View Full Version : What was your Break Through Moment?

11-24-2005, 02:49 PM
Reliving the past is always fun... :)

What do you consider your 'Break Through' moment? The moment when you realized, 'Hey I am/can do this for a living!'

Mine was when I was 18 years old, 1 month out of high school and Scott Phillips sent me a check for $5,000.00 ... I quit my job, came home and told my mom (who I was still living with) I had quit.. .She FRIEKED since I had just got a new $8,000 car loan she co-signed on.

I told her what I was doing for a living, man she frieked even more... I showed her the check from Scott for $5,000 - She never said another word - EVER :)

What's your story?

11-24-2005, 03:00 PM

I witnessed a similar incident when Redlion joined me in Vancouver as a Director of Whitcon in the very early days after dropping out of doing his Masters program.

We were in the office and he got a phonecall from his mum.

Evesdropping... LOL

I firstly realised he had not told her he had left college ( He must have been in BC for at least a week)
Then that he explained what he was doing.
( it was heated lol)
Then he mentioned his base salary pm ( prolly more than his family's yearly household income LOL) and all became calm and peaceful. LOL

Btw Redlion was one of the few Whitcon people that earned and deserved every single penny he made. Excellent devious , tricky inventive SE spammer of the highest level and a damn good friend.

el pres
11-24-2005, 03:09 PM
My first hun gallery on a free host
I had never made anything before.
Looked at the ones getting listed, took a few ideas from them.
Got listed and got 27 $35 signups with ARS in one day and thought fuck that. I'm gonna do more of this.

Ah those were the days...

11-24-2005, 03:45 PM
My first hun gallery on a free host
I had never made anything before.
Looked at the ones getting listed, took a few ideas from them.
Got listed and got 27 $35 signups with ARS in one day and thought fuck that. I'm gonna do more of this.

Ah those were the days...

If it was my one of my freehosts I prolly got 10 of your signups.

Sorry bout that....
