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11-30-2005, 11:40 AM

Roberts is highest-paid actress
Kidman, Witherspoon come in at Nos. 2 and 3

Wednesday, November 30, 2005; Posted: 8:35 a.m. EST (13:35 GMT)

1. Julia Roberts
2. Nicole Kidman
3. Reese Witherspoon
4. Drew Barrymore
5. Renee Zellweger
6. Angelina Jolie
7. Cameron Diaz
8. Jodie Foster
9. Charlize Theron
10. Jennifer Aniston

LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- She traded Hollywood for motherhood and did not star in a movie this year, but Julia Roberts still ranks as Hollywood's highest-paid actress at $20 million a film, according to an annual power list.

The Hollywood Reporter, an entertainment paper on Wednesday published its annual list of the top-earning actresses, putting Nicole Kidman just behind Roberts at No. 2.

Kidman commands an estimated $16 million to $17 million per movie, the Reporter said.

The No. 3 and No. 4 spots were held by Reese Witherspoon, currently starring in Oscar hopeful "Walk the Line," and Drew Barrymore, both of whom take in $15 million a movie.

Roberts, with her broad smile and infectious all-American style, earned an Oscar for playing feisty consumer advocate Erin Brockovich in the 2000 movie of the same name.

That role and her ability to lure audiences into theaters in movies like "Ocean's Eleven" put her in the ranks of $20 million-plus movie actors, a realm previously reserved for hugely popular actors like Tom Cruise.

Roberts, 38, put her career on hold in 2004 and 2005. She gave birth in November of last year to twins, Phinnaeus and Hazel, and is married to cameraman Danny Moder.

Three actresses, Renee Zellweger, Angelina Jolie and Cameron Diaz, all had salaries estimated between $10 million and $15 million per film, the No. 5, 6 and 7 positions on the list.

Jodie Foster, who starred in the recent thriller "Flight Plan," returned to the list for the first time since 2002 at No. 8 with an asking price from $10 million to $12 million.

Charlize Theron made her debut in the No. 9 spot at a flat $10 million, and the No. 10 position belonged to Jennifer Aniston, who was said to make $9 million a movie.

The list of top-earning actresses is part of the Reporter's annual Women in Entertainment Power 100 issue, which hits stands December 6.

Is it me or does anyone else here wonder how a few of the women got so high on the list? Jennifer Aniston for example. Obviously she was big on Friends but have any of her movies ever been really big hits? Yeah she was in Bruce Almighty but I really doubt having a different actress in there would have made much of a difference as it was Bruce Carrey driving the butts to the theaters. Same thing with Charlize Theron, again a hot lady but none of her movies have been real blockbusters, though I admittedly think she's light years ahead of Aniston as an actress as movies like Monster and North Country can attest.

11-30-2005, 11:54 AM

Roberts is highest-paid actress
Kidman, Witherspoon come in at Nos. 2 and 3

Wednesday, November 30, 2005; Posted: 8:35 a.m. EST (13:35 GMT)

1. Julia Roberts
2. Nicole Kidman
3. Reese Witherspoon
4. Drew Barrymore
5. Renee Zellweger
6. Angelina Jolie
7. Cameron Diaz
8. Jodie Foster
9. Charlize Theron
10. Jennifer Aniston

LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- She traded Hollywood for motherhood and did not star in a movie this year, but Julia Roberts still ranks as Hollywood's highest-paid actress at $20 million a film, according to an annual power list.

The Hollywood Reporter, an entertainment paper on Wednesday published its annual list of the top-earning actresses, putting Nicole Kidman just behind Roberts at No. 2.

Kidman commands an estimated $16 million to $17 million per movie, the Reporter said.

The No. 3 and No. 4 spots were held by Reese Witherspoon, currently starring in Oscar hopeful "Walk the Line," and Drew Barrymore, both of whom take in $15 million a movie.

Roberts, with her broad smile and infectious all-American style, earned an Oscar for playing feisty consumer advocate Erin Brockovich in the 2000 movie of the same name.

That role and her ability to lure audiences into theaters in movies like "Ocean's Eleven" put her in the ranks of $20 million-plus movie actors, a realm previously reserved for hugely popular actors like Tom Cruise.

Roberts, 38, put her career on hold in 2004 and 2005. She gave birth in November of last year to twins, Phinnaeus and Hazel, and is married to cameraman Danny Moder.

Three actresses, Renee Zellweger, Angelina Jolie and Cameron Diaz, all had salaries estimated between $10 million and $15 million per film, the No. 5, 6 and 7 positions on the list.

Jodie Foster, who starred in the recent thriller "Flight Plan," returned to the list for the first time since 2002 at No. 8 with an asking price from $10 million to $12 million.

Charlize Theron made her debut in the No. 9 spot at a flat $10 million, and the No. 10 position belonged to Jennifer Aniston, who was said to make $9 million a movie.

The list of top-earning actresses is part of the Reporter's annual Women in Entertainment Power 100 issue, which hits stands December 6.

Is it me or does anyone else here wonder how a few of the women got so high on the list? Jennifer Aniston for example. Obviously she was big on Friends but have any of her movies ever been really big hits? Yeah she was in Bruce Almighty but I really doubt having a different actress in there would have made much of a difference as it was Bruce Carrey driving the butts to the theaters. Same thing with Charlize Theron, again a hot lady but none of her movies have been real blockbusters, though I admittedly think she's light years ahead of Aniston as an actress as movies like Monster and North Country can attest.

I agree

Julia Roberts is really the only one on the list that consistantly puts asses in seats. Reece Witherspoon does ok with romantic comedies, but itsn't exactly box office gold in other genres

Charlize Theron is reaping the rewards of winning an oscar, but her movies aren't box office hits...but when Aeon Flux tanks badly at the box office, she'll go down a couple notches.

11-30-2005, 12:02 PM
What is it with Drew Barrymore? I couldn't even look in her direction with my 5am beer goggles on.... :-oink:

11-30-2005, 12:40 PM
I agree

Julia Roberts is really the only one on the list that consistantly puts asses in seats. Reece Witherspoon does ok with romantic comedies, but itsn't exactly box office gold in other genres

Charlize Theron is reaping the rewards of winning an oscar, but her movies aren't box office hits...but when Aeon Flux tanks badly at the box office, she'll go down a couple notches.

Yup.. look at the list here..

1- Julia Roberts- she definately makes profitable films BUT her last big hits were all in 2001 or earlier. That said she has done many more low budget I'll take much less to do a movie I really like movies since that time

2- Nicole Kidman- has been in many critically acclaimed movies but not many blockbusters. Her tries at that failed miserably. Bewitched had a domestic gross of just under 66 million with a budget of 85 million. It was profitable from worldwide grosses ($129 million) but when people look at box office success they look at the domestics as they want that to top the budget by a margin to be considered a real success. The Stepford Wives and The Interpreter were both disappointments as well. A money maker can still be considered a flop if it doesn't beat it's costs domestically.

3- Reese Witherspoon - she's definately had her successes like Sweet home Alabama, Legally Blonde, and the current Walk The Line but she also just flopped miserably with Just Like Heaven.

4- Drew Barrymore- she's got a decent sized resume but many of her biggest successes was as a co-star in a movie and not the leading attraction. She does pretty good, but not great as the lead like Fever Pitch which grossed $50 million off of a budget of $30 million.

5- Renee Zellwegger- Chicago was a smash hit and Bridget Jones was an undeinable success. Has had some other ok things but nothing else really great.

6- Angelina Jolie- Tomb Raider was certainly profitable and I sure as hell didn't go see Mr. and Mrs. Smith to see Brad Pitt!! ;>))

7- Cameron Diaz- Do the Shrek movies count since they are animated? Most of her really big successful movies have come as part of an ensemble with the exception of There's Something About Mary.

8- Joide Foster- Doesn't do a lot of movies but when she does they are generally pretty successful.

11-30-2005, 12:46 PM
I always thought in general Female leads cannot carry a movie?

Hence , when compared with Men they do not really get the same sort of money.Though in recent years producers have tried with limited success.

When I used to hang out with a couple of film financiers/producers they reckoned there were 5-6 male stars that can carry a movie. (It was a long time ago...Arnie and Sly were on the list of the 5 or 6)

11-30-2005, 12:50 PM
I always thought in general Female leads cannot carry a movie?

Hence , when compared with Men they do not really carry a movie.Though in recent years producers have tried with limited success.

When I used to hand out with a couple of film financiers/producers they reckoned there were 5-6 male stars that can carry a movie. (It was a long time ago...Arnie and Sly were on the list of the 5 or 6)

yeah.. I wonder what the top males list looks like and how it would shake out.. maybe I'll check...

11-30-2005, 01:22 PM

The $25 million club

Are Hollywood's top earners worth the money?


Tom Cruise

Cameron Diaz

Will Smith

Adam Sandler

Bruce Willis

Julia Roberts

Mel Gibson

Harrison Ford

Hollywood is a mint for an elite group of movie stars. Worth it or not, a handful of them now command $25 million per picture - and another handful, $20 million - though "points" (a percentage of a film's profits) can boost their salaries enormously.

However, shifting tastes - plus the fact that stars age and fade - mean the list of top earners is always changing. How long will it be before Johnny Depp makes more than Harrison Ford? Will Cameron Diaz soon be earning more than Tom Cruise? Stay tuned.


Age: 41
First big payday: $75,000 for "Risky Business" (1983)
Current Asking Price: $25 million (plus points)
Last Film: "The Last Samurai" (2003); U.S. box office: $110 million
Worth the money? Yes! Cruise's 26 films have grossed $2.5 billion worldwide. He knows his star vehicles will hit the essential $100 million mark in America alone, and his contracts now always include points: He made $75 million from "Mission: Impossible 2." But "The Last Samurai's" returns were disappointing, and if his next film, "Collateral," underperforms, too, the fallout could cost him his status as the world's highest-paid actor.


AGE: 31
FIRST BIG PAYDAY: $2 million for "There's Something About Mary" (1998)
CURRENT ASKING PRICE: $25 million (some sources say more)
LAST FILM: "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" (2003); U.S. box office: $101 million.
WORTH THE MONEY? Yes! She's getting better all the time. Diaz was paid $20 million for the second "Charlie's Angels" film and, like Myers, $10 million to lend her voice to the "Shrek" sequel. If, as rumored, she will get $25 million-$30 million for starring opposite Jim Carrey in the "Fun With Dick and Jane" remake, she will not only become the highest-paid actress in the world but shatter the wage disparity between male and female stars.


AGE: 47
FIRST BIG PAYDAY: $70,000 for "Splash" (1984)
CURRENT ASKING PRICE: $25 million (plus points)
LAST FILM: "Catch Me If You Can" (2002); U.S. box office: $164 million
WORTH THE MONEY? Yes! He can do no wrong. Hanks hasn't had a flop since "The Bonfire of the Vanities" in 1990, which is a good omen for his latest movie "The Ladykillers" (opening Friday). He'll be hard-pressed, though, to match the $70 million (salary plus points) he made for "Forrest Gump" or the $40 million (same deal) he pocketed for "Saving Private Ryan." For the record, he doesn't always demand $25 million per picture.


AGE: 41
FIRST BIG PAYDAY: $350,000 for "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" (1994)
LAST FILM: "Bruce Almighty" (2003); U.S. box office: $242 million
WORTH THE MONEY? Yes! All that and more. Jim Almighty is laughing all the way to the bank as his films continue to hit pay dirt. He took a pay cut for "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," which opened Friday, presumably because he was looking for his Oscar moment in his most serious role yet. He has the "Lemony Snicket" movie opening just before Christmas and next year plays bionic Steve Austin in "The Six Million Dollar Man," which should make him feel like an invincible $25 million man.


AGE: 40
FIRST BIG PAYDAY: $1 million for "Wayne's World" (1992)
CURRENT ASKING PRICE: $25 million (or 21% of the gross)
LAST FILM: "Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat" (2003); U.S. box office: $100.5 million
WORTH THE MONEY? So far! The bottom line counts. Though "Catin the Hat" received bad reviews and made less than half of 2002's "Austin Powers in Goldmember," it still passed the $100 million barrier. Myers is being paid a whopping $10 million for his voice alone in "Shrek 2."


AGE: 48
FIRST BIG PAYDAY: $9,000 for "Mad Max" (1979)
CURRENT ASKING PRICE: $25 million (sometimes with points)
LAST FILM (AS ACTOR): "Signs" (2002); U.S. box office: $227 million
WORTH THE MONEY? Yes. Some viewers, though, may never forgive him for directing (and profiting from) "The Passion of the Christ" or accept him in an action hero role again. But don't bet against him reaping another fortune by starring in "Under and Alone," about an ATF agent who penetrates the notorious Mongols Motorcycle Gang.


AGE: 37
FIRST BIG PAYDAY: $1.7 million for "Billy Madison" (1995)
CURRENT ASKING PRICE: $25 million (or 25% of the gross)
LAST FILM: "50 First Dates"; U.S. box office: $106 million to date
WORTH THE MONEY? Sometimes! Sandler is like his character in "The Waterboy" - acting dumb, he just keeps scoring touchdowns. He's had a few box-office glitches along the way: "Little Nicky" and "Punch-Drunk Love" (which was admired more by critics than audiences). His fans love him, but as he approaches 40, can he go on dishing out puerile humor? "50 First Dates" indicates his future could be in romantic comedies - next up is "Spanglish" with Téa Leoni as his Latino girlfriend.


AGE: 35
FIRST BIG PAYDAY: $500,000 for "Six Degrees of Separation" (1993)
CURRENT ASKING PRICE: $20 million (plus 20% of the gross); some sources say $25 million
LAST FILM: "Bad Boys II" (2003); U.S. box office: $138 million
WORTH THE MONEY? Maybe. Smith's bread andbutter comes from fans who love to see him mix humor with action, as in "Independence Day" and the "Men in Black" and "Bad Boys" films. He fares less well when he strays from that formula, as he did in "The Legend of Bagger Vance" and "Ali." He'll be doing what he does best in his next film, "I, Robot," but then stars in his first romantic comedy, "The Last First Kiss." Question is, will his male fans want to see it?


AGE: 49
FIRST BIG PAYDAY: $5 million for "Die Hard" (1988)
CURRENT ASKING PRICE: $22.5 million (sometimes with points)
LAST FILM: "Tears of the Sun" (2003); U.S. box office: $43 million.
WORTH THE MONEY? Yes and no! With the failure of "Hart's War" and "Tears of the Sun," Willis' reputation as an action hero took a pounding, but he made $100 million (salary, points and a percentage of video sales) from the supernatural drama "The Sixth Sense." This year's "Hostage" and "The Whole Ten Yards" will tell if he's over the hill, but the upcoming "Die Hard 4: Die Hardest" is the acid test.


AGE: 61
FIRST BIG PAYDAY: $650,000 for "Star Wars" (1977)
CURRENT ASKING PRICE: $25 million (plus 20% of the gross)
LAST FILM: "Hollywood Homicide" (2003); U.S. box office: $31 million
WORTH THE MONEY? No! Ford's career is taking a dive. "K-19: The Widowmaker" made only $35 million domestically, just $10 million more than his salary. His "Homicide" buddy movie with Josh Hartnett also bombed. The fourth "Indiana Jones" film should stop the slump, but it probably won't be seen until summer 2006.


AGE: 36
FIRST BIG PAYDAY: $50,000 for "Mystic Pizza" (1988)
LAST FILM: "Mona Lisa Smile"; U.S. box office: $64 million to date
WORTH THE MONEY? No! "Mona Lisa Smile's" poor opening weekend suggests her days as a box-office draw are numbered. Since 2000's "Erin Brockovich," Roberts has lost her box-office magic. Now married, she's no longer America's sweetheart. She recently switched from the ICM agency to CAA in a bid to get back on track before hitting 40. Mike Nichols is currently directing her in the romantic drama "Closer."


Chris Tucker was paid $25 million for "Rush Hour 2" and will apparently earn $30 million if "Money Talks 2" ever gets made.

Arnold Schwarzenegger earned $30 million for "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines." But it would be unseemly for the governor of California to receive such a salary again.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe could soon join the 10 highest-paid stars in Hollywood. DiCaprio, who stars as Howard Hughes in the upcoming "The Aviator," gets $20 million per film. Crowe is getting the same to star as boxer Jim Braddock in "Cinderella Man."

Other $20 million earners are Eddie Murphy, Denzel Washington, Nicolas Cage, George Clooney and Vin Diesel.

Tobey Maguire is getting $17 million for "Spider-Man 2" - a nice little raise from the $4 million he earned for the first film. Johnny Depp will also get a huge raise to star in next year's "Pirates of the Caribbean 2," bringing him close to the $20 million mark.

Ben Affleck gets $17.5 million - but for how much longer?

These seven actresses earn $14 million-$15 million per movie: Drew Barrymore, Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Halle Berry, Sandra Bullock, Angelina Jolie and Jodie Foster. If her July movie "Catwoman" is a smash, Berry could join Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz as the top female earners. Ominously for Witherspoon, "Legally Blonde 2" disappointed. Barrymore, though, had a record February opening opposite Sandler in "50 First Dates." Jennifer Aniston is primed to join this group following back-to-back hits with "Bruce Almighty" and "Along Came Polly."

Aniston's husband, Brad Pitt, is getting $17.5 million for "Troy" and a purported $20 million for "Mr. and Mrs. Smith."

Keanu Reeves was paid $10 million for "The Matrix" and $15 million for each of the sequels, plus a hefty percentage of the profits.

Originally published on March 21, 2004

11-30-2005, 01:25 PM
That list is really out of date...

Tom Hanks is about to release "Lady Killers"

11-30-2005, 01:27 PM
That list is really out of date...

Tom Hanks is about to release "Lady Killers"

Yeah.. it's from 2004. I'll try and find a newer one....

11-30-2005, 01:28 PM
Movie actors and sports figures both make too much money.

11-30-2005, 01:46 PM
Damn.. been nearly impossible to find a list. Forbes has one but it's not per film.. :>((