View Full Version : 4 Days of Double Payouts win INTERNEXT tix

12-01-2005, 12:48 PM
Earn Double Payouts and the chance to win FREE passes to Internext in Las Vegas!

Internext passes will also have access to the AEE show floor!

Please contact us with any questions: ICQ: 290153464 MSN:

How to get your passes:

Open to all webmasters, Dec 1st - Dec 14th

We will be sending the top 3 webmasters that send the most paid joins from December 1st through December 14th each a pair of FREE passes to the event this January 2006, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Winners will have access to BOTH the internext and Adult Entertainment Expo show floors.

All attendees of the Internext trade show will get a chance to join us for the Porn Poker Tour where we and our co-sponsors will be giving away a total of $15,000 cold hard cash to the top 10 finalists of this 3 day event.

Free Pass Value: $275.00 /each

Get Started Now!!!

Double Double Holiday Bonus!
December 3rd & 4th / December 10th & 11th

As an added incentive to kick our Free Pass Giveaway off on the right foot, and in honor of one of our favorite Vegas games "Double Double Bonus Poker", we're offering DOUBLE PAYOUTS, double days, not once but twice! (So I guess that's a double double double? WOW!)

Pay per email or revshare webmasters will recieve double payouts on all commissions earned on the dates above. Your stats will be calculated by your account manager and you will see the commission added as a bonus the following Monday to your stats.

Grab Some Holiday Banners and Spread the Cheer!

Thanks For Your Continued Support!



Contact me via ICQ 290153464 to get set up with the right ads that will help you win this contest.

12-01-2005, 01:04 PM
Please contact us with any questions: ICQ: 290153464

Oh boy spideriux is going to be all over your ass :p