View Full Version : "Holiday(s) Shopping"

11-29-2005, 12:59 PM
This morning, at 7AM, I ventured out for my very first - and probably last - holiday(s) shopping in a brick and morter store, if WalMart can be described thusly. (I shop online, as it's easier, it opens up the world to me, and I have the hots for my hunky Philappino UPS guy.) However, I needed wrapping paper, etc., and the yearly addition to my angel/Father Christmas collection. This year it's a gorgeous angel, wearing fake fur, with golden wings and long blonde hair. We were double charged for her, a WalMart tradition. It's such a tradition that the checker, who we'd made laugh, said - without thinking - "Why did it have to happen to *you* people?" Poor thing. Yes, the only nice people to go through there got screwed. Not to worry, nice checker, the total sow in "Customer nonService" took care of it.

I got to wondering: for those of you that are participating in this the most expensive of seasons, how far along are you in your shopping? :)

11-29-2005, 01:40 PM
I haven't done one thing about it. I'll likely wait until a day or two before Christmas to do any shopping.

11-29-2005, 01:55 PM
I voted 25%, but it's actually less than that. The only person I have a gift for right now, is you Morgan. :)

My Chanukkah gift to my folks is that we'll be moving out. ;)

Other than that, I haven't shopped for anything.

11-29-2005, 02:50 PM
I voted 25%, but it's actually less than that. The only person I have a gift for right now, is you Morgan. :)

My Chanukkah gift to my folks is that we'll be moving out. ;)

Other than that, I haven't shopped for anything.

Yayayayay! :clapping:

*delicate cough* Sorry. Small, childish outburst there. :)

Yours is on order and hasn't arrived yet. The back of my notebook is thick with the receipts I've printed out of stuff I've ordered.

I wish you could have seen my husband going headfirst into the bin full of rolls of wrapping paper, with me repeating (unnecessarily, he heard me the first time) "I need BLUE for Hanukkah!" (He also heard me every other year I've said it, too.) He finally emerged with a roll of blue wrapping paper and a disgruntled expression. :)

I think it's nice and tidy of Hanukkah to arrive on Christmas Day. It really messes me up when it's at the beginning of the month.

11-29-2005, 02:56 PM
This morning, at 7AM, I ventured out for my very first - and probably last - holiday(s) shopping in a brick and morter store, if WalMart can be described thusly. (I shop online, as it's easier, it opens up the world to me, and I have the hots for my hunky Philappino UPS guy.)

What exactly is a Philappino UPS guy? :))

11-29-2005, 03:07 PM
Yayayayay! :clapping:

*delicate cough* Sorry. Small, childish outburst there. :)

Yours is on order and hasn't arrived yet. The back of my notebook is thick with the receipts I've printed out of stuff I've ordered.

I wish you could have seen my husband going headfirst into the bin full of rolls of wrapping paper, with me repeating (unnecessarily, he heard me the first time) "I need BLUE for Hanukkah!" (He also heard me every other year I've said it, too.) He finally emerged with a roll of blue wrapping paper and a disgruntled expression. :)

I think it's nice and tidy of Hanukkah to arrive on Christmas Day. It really messes me up when it's at the beginning of the month.

Childish outbursts are quite acceptable when it comes to presents. :)

As a kid, I absolutely hated when Chanukkah fell in the begining of the month. My birthday is the 6th and I always got "This is for your birthday and Chanukkah" presents. That really sucked.

11-29-2005, 03:17 PM
Technicks is Xmass day.

He always gets "b'day and xmass prezzies" in one.

Its payback for ruining my 11th Xmass.

It was like a serious taunt!!!!!
Out in the workshop thing in the yard , 10 cars and over 100' of scaleelectric track laid from Father Christmas.
Can I play with it?
Fuck no!
Have to go stay at Grannies whilst that twat is delivered!
I mean fuck.."This is what you could be playing with , now get in the car"
Hated fucking Grannies..she had geese...vicious fucking bastards...


( nearly got me on a rant..in fact I think I'll call the bastard and rip into him)


11-29-2005, 03:27 PM
What exactly is a Philappino UPS guy? :))

The regular UPS driver in my neighborhood is a very attractive, impossibly nice Philappino young man who brightens my day on a regular basis, because I shop online so much. :)

My Chihuahua attempted to savage him through the screen door yesterday. :(

The guy laughed helplessly watching her do it. It is funny to see something that small try and imitate a Rottweiler. :)

Red, Nick...December birthdays suck. :(
My brother's is December 16th. He had to stay in the hospital when he was born but they made my mother go home. That was one rotten Christmas. Not too surprisingly, she had expected to actually bring her infant home for Christmas.

Besides, look at it this way, Nick. You had one lousy Christmas...but you get an entire lifetime of tormenting Technick for it. :)

Poor Technick gets a lifetime of dual presents and bad jokes. :(