wondering why that old fucker brought it up soon as I sat down, and loudly. Now I know.

Fuck that racist bitch who thought I was Japanese and just had to say that.

I should walked over, punched him the face and take a shit on his carcass.

Fuck American Xenophobic Assholes for putting Japanese AMERICANS in Interment Camps during this war.

The 442nd and the 522nd were still treated like enemies even after serving and dying for their country.

I'd like to think we've come a long way, I'll believe it when I'm not reminded, like today, that I look different than your average bear.

12-07-2005, 04:28 PM
I went to the Dentist today to get the stitching out of my mouth from last week's wisdom teeth extractions. Across the waiting room was an old couple, who started talking about 64 years ago, blah blah was in the army, blah blah, before I tuned him out.

It didn't occur to me that it was the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I was wondering why that old fucker brought it up soon as I sat down, and loudly. Now I know.

Fuck that racist bitch who thought I was Japanese and just had to say that.

I should walked over, punched him the face and take a shit on his carcass.

Fuck American Xenophobic Assholes for putting Japanese AMERICANS in Interment Camps during this war.

The 442nd and the 522nd were still treated like enemies even after serving and dying for their country.

I'd like to think we've come a long way, I'll believe it when I'm not reminded, like today, that I look different than your average bear.

Seriously mate , I never fucking believed that shit til that twat in the Irish bar came up and started telling jokes...

Wonder if his hand is better.....

12-07-2005, 04:31 PM
Earth to Mike ... Earth to Mike, over ... you are straying too far from orbit, and a return to reality may not be possible.

12-07-2005, 06:15 PM
I think it was the 442nd...but my favorite story regarding that was during the Watergate trials, when the bigot muttered something about "the Jap" into a live mike. The "Jap" in question was Senator Daniel Inouye (sp) who lost his arm in the war and was a gen-u-ine, bon-a-fied War Hero. The Senator got to do some marvelous interviews, including one where he demonstrated how to light a match from a matchbook with one hand. I worked on that until I could do it. (It's a lost skill, I haven't done it since I was a kid, but it was one of my first "walk a mile in somebody else's mocassins" experiences, and for that, I will always be grateful.)

There are now, and have always been, people working against the interests of America while in America. That doesn't excuse the horror of "interning" Americans en masse.

Anthony...admittedly, you won't be mistaken for an Irishman, but you don't look remotely Japanese. You do, however, look way too big to fuck with. That's an aspect of "bigotry" that's always fascinated me. Some people are so damned convinced of their own superiority that reality testing flies out the window...like the 5'7", 140 pound white boy that passes words at a black man who's three times his size. How suicidal do you have to be.....

12-07-2005, 06:27 PM
Anthony...admittedly, you won't be mistaken for an Irishman, but you don't look remotely Japanese. You do, however, look way too big to fuck with. That's an aspect of "bigotry" that's always fascinated me. Some people are so damned convinced of their own superiority that reality testing flies out the window...like the 5'7", 140 pound white boy that passes words at a black man who's three times his size. How suicidal do you have to be.....

...what do you think an Irishman looks like?

Do you have some racial stereotype in mind?


12-07-2005, 07:33 PM
...what do you think an Irishman looks like?

Do you have some racial stereotype in mind?

10+ years ago I would have thought: "Black balaclava, guns, bombs and a Terrorism for Dummies book".

These days, I'd say my great uncle Ike*, sits in a local club(in Southern Ireland) getting hammered all day... he is 74 so he's earned it. :)

*he's only half Irish though.... :scratchin

12-07-2005, 07:44 PM
In todays world by Feb 1942 democrats would be calling for a retreat, saying we cannot win.

In WWII we actually attacked the enemy though :blink:

12-07-2005, 08:07 PM
In WWII we actually attacked the enemy though :blink:
By Feb 1942 most Republicans were hoping very much that people would forget that they had been staunch isolationists, and thus partially responsible for the fact that America was so ill-prepared for the war. They did, however, expend a great deal of energy accusing Roosevelt of "getting us into the war."

I cannot recall a single instance of the WWII Allies going into a country to destroy its civil and military command and control capabilities with an inadequate occupation force, or executing a strategy specifically designed to bring the Nazis (or Facists or Japanese) in so we could fight them there.

12-07-2005, 08:39 PM
The whole idea of comparing WWII and the war in Iraq is ludicrous. WWII was nation against nation.

In Iraq, we invaded a nation because we were attacked by a gang from what we consider to be the same hood. (What the hell, Saudis, Iraqis, hell they is all A-rabs. I never can tell them aparts no way anyhow)

12-07-2005, 08:47 PM
...what do you think an Irishman looks like?

Do you have some racial stereotype in mind?

;-)))) Got a mirror? http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wink.gif

12-07-2005, 09:33 PM
Getting a little paranoid eh?

First it was the mexican kids fucking with you, now some old couple.

You may want to take the time and talk to a professional about your feelings.

Interning the Japs during WWII was a wise move, while a majority of those who were interned were good Americans there was an undercover guerrilla force that were specifically trained in japan to cause major problems in the US. Documents that have been released in Japan proves this.

A book about the topic if you are interested. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0895260514/qid=1130668469/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/103-6990331-7067065?s=books&v=glance&n=283155

You have no fucking clue, white boy.

12-07-2005, 09:40 PM
Seriously mate , I never fucking believed that shit til that twat in the Irish bar came up and started telling jokes...

Wonder if his hand is better.....

The whole story:

We were sitting outside on a great sunny day, spring in BC. We're all having a good time, Nick, being friendly was buying everyone drinks. We had 3 guys who supposedly belonged to the same Country Club we did, but have never seen before.

Now, Nick and I fuck with each other time. Racial slurs to each other is a sign of affection. One of the pack of 3 guys starts telling jokes. About a doctor, it goes something about L's being pronounced as R's. I took affront to the joke, and made a sarcastic joke back.

Nick told him to fuck off, so this guy puts his hand on Nick's shoulder, which then gets twisted upside down with his fingers about to break. Nick then tells him to apologize or he'll break every fucking finger. He apologies quickly, and runs away. The 3 then left the bar.

Before this about a year ago, I walked into a bar in New West looking for a place that was playing the UFC, with 3 other guys. No one even tried to hide the "That's a big chink". Lookie at that Triad. We left, instead of getting into trouble.

No one believes it, especially you fucking white boys. Nick had to see it first hand. I blew off the guy, Nick being the first time seeing went off. Racism is real. Hate is real.

12-07-2005, 09:41 PM
Getting a little paranoid eh?

First it was the mexican kids fucking with you, now some old couple.

You may want to take the time and talk to a professional about your feelings.

Interning the Japs during WWII was a wise move, while a majority of those who were interned were good Americans there was an undercover guerrilla force that were specifically trained in japan to cause major problems in the US. Documents that have been released in Japan proves this.

A book about the topic if you are interested. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0895260514/qid=1130668469/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/103-6990331-7067065?s=books&v=glance&n=283155

If it was such a great fucking idea, why aren't we doing it to Muslims?

12-07-2005, 09:45 PM
I think it was the 442nd...but my favorite story regarding that was during the Watergate trials, when the bigot muttered something about "the Jap" into a live mike. The "Jap" in question was Senator Daniel Inouye (sp) who lost his arm in the war and was a gen-u-ine, bon-a-fied War Hero. The Senator got to do some marvelous interviews, including one where he demonstrated how to light a match from a matchbook with one hand. I worked on that until I could do it. (It's a lost skill, I haven't done it since I was a kid, but it was one of my first "walk a mile in somebody else's mocassins" experiences, and for that, I will always be grateful.)

There are now, and have always been, people working against the interests of America while in America. That doesn't excuse the horror of "interning" Americans en masse.

Anthony...admittedly, you won't be mistaken for an Irishman, but you don't look remotely Japanese. You do, however, look way too big to fuck with. That's an aspect of "bigotry" that's always fascinated me. Some people are so damned convinced of their own superiority that reality testing flies out the window...like the 5'7", 140 pound white boy that passes words at a black man who's three times his size. How suicidal do you have to be.....


Would it surprise you growing up I lost a girlfriend because her father was in Vietnam?

Racism is real.

Btw, I believe it wasn't Jap, it was Gook to Senator Inoue. I remember it like yesterday, my dad exploded and told all of us kids.

12-07-2005, 09:51 PM
What Anthony says is true...

I am really not racist except to the frecnh and the welsh of course...and really couldn't understand it.

And yes I did totally freak when I saw it the first time.

BTW a trailer to that story..

you know one the dumbfucks knew Stripclubguru and went to him and pretty much said one of your boys nearly killed a friend of mine yadda yadda..if you recall Colin was there too...when SCG was told the whole story he gave him his cold look and said words to the effect of ""I'm gonna have to have words with "Nickatilynx" for not breaking his fucking arm".Now fuck off LOL"

12-07-2005, 09:53 PM
What Anthony says is true...

I am really not racist except to the frecnh and the welsh of course...and really couldn't understand it.

And yes I did totally freak when I saw it the first time.

BTW a trailer to that story..

you know one the dumbfucks knew Stripclubguru and went to him and pretty much said one of your boys nearly killed a friend of mine yadda yadda..if you recall Colin was there too...when SCG was told the whole story he gave him his cold look and said words to the effect of ""I'm gonna have to have words with "Nickatilynx" for not breaking his fucking arm".Now fuck off LOL"

No shit, I had no idea. SCG has always said to think of him as an Older Brother. Warms my heart to hear this. :)

12-08-2005, 12:53 AM
If it was such a great fucking idea, why aren't we doing it to Muslims?
Because pussy-ass liberals are preventing right-thinking Americans from doing the right thing. If it was up to Mike, the camps would have been open for four years now.

I had Filipino roommates a couple of occasions during my first Navy tour. There was a lot of resentment at the time over the lifting of some of the restrictions on the enlisted ratings that they could serve in. The bullshit those guys had to put up with outdid most of what was hurled at blacks.

Don't know why they get so testy when you call them Samoans, though ... :whistling

12-08-2005, 01:07 AM
Because pussy-ass liberals are preventing right-thinking Americans from doing the right thing. If it was up to Mike, the camps would have been open for four years now.

I had Filipino roommates a couple of occasions during my first Navy tour. There was a lot of resentment at the time over the lifting of some of the restrictions on the enlisted ratings that they could serve in. The bullshit those guys had to put up with outdid most of what was hurled at blacks.

Don't know why they get so testy when you call them Samoans, though ... :whistling

Thankfully those restrictions have been lifted. I am the first of my family in the Navy that was not a Cook, or service related for that matter.

Samoans are way bigger than the average Pinoy. LOL

12-08-2005, 01:37 AM

Would it surprise you growing up I lost a girlfriend because her father was in Vietnam?

Racism is real.

Btw, I believe it wasn't Jap, it was Gook to Senator Inoue. I remember it like yesterday, my dad exploded and told all of us kids.

Ahhh...you may be right at that, Anthony. I remember an explosion, too...from my career Army father who couldn't believe that a war hero would be slandered like that.

I wish I could say it surprised me about losing the girlfriend, but sadly, things like that don't surprise me anymore. They used to. Once upon a time, I wanted to believe people weren't like that. Once upon a time I even believed that people had more of a handle on who the players were in any given war, too.