View Full Version : Nickailynx .....

12-02-2005, 05:27 AM

As Christmas times draws near, so does the threatened Raven / CuriousToyBoy 2005 holiday season roadtrip to Vancouver.

AND therefore the subject of the promised dinner amongst friends rears it's ugly head ;-)

We are staying at Pacific Palisades on Robson, arriving sometime Tuesday 20th December (if they let me across the border that is !!).

Mayhaps a quiet food and beverage early that evening ?

Arranging a louder festival with other local webhamsters (thanks again for that one Vick, STILL cracks me up) for later that evening, and realize that someone so old school of your advancing years and capitulating bodily functions (as per your own confessions) may not be up to such rowdiness and merriment.

I know Raven and myself are looking forward to it.

Perhaps if we dine early enough you could get the senior's discount for an early sitting.

Yours in most wholehearted preparedness,



12-02-2005, 08:43 AM
The gauntlet has been laid down.

Nick, if there was an Aussie counterpart to our old partying days, I would have to say Lindsay would be it. He's right up there with ScottPB, as we saw for ourselves a few Christmas's back.

12-02-2005, 09:11 AM
He he he.

Can I smell a joint "Oprano / EuroRevenue / CuriousCash / LionDollars" MiniNext event ?

I am damn sure that CuriousCash and LionDollars would be willing to throw a couple of dollars at refreshments, and I'm sure Raven can convince Joe to part with a few hard-earned "Bukkake Bucks" to stave off thirst and starvation.

I not sure at Nick's speed we'd get a lot of takers for a Devonshire Tea and Bingo though ..........

He he he he

Consider thyself slapped with such gauntlet boys.


12-02-2005, 09:16 AM
The Gauntlet. Great movie.

Since I stand way behind Lindsay on everything, count me in.

12-02-2005, 10:00 AM
The Gauntlet. Great movie.

Since I stand way behind Lindsay on everything, count me in.

Excellent ......

I'll be Clint, you can be Sondra. Does that make Oprano the bus?


Now we just need Nick to come in out of the cold.

Nick, Nick where are you ????

He he he he he he he

12-02-2005, 11:44 AM
WTF!!! I wake up to a vicious burning!!! LOL


It will be my distinct pleasure to come and find you loose assortment of tired travellers on the night of the 20th and buy you dinner.

I try to eat by 4 pm everyday , heartburn ya know , and then if I'm not in bed by 10pm , I go home.


If there was to be a thrash of biblical proportions another night , given my turn to the Lord , I would of course rack my adled brain and try to recommend places for you to visit , cabarets and dancehalls , but politely decline to attend.Well perhaps just drop you off there....


12-02-2005, 12:38 PM
WTF!!! I wake up to a vicious burning!!! LOL


It will be my distinct pleasure to come and find you loose assortment of tired travellers on the night of the 20th and buy you dinner.

I try to eat by 4 pm everyday , heartburn ya know , and then if I'm not in bed by 10pm , I go home.


If there was to be a thrash of biblical proportions another night , given my turn to the Lord , I would of course rack my adled brain and try to recommend places for you to visit , cabarets and dancehalls , but politely decline to attend.Well perhaps just drop you off there....


That is a most gracious acceptance of such challenge put forth ;-)

We shall sort minute details closer to the events, but I am sure with dinner at such an early hour of 4pm, I can safely ask "May I have the Big Mac meal please".

;-) ;-) ;-)

12-02-2005, 12:43 PM
That is a most gracious acceptance of such challenge put forth ;-)

We shall sort minute details closer to the events, but I am sure with dinner at such an early hour of 4pm, I can safely ask "May I have the Big Mac meal please".

;-) ;-) ;-)

mmm MickyDs!!! Now thats some gourmet dining!

I'll bring both my good eating teeth with me :)

8042030 is my icq...hit me up nearer the time. :)

12-02-2005, 12:46 PM
Someone bring the Polident.

12-02-2005, 12:51 PM
mmm MickyDs!!! Now thats some gourmet dining!

I'll bring both my good eating teeth with me :)

8042030 is my icq...hit me up nearer the time. :)



12-02-2005, 02:41 PM
Someone bring the Polident. Sounds like a call out to Sarettah. :p

12-02-2005, 03:30 PM
Curious - what's the deal on the 'louder festival'.. invite only? or can anyone attend?

12-02-2005, 03:58 PM
Curious - what's the deal on the 'louder festival'.. invite only? or can anyone attend?

Since Curious is my shephard, I'll wait until he arises from his necessary beauty sleep down under to see what he says....

You thinking of joining us? For the louder festivities?

12-02-2005, 04:02 PM
hey Raven.. well I live on Vancouver Island so it's not that much of a hop skip and jump for me to take the ferry.

I'm not sure if I can make it around that time yet, but if it's viable I'd love to get a chance to meet some of the local (and not-so-local) webmasters who might be attending.


12-02-2005, 04:14 PM
Curious - what's the deal on the 'louder festival'.. invite only? or can anyone attend?

How would you like to look after arrangements ? It is only a loose asociation presently, would love to make it real.

Like I said, there'll be a few bucks to ne thrown on the table, and I have a list of ICQ numbers from GFYites all wishing to get together.

The more the merrier in the opinions of Raven and I !!!

Hit me up and let's talk turkey ! Which I imagine being Canadian Turkey will be processed in a funny shape just like your bacon .......


12-02-2005, 04:22 PM
I have no opinions other than following yours, my dear!

There is a lovely bar downstairs in the hotel where we are staying, filled with lots of chairs and tables and round booths...very comfy and they make great drinks...plus there is music. Might want to gather there for starters.

There was a webmaster gathering a few years ago.....and this was the hotel chosen...I must say, it's a lovely place and very friendly...

12-02-2005, 05:06 PM
I can smell a party at 8 miles, so I don't mind where it is, I'll find it.


12-02-2005, 05:11 PM
I have no opinions other than following yours, my dear!

There is a lovely bar downstairs in the hotel where we are staying, filled with lots of chairs and tables and round booths...very comfy and they make great drinks...plus there is music. Might want to gather there for starters.

There was a webmaster gathering a few years ago.....and this was the hotel chosen...I must say, it's a lovely place and very friendly...

Yup in my partying days I crashed out there a few times with some of the boys..... :)

Nice hotel.

Pain in the ass though when makingcoin and ripraster think its funny shit to keep having hookers to my room every 45 mins....

Ok...it was funny...LOL

Then of course we also used to play .."Who can nick the biggest thing from this room"....

Luckily they couldn't get the fridge out , I put it a stop to it when I saw them dismantling the beds.

Because of us the full length mirrors are now bolted to the walls I believe :)

(and people wonder why I quit partying..)


12-02-2005, 05:24 PM
Yup in my partying days I crashed out there a few times with some of the boys..... :)

Nice hotel.

Pain in the ass though when makingcoin and ripraster think its funny shit to keep having hookers to my room every 45 mins....

Ok...it was funny...LOL

Then of course we also used to play .."Who can nick the biggest thing from this room"....

Luckily they couldn't get the fridge out , I put it a stop to it when I saw them dismantling the beds.

Because of us the full length mirrors are now bolted to the walls I believe :)

(and people wonder why I quit partying..)


Check your email old man.

I just sent you the Bruce Springsteen "Glory Days" MP3 ....

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

It's funny, because I am here with the Ex's kids (who are like my own), I am 38 (NOT FAR at all behind you my friend) , I should know better, I should hve grown up...

Instead, as I get older I give a new meaning to "Age and cunning shits all over youth and skill".

Now I have ALWAYS been a HUGE party animal, and have left a MUCH younger ScottyPB et al in my wake MORE then a few times.

I just cannot believe I show NO signs of slowly up - I'm speeding up if anything - with FAR less drugs than my misspent youth.

Go figure.

And roll on BC !!!


12-02-2005, 05:41 PM
lindsay how come you get vip treatment with road trips to vancouver and all that while all i got to see during the entire week at raven's house was her garage?

haha... i still love my raven and as you can see we had a lotta fun :okthumb:



12-02-2005, 05:47 PM
That week was a blur. The Champagne, the vodka, the beer, the weed....

Lindsay. When you're here, I'll show you the new EuroRevenue Office East.

12-02-2005, 05:50 PM
Checked my mail...

Nothing there at nickatilynx at hotmail.

Of course It may be my eyes fucking up , but That song by Bruce has a good beat to it ....


12-02-2005, 06:00 PM
I am wishing that I could make it up for this piss up. :(

12-02-2005, 06:18 PM
I am wishing that I could make it up for this piss up. :(

I am wishing that, too...:(

12-02-2005, 09:58 PM
lindsay how come you get vip treatment with road trips to vancouver and all that while all i got to see during the entire week at raven's house was her garage?

Because unlike you Joe, **I** take the bull by the nuts and make things happen myself ;-)

He he


Best part of the trip will be chilling at home with Raven, Tev and theirs.

Great people.


12-02-2005, 10:00 PM
That week was a blur. The Champagne, the vodka, the beer, the weed....

Lindsay. When you're here, I'll show you the new EuroRevenue Office East.

He he he.

Both of the CuriousCash Gold Coast offices involve tall buildings, beaches and sunshine.

Beats the hell out of my Philippines office which involves 10' brick walls and rolls of razor wire.


12-02-2005, 10:04 PM
Checked my mail...

Nothing there at nickatilynx at hotmail.

Of course It may be my eyes fucking up , but That song by Bruce has a good beat to it ....


Your Email Was Rejected By Spam Assassin As Having To Much 80's Content.
Get with program, get with the times and throw out any other vinyl records you still have left in the vain hope that they will make a comeback before trying to send this email again.

12-02-2005, 10:35 PM
Wondered where you was hiding, Raven. Miss ya! Hugs! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

12-03-2005, 11:31 AM
I wouldn't exactly call it hiding, hon....LOL...

You like our office?

...wait until you see what we conjured up in the Gay-Raj. :)

12-07-2005, 05:16 PM
Yup in my partying days I crashed out there a few times with some of the boys..... :)

Nice hotel.

Pain in the ass though when makingcoin and ripraster think its funny shit to keep having hookers to my room every 45 mins....

Ok...it was funny...LOL

Then of course we also used to play .."Who can nick the biggest thing from this room"....

Luckily they couldn't get the fridge out , I put it a stop to it when I saw them dismantling the beds.

Because of us the full length mirrors are now bolted to the walls I believe :)

(and people wonder why I quit partying..)

