View Full Version : This Year's Hottest Xmas Toy Item so far

11-25-2005, 11:54 PM

Commericals are still running for it but can't find one anywhere at any on line stores, don't know about brick and mortar

It's a (kind of cute) Stuffed Monster that kids can draw on and then it can be washed and the monster is good as new
Comes in 3 different colors with different facial expressions

I've already managed to order one for my son but it could be this years can't get must have item for kids

11-26-2005, 02:45 AM
I remember tearing Louisville, Kentucky, apart looking for a "Blueberry Buckle," a pal of "Strawberry Shortcake the 1st." (As opposed to the current reissue.) I never could find one, so one of my daughters was a tad bummed on Christmas, but only a tad. She appreciated that her parents nearly went insane looking for the damned thing.

That's one aspect of my younger days I definitely *don't* miss: having a kid that falls in love with "that special something" that every other kid on the planet has fallen in love with.

11-26-2005, 04:22 AM

Commericals are still running for it but can't find one anywhere at any on line stores, don't know about brick and mortar

It's a (kind of cute) Stuffed Monster that kids can draw on and then it can be washed and the monster is good as new
Comes in 3 different colors with different facial expressions

I've already managed to order one for my son but it could be this years can't get must have item for kids

you are discovering the toy industries dirty little secret and answer to "how do you prolong christmas sales into january and february. its not an accident that the hottest toys are in always in short supply. there are logistical limits to how many toys you can deliver, stock and sell right before christmas... all thats really needed is for parents to promise their kids that hot new toy of the year and they will buy it when its available.

11-26-2005, 08:26 AM
I'm the point in case

Have already secured a Doodle Monster for my son this year

I was hoping the Roboraptor wasn't going to be the hot toy of the year but but with what JR says that makes sense. Easier to make sure you get a $20 toy later that a $100+ toy

11-26-2005, 10:41 AM
Same thing with the Xbox360.

People were camping out for days for one.

The Premium editions are selling on ebay for $1200.

11-26-2005, 11:51 AM
Same thing with the Xbox360.

People were camping out for days for one.

The Premium editions are selling on ebay for $1200.

Luckily, I never had to deal with this.

Or to be more precise, I never had to say "Oh, yeah? Well how 'bout Santa brings you a good smack up'side the head this year???"

The only $1200 "toy" I'd ever buy my kid would have a transmission. He could bring the car up to what he wanted in the garage with money from his JOB.

11-26-2005, 01:44 PM
I have pleasant dreams of bonfires made of Cabbage Patch Kids, Strawberry Shortcake, and My Little Fucking Ponies.

Just for kicks, about once a year I mention the name of a little girl that used to hang out with my middle daughter (now 28). She goes off on a rant that would make a sailor gasp in awe at the creative use of obscene words. She is still pissed off at this chick, who she belives stole her Cabbage Patch Kid when she was nine.

11-26-2005, 02:15 PM
I have pleasant dreams of bonfires made of Cabbage Patch Kids, Strawberry Shortcake, and My Little Fucking Ponies.

Just for kicks, about once a year I mention the name of a little girl that used to hang out with my middle daughter (now 28). She goes off on a rant that would make a sailor gasp in awe at the creative use of obscene words. She is still pissed off at this chick, who she belives stole her Cabbage Patch Kid when she was nine.

Ah, yes....those childhood grudges hold strong even into adulthood. :)

I remember a little girl standing in front of me, quivering with rage, tears in her eyes, because one of her friends had just said her Cabbage Patch doll wasn't "real." Ooooh, boy.... I just gave her "the look" and said "of course she's real, you can see her, can't you?" My daughter nodded firmly and stalked back into the bedroom. To my imaginitive child, "Brittany" was very, very real. I imagine some harsh talk was unleashed on that unfortunate, reality based friend. (the little bitch...oops...sorry....)

11-27-2005, 05:29 PM
I'm probably going to get the name wrong (since I don't buy kids toys) but there's these dolls that I think are called the Brat Girls that's supposed to be hot.

Unfortunately it's about shallow skinny babes who overly wear makeup, like Bling and partying. It's what I call the Paris Hilton role-model for little girls line. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/sad.gif

Scarily it so reminds me of what South Park did a full year ago with the Slut Baby Whore Dolls and Makeup Kit ... It very much reminds me of that. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/sad.gif

11-27-2005, 09:37 PM
I'm probably going to get the name wrong (since I don't buy kids toys) but there's these dolls that I think are called the Brat Girls that's supposed to be hot.

Unfortunately it's about shallow skinny babes who overly wear makeup, like Bling and partying. It's what I call the Paris Hilton role-model for little girls line. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/sad.gif

Scarily it so reminds me of what South Park did a full year ago with the Slut Baby Whore Dolls and Makeup Kit ... It very much reminds me of that. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/sad.gif

Anyone with daughters knows the horror that is the Bratz collection. Not only are they at the top of most little girls' lists, but they aren't exactly cheap either (once you've bought all the fucking costumes, accessories, music stage, boyfriendz, carz, etc.). It's total insanity...and goddess forbid I try to sneak a cheap ass Taiwan-produced knockoff into the mix...my father's day cards will be "lost" for many years to come.