View Full Version : Thanksgiving Trivia Contest

11-24-2005, 10:33 AM
20 points for getting them all correct.

1. When was the first Thanksgiving celebration held?

2. What was the reason for holding a Thanksgiving celebration?

3. What was the name of the Wampanoag chief that was invited to the first Thanksgiving feast?

4. What was the name of the Pilgrim leader who invited the neighboring Wampanoag to the first Thanksgiving?

5. How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last?

6. Which president proclaimed the first "National Day of Thanksgiving"?

7. Even though Thanksgiving was observed most years, it was not an official holiday. What is the name of the woman credited with making Thanksgiving a national holiday?

8. Which president made the "National Day of Thanksgiving" a national holiday?

9. Who was the last president to change the date of the Thanksgiving holiday?

10. Who wanted to make the turkey the national bird of the United States of America?

11. What part of the turkey is used in a good luck ritual?

12. What drink did the Puritans bring with them in the Mayflower?

11-24-2005, 12:01 PM
Hmmmm... I think I know some of them but I am going to have to go visit google for a while on the rest :unsure:

11-24-2005, 12:14 PM
ummm I thought the real truth was whitey was starving to death and the Indians turned up and saved their asses , and in return whitey killed them.

11-24-2005, 12:17 PM
some chick lobbied for about 40 years and eventually lincoln declared it a national holiday.

11-24-2005, 01:28 PM
ummm I thought the real truth was whitey was starving to death and the Indians turned up and saved their asses , and in return whitey killed them.

That would be the Reader's Digest version. :)

11-24-2005, 01:55 PM
1) I can google
2) I think peace offering dinner between indians and settlers
3) I gave up.....

11-24-2005, 02:07 PM
1) I can google
2) I think peace offering dinner between indians and settlers
3) I gave up.....

Well then you are gonna fail Thanksgiving 101 I'm afraid...



11-24-2005, 03:04 PM
The Real Story of the First Thanksgiving
By Benjamin Franklin (1785)

“There is a tradition that in the planting of New England, the first settlers met with many difficulties and hardships, as is generally the case when a civiliz’d people attempt to establish themselves in a wilderness country. Being so piously dispos’d, they sought relief from heaven by laying their wants and distresses before the Lord in frequent set days of fasting and prayer. Constant meditation and discourse on these subjects kept their minds gloomy and discontented, and like the children of Israel there were many dispos’d to return to the Egypt which persecution had induc’d them to abandon.

“At length, when it was proposed in the Assembly to proclaim another fast, a farmer of plain sense rose and remark’d that the inconveniences they suffer’d, and concerning which they had so often weary’d heaven with their complaints, were not so great as they might have expected, and were diminishing every day as the colony strengthen’d; that the earth began to reward their labour and furnish liberally for their subsistence; that their seas and rivers were full of fish, the air sweet, the climate healthy, and above all, they were in the full enjoyment of liberty, civil and religious.

“He therefore thought that reflecting and conversing on these subjects would be more comfortable and lead more to make them contented with their situation; and that it would be more becoming the gratitude they ow’d to the divine being, if instead of a fast they should proclaim a thanksgiving. His advice was taken, and from that day to this, they have in every year observ’d circumstances of public felicity sufficient to furnish employment for a Thanksgiving Day, which is therefore constantly ordered and religiously observed.”


11-24-2005, 03:10 PM
ummm I thought the real truth was whitey was starving to death and the Indians turned up and saved their asses , and in return whitey killed them.

Whitey was a bunch of lazy assed, holier-than-thou shits who forgot to bring the "working class" with them and hence didn't know how to do a damned thing. They died like flies. The Indians basically said "they're complete idiots, but we're very nice people and can't just sit here and let the idiots starve to death" and brought them food.

Then whitey killed them.

The "second wave" of whiteys can't be blamed for "stealing land" as much as is generally thought. The small pox blankets had already gone through and decimated a population of millions. The second wave truly thought the land was unoccupied and therefore up for grabs.

11-24-2005, 05:12 PM
1. December of 1777

11-24-2005, 05:20 PM
3. Fast Turtle

11-24-2005, 05:21 PM
4. Susan

11-24-2005, 05:22 PM
I don't know more.... :/

11-25-2005, 07:58 AM
ok, here are the answers

1. When was the first Thanksgiving celebration held?
The Plymouth Pilgrims held their first Thanksgiving celebration in the fall of 1621.

2. What was the reason for holding a Thanksgiving celebration?
On December 11, 1620 the first Pilgrims (or Puritans, as they were initially known) landed at Plymouth Rock. By the fall of 1621, of the hundred or so passengers who had sailed on the Mayflower, only half were still alive. (Of these, only four were adult women and almost forty percent were children.) The survivors, thankful to be still alive, decided to give a feast.

3. What was the name of the Wampanoag chief that was invited to the first Thanksgiving feast?
His name was Massasoit. Some ninety Wampanoag tribesmen were present at the feast.

4. What was the name of the Pilgrim leader who invited the neighboring Wampanoag to the first Thanksgiving?
It was Governor William Bradford who invited them. The reason they were invited is because they were the ones who taught the Pilgrims to cultivate the land, thus making it possible for them to survive.

5. How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last?
It lasted three days (the celebration consisted of games as well as food).

6. Which president proclaimed the first "National Day of Thanksgiving"?
George Washington (in 1789 and then again in 1795).

7. Even though Thanksgiving was observed most years, it was not an official holiday. What is the name of the woman credited with making Thanksgiving a national holiday?
Sarah Josepha Hale, a magazine editor. She began her Thanksgiving campaign in 1827.

8. Which president made the "National Day of Thanksgiving" a national holiday?
On October 3, 1863 Abraham Lincoln issued a "Thanksgiving Proclamation" that made the last Thursday in November a national holiday. (Before that, the president had to make an annual proclamation naming the day when Thanksgiving was going to be held.)

9. Who was the last president to change the date of the Thanksgiving holiday?
President Franklin D. Roosevelt changed Thanksgiving to the Thursday before last (the reason was to make the Christmas shopping season longer and thus stimulate the economy)

10. Who wanted to make the turkey the national bird of the United States of America?
Benjamin Franklin, but he was opposed by Thomas Jefferson. Legend has it that Franklin then named the male turkey a "tom turkey" to spite Jefferson. (The female is called a "hen turkey" and the baby a "poult.")

11. What part of the turkey is used in a good luck ritual?
The wishbone.

12. What drink did the Puritans bring with them in the Mayflower?