View Full Version : Week of Fog...

11-24-2005, 03:04 AM
Went out to dinner with my coworker today because I was feeling lazy & didn't want to cook, and we got in a discussion about the weather.

My coworker has informed me before that he dislikes talking to me because I question pretty much everything he says and force him to actually think about what he's saying, whereas with most people they just smile nod & believe it all.

Anyways, we were talking about the Fog we're having over here on the island. The week of fog. Its been just over a week now I think actually, he was insisting he's never seen Fog this thick & I was pretty sure there's gotta be fog thicker than what we've got, out there... I tossed out Tofino as an example because surely being right on the Pacific there, they MUST get seriously thick banks of fog... but he insisted that yes they do get thicker (less visibility) fog in that regard, but the sun also comes up & burns the clouds away FAST. Here the fog sits.

...and sits

..and sits

and sits...

Its lifted occasionally in the mornings (somewhat) for an hour or two to let us all know its daylight out again and that yes the sun does still exist...

What's the mainland like? Are you guys fogged up too?

11-24-2005, 09:20 AM
I live in a perpetual state of fog :blink:

Through the fog.......

11-24-2005, 11:19 AM
Should live halfway up a mountain :)

Its so cool here.

Everyday we are about 100ft above the fog.

I've meant to get pictures it looks amazing.

the fog bank looks like water just below our house and we bask in bright sunshine.

Coming off the mountain its like "fuck it must suck to be one of the poor people and live down here"


11-24-2005, 11:56 AM
I live in a perpetual state of fog :blink: Consider moving then. :)

11-24-2005, 11:57 AM
Should live halfway up a mountain :)

Its so cool here.

Everyday we are about 100ft above the fog.

I've meant to get pictures it looks amazing.

the fog bank looks like water just below our house and we bask in bright sunshine.

Coming off the mountain its like "fuck it must suck to be one of the poor people and live down here"

;-))) I hate you all the more. ;)

11-24-2005, 11:58 AM
Consider moving then. :)

I move all the time, doesn't seem to clear it up though :blink:

11-24-2005, 03:30 PM
Should live halfway up a mountain :)

Its so cool here.

Everyday we are about 100ft above the fog.

I've meant to get pictures it looks amazing.

the fog bank looks like water just below our house and we bask in bright sunshine.

Coming off the mountain its like "fuck it must suck to be one of the poor people and live down here"


lol They haven't allowed building that far up our mountain yet... you've got more mountains to choose from.

11-24-2005, 03:33 PM
We also concluded that we are going to tell any gullible Americans we encounter that due to our being so far north, Gravity makes it harder for our trees to retain water once chopped down, so at Christmas time we have our tree holder bolted to the ceiling, and hang & decorate them upside down. It also makes it more spacially economic, for putting the presents underneath ;)

11-24-2005, 03:45 PM
I thought you said Week of the Frog...

Im kinda disapointed...

But I love fog... it's so dampening...

11-24-2005, 03:45 PM
I thought you said Week of the Frog...

Im kinda disapointed...

But I love fog... it's so dampening...

LOL...good self burn

for a frenchman