View Full Version : Crying Statue

12-05-2005, 02:13 PM
One of you may timeline me for this, but I don't care. ;)

I haven't seen us talk about it yet, and I think it is interesting.

The story:

(Sacremento, CA)Interest in a statue of the Virgin Mary that appears to be crying tears of blood shows no sign of abating nearly two weeks after the phenomenon first appeared.

Parishioners at the Vietnamese Catholic Martyrs Church in Sacramento first observed the marks on the statue's face on November 16. The statue has a red substance streaming from its left eye down its check and onto the bodice of its garment. Rain has not washed away the tears.

Over the weekend, several hundred came to witness the statute. Each day there has been a steady stream of observers.

Some have gone to see the statue simply because they're curious. "It was like, hmmm, let's go check it out," said Marlene Larkin of Las Vegas. "It certainly couldn't hurt. We all want Mary looking out for us."

Others see the tears as a premonition. "Maybe something is going to happen a lot worser than it has and it's just kind of giving us a warning on getting our priorities in shape," mused Lillie Locke of Sacramento.

Some who see the statue draw parallels with other sightings in which images of Mary or Jesus appear or change in some way. "She seems to be appearing in a lot of places," said Arnulfo Contreras of Sacramento. "I think she's trying to send a message out."

"The devil never sleeps for one thing," said Mary Contreras. "I think that's why Our Lady is appearing in so many countries."

One couple hopes the tears are a sign of a miracle. "Doug and I had some special requests that we wanted to make," said Kathleen Biggs from Cameron Park. "Especially about Doug's cancer, his melanoma."

The nature of the tears may never be determined. An official with the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento said there are no plans to launch an investigation. Father James Murphy said most of these sightings are the result of natural phenomena. There is no indication, according to the church, that the tears are a hoax.

Vietnamese Catholic Martyrs Church is located at 10371 Jackson Road in eastern Sacramento County.

This is not the first time an image of the Virgin Mary in a valley church has created a stir. Fifteen years ago many flocked to a Colfax church to see an apparition of the Virgin Mary in a stained glass window. That sighting was determined to be a result of sunlight reflecting onto the glass, since the image couldn't be seen on cloudy days.


What could be causing this?

A couple of pics:

12-05-2005, 02:19 PM
These stories are indeed "interesting," but generally found to be the work of, as stated "natural phenomenon," or the rather unnatural behavior of an individual.

This is my favorite part, though:
The nature of the tears may never be determined. An official with the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento said there are no plans to launch an investigation. Father James Murphy said most of these sightings are the result of natural phenomena. There is no indication, according to the church, that the tears are a hoax.

"No indication" that it is a hoax...determined *without* launching an investigation. I wish the Diocese had somebody in charge of proofreading their quotes, who could say "uh...does that really make sense?"

12-05-2005, 02:44 PM
The nature of the tears may never be determined. An official with the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento said there are no plans to launch an investigation. Well no fucking DUH!!! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/dry.gif

"Your Eminence, devotion in America continues to drop. What should we do?"

"When's the last time we pulled the old crying statue routine?"

"A decade ago."

"How about the bleeding statue routine?"

"About five years ago."

"Hmm. I like them, but you know, they're a tad stale."

"How about a combo? Crying bloddy tears?"

"Cardinal, you're brilliant! Let's run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes! Um, genuflects."


12-05-2005, 04:39 PM
These stories are indeed "interesting," but generally found to be the work of, as stated "natural phenomenon," or the rather unnatural behavior of an individual.

This is my favorite part, though:

"No indication" that it is a hoax...determined *without* launching an investigation. I wish the Diocese had somebody in charge of proofreading their quotes, who could say "uh...does that really make sense?"
I think the sentence in question makes perfectly good sense. "No obvious signs" might have been a better phrase, but that's what they meant by "no indication."

Some story or another like this crops up every couple of months. In most of them the Church usually issues a neutral (if not outright skeptical) statement. It's the media who spread the stories and the laymen who argue for their authenticity.

If anyone happens to have a list of email addresses for people prone to believing in this sort of phenomena, I would like to borrow it - merely for investigation and dialouge purposes, of course.

12-05-2005, 04:48 PM
Well no fucking DUH!!! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/dry.gif

"Your Eminence, devotion in America continues to drop. What should we do?"

"When's the last time we pulled the old crying statue routine?"

"A decade ago."

"How about the bleeding statue routine?"

"About five years ago."

"Hmm. I like them, but you know, they're a tad stale."

"How about a combo? Crying bloddy tears?"

"Cardinal, you're brilliant! Let's run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes! Um, genuflects."


:bustingup That was wonderful.

12-05-2005, 05:28 PM
Aren't both eyes supposed to tear when you cry .. ?

12-05-2005, 05:38 PM
A crying statue isn't a miracle.

I have a statue on my bar that when you touch it's head, it pees whiskey....

Now, that's a miracle :okthumb:

12-05-2005, 05:39 PM
Maybe she is crying out of hopelessness and despair because Jordan Capri has returned to nude modelling.....

"Oh no....Jeebus and I tried so hard....we thought she had returned to the fold....and now off she goes, snatch all over the place all over again....

I think I'm just gonna cry me some blood tears and curl up with a tub of Ben 'n' Jerrys...."

12-05-2005, 05:40 PM
A crying statue isn't a miracle.

I have a statue on my bar that when you touch it's head, it pees whiskey....

Now, that's a miracle :okthumb:

Hallelujah !

Preach it brother Sarettah ;)