View Full Version : Question about digital cameras

11-24-2005, 03:46 PM
Not sure if anyone here will be familiar with this segment of the market but
am looking for an inexpensive digital camera for my 4.5 year young son for Xmas

He enjoyed taking pictures with a disposable camera on our last vacation and think digital is the next step

Kids digital cameras are absolute pieces of junk (see Kidz Digital Camera)

Want to keep it around $100 for the camera (if something happens then it's not that big a deal). If he likes it and uses it we can go for something better next year

Thinking about the Kodak 4 MP EasyShare CD40 Digital Camera as it looks pretty easy to use and the features are ok for the price

any suggestions or input is greatly appreciated

11-24-2005, 08:29 PM
Hey Vick :)

My daughter (14) has one of those and it is pretty simple to operate and takes good pics.

It is over at her Mom's house so I don't have it in front of me to see if I thought it was simple enough for a 4 year old or not, however, if you are like me then he has been on a computer since he could sit up and it is probably not past him.... :)

11-24-2005, 11:20 PM
Much Thanks sarettah
Yeah he is computer and now (getting) game friendly
Some times he exhibits an amazing intellect and some days he is still a 4 year old

The #1 thing on the list this year is a Roboraptor

Went to Radio Shack last night to play with one and to see how durable it is. It's pretty cool, can't even begin to get into the features and functions
Looks like Father Christmas will be leaving a Roboraptor under the tree

Still going back and forth about the camera due to interest level and usability for a 4 year old
Taking pics on vacation is one thing, having available on a daily basis is another

Got a feeling it will make it under the tree too

11-24-2005, 11:39 PM
Sounds like a great gift! :)

I've got a Fujifilm A345 4.1 Megapixel, no idea what its price is, but its very simple & easy enough to use, I'm sure a bright 4.5 yr old could figure it out easily enough, I managed to figure it out & I'm rather dense when it comes to things like digital cameras lol




As you can see from the back view, its pretty simple to navigate... :) The instruction manual is also very user friendly & easy to follow, looks like its around $114

11-25-2005, 12:10 AM
Much thanks Sin

I've have to compare functions, features, compatibilities and available additional equipment