View Full Version : Excuse me? Can you please repeat that address?

11-27-2005, 12:51 PM
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Michael Fisk is a street fighting man. And the street he's fighting is named Dicks.

Fisk, who lives on Dicks Street in the Los Angeles suburb of West Hollywood, has gone to city hall to get the road's name changed -- saying that its slang meaning has made life difficult for homeowners.

"Since we moved in four years ago its just become such a hassle," Fisk said. "It's embarrassing. Something definitely needs to be changed. I realize that it's a man's name, but words change meaning, and this one has."

Dicks Street is in a neighborhood that fancies first names for its roads, with Keith and Norma among the choices.

Fisk, who collected signatures on a petition from more than half of the residents on Dicks Street, has so far been met with a lack of interest from city officials, who say that changing a street name is too much work.

I can see how this man's problem would be met with a certain lack of interest. I would like to have my life's problems reduced to the "such a hassle" of this guy's, though. I do so hope that if they decide to change it, they change it to "Fanny St.," which is a woman's name, albeit an archaic one. Serve the guy right. :)

el pres
11-27-2005, 02:10 PM
The gay area of Manchester is called Canal Street.
People always steal or paint over the C and the S.