View Full Version : Mainstream affiliate programs... Are we insane or are they?

11-23-2005, 09:38 AM
They really need to get their shit together :mad:

"As seen on TV"
I signed up with their program to co-brand a site I wanted to build. Immediately I got declined because I didn't supply a website to show them the context of the site I was going to use them on. Ok, understandable… so I call them up and explain to them that I plan on building the site around all of their products, which is why I have nothing to show beforehand, other then the URL.

The guy tells me to put up a splash page, just to give him an idea of what the site will be like and also tells me that they don’t allow affiliates to use their images of the products, due to legal reasons. He does tell me I can use my own images of the products, just as long as they don’t come from their site, ok fine... a little extra work, no big deal.

I get the splash page done (http://www.seen-it-on-tv.com) A week goes by, no word from him. I call them up yesterday to find out the status, the new guy I talk to tells me he declined the application because I am using their product images. I explained to him that I didn’t get the images from “their” site and that the other guy I talked to said it was ok as long as I didn’t. Apparently I have to take my own pictures of their products to promote them??

Unfortunately I have been using them for a long time now, since they are the only site that has everything in one place. I send them a decent amount of sales from my celebrity sites, usually around 150-300 sales a quarter. Their earning tier structure is completely outrageous!!! To get their highest earning percentage of 7.25% you have to send 9401+ sales in a quarter???

Either these mainstream programs are insane or our adult market is, I’m not sure… I just can’t understand how they can payout and help their affiliates so little.

…/rant :)

el pres
11-23-2005, 09:50 AM
With regard to amazon, they work on a very low markup, so a higher payout is not doable unless you can send them 9401+ sales, they probably make the same % on the sale.

Adult site are priced for a huge kickback to the affiliate.

With the other site.. fuck em..:)

11-23-2005, 10:24 AM
I know that I have been very surprised by the stuff I see when I go sign up for mainstream sponsors.

Lots of them insist of using their banners from their site, no changing creative etc. Which is cool, I have no problem with using their bandwidth, but seems about 90% of the time their fucking banner doesn't come in. Something they need to learn quick is that if you are going to host your advertising, you better keep the fucking server up.

Then a whole lot of them only want to deal with established sites with proven traffic. Now I can totally understand this from their perspective but if you are just setting up your first couple of mainstream sites, you might not have proven traffic yet. If you expect that I am going to go change my whole site around 6 months in just to accomodate you as a sponsor, you got another think coming :blink:

11-23-2005, 11:07 AM
Mainstream is a pain in the fucking ass....

That said if you can deal with the bs you can make big money I am sure.

11-23-2005, 11:10 AM
The best thing about mainstream is they can't / don't shave you :)

11-23-2005, 11:21 AM
Try these www.adreporting.com www.linkshare.com

11-23-2005, 11:30 AM
Try these www.adreporting.com www.linkshare.com

Yeah I'm on LinkShare already, they're a pain in the ass aswell.

11-23-2005, 12:04 PM
The best thing about mainstream is they can't / don't shave you :)

Heh, thats what you think. Maybe Amazon doesn't, but do you seriously think
none of the other slightly smaller companies wont?

11-23-2005, 01:02 PM
As much as everyone likes to believe that the online adult industry is unique, both the pricing/commission/profit margins you see for the adult and mainstream webs have their brick and mortar counterparts.

The only thing unique about the adult internet is that it is relatively new.

You'll find that a great many brick-and-mortar suppliers are positively anal about how their products are marketed - right down to telling you the size of the print, acceptable font(s), type of paper and brand of ink that must be used in the production of promotional materials.

11-23-2005, 01:23 PM
Yeah I'm on LinkShare already, they're a pain in the ass aswell. Use Revenue Gateway (http://revenuegateway.directtrack.com/signup/CD30). They're run by ... "people we know". ;)

11-23-2005, 01:25 PM
Heh, thats what you think. Maybe Amazon doesn't, but do you seriously think
none of the other slightly smaller companies wont?

Small companies ..hell ya they'll shave ya!!


11-23-2005, 01:27 PM
Use Revenue Gateway (http://revenuegateway.directtrack.com/signup/CD30). They're run by ... "people we know". ;)

That site is fucked for me.

Whose is it?

edit:ahhh went to the index..I think I know ...lol

11-23-2005, 01:46 PM

See though? Can I get the owners of LinkShare or CJ.com in ICQ and scream at them about it? Nope.