View Full Version : Fan Signs.......

11-22-2005, 11:06 PM
What's the deal ?

Ok, I understand if a model makes fan signs for their affiliates. That makes sense.

But, I look through fan sign threads on other boards and all sorts of folks that you know don't have links to adult sites from their pages ask for fan signs, basically to decorate their sites. I understand why these folks would ask for them. I fail to understand why any model would provide their pic to a site to use as content when that site isn't sending traffic.

Am I missing something ?


11-22-2005, 11:10 PM
Nope, you aren't missing anything. I always wondered the same thing, but I know I would cherish a sarettah fan sign. It would make my life complete.

11-22-2005, 11:14 PM

I don't know about others, but for me, if some girls do a fansign and I'm not an affiliate, I'll make sure I am once I've got the fansign.

11-22-2005, 11:46 PM
Personally speaking, were I the model, I'd not do a fansign unless I saw an affiliate code for my program.

Then again, I'm a bitch.

11-22-2005, 11:59 PM
I know I would cherish a sarettah fan sign. It would make my life complete.

Someday you will learn to be careful what you ask for.....


I even did my kissy face :yowsa:

11-23-2005, 12:10 AM
Someday you will learn to be careful what you ask for.....


I even did my kissy face :yowsa:


that will keep him and his goats warm.


monkeys down here in panama would get scared though LOL

11-23-2005, 12:16 AM
Someday you will learn to be careful what you ask for.....


I even did my kissy face :yowsa:

HAHAHA you are a crazy mother fucker hahaha.....I just shot a mouthful of beer out my nose! I guess deserved it.

11-23-2005, 12:49 AM
You're lucky.

I considered giving you an ass shot :yowsa:

Well, that's it for me tonight. It's off to bed and split Jen in half time (again) :waving:

11-23-2005, 12:59 AM
Someday you will learn to be careful what you ask for.....


I even did my kissy face :yowsa:


11-23-2005, 01:05 AM
OMG! Hahahahahahahaaha that was perfect! I nearly choked on my food!

11-23-2005, 01:06 AM
Can I have one too?

11-23-2005, 01:55 AM
Okay you now owe me a roll of paper towels and some Windex to clean off my monitor... it's decorated in iced tea! *two thumbs up*

11-23-2005, 02:16 AM




I'm blind!!!!!!

I,, freaing blin3d! Hloep! :wacko:

11-23-2005, 06:32 AM
The hottest fan sign I've seen by far! LOL

11-23-2005, 06:54 AM
You really are one crazy son-uva-bitch Sare, points for that :wnw:

11-23-2005, 07:19 AM
ahahahaha Fucking superb Sarettah .. I just spat frosties over the keyboard .. :okthumb:

11-23-2005, 07:23 AM
ahahahaha Fucking superb Sarettah .. I just spat frosties over the keyboard .. :okthumb:

Good morning!

11-23-2005, 07:27 AM
Wish the sign had been bigger. :(

11-23-2005, 08:01 AM
Wish the sign had been bigger. :(

Here ya go Lisa ;)


11-23-2005, 08:05 AM

Not the picture...the SIGN!

Jeez... :(

11-23-2005, 08:24 AM
Is this better:

11-23-2005, 08:34 AM
Poor Sarettah lol

11-23-2005, 08:35 AM
Sensational, thank you. :)

I just may make that one my wallpaper. ;)

11-23-2005, 09:25 AM
Wish the sign had been bigger. :(


Ok.. I will remember this one. :okthumb:


11-23-2005, 09:27 AM
Can I have one too?

lolololololololol......I will find out of Jen will approve that one when I get home from work tonight :)

What do you want it to say and more importantly, where will it end up at ? :rolleyes:

el pres
11-23-2005, 09:57 AM
Damn, and I thought John Holmes was dead..
Nope he's in hiding in Kansas.


11-23-2005, 10:17 AM
Well, Helix's request kind of hijacked the thread :hmm:

But, now that I see all of your reactions, I have to ask:

What's so damn funny ????

Dudes, you would pay good money to see Ron Jeremy do this shit (or John Holmes or Tommy Lee or John Denver)........ :mad:

11-23-2005, 10:24 AM
Well, Helix's request kind of hijacked the thread :hmm:

But, now that I see all of your reactions, I have to ask:

What's so damn funny ????

Dudes, you would pay good money to see Ron Jeremy do this shit (or John Holmes or Tommy Lee or John Denver)........ :mad:
It wasn't the request that hijacked the thread, it was the fact you fulfilled it that hijacked the thread. :p

11-23-2005, 10:25 AM
It wasn't the request that hijacked the thread, it was the fact you fulfilled it that hijacked the thread. :p

Hey, on Oprano, you usually get what you asked for (you just might not recognize it. Kind of like when you ask God for stuff, ya know?) :rolleyes:

edited in: and this goes back to our previous discussion. Every action produces an equal and opposite, ya know.

Action: Helix's request.
Reaction: My fulfilling it.

Since Helix initiated the action, it is all his fault (nanny nanny boo boo, no tag backs) :yowsa:

11-23-2005, 10:41 AM
MagnaRX - Thanks!! :okthumb:

11-23-2005, 12:49 PM
I never knew they made flesh colored PlayDoe before! :o

11-23-2005, 12:59 PM
When I can untangle various internal organs that tried to crawl into my lungs just at the very idea...I'll think of a pithy comment for that, sarettah. :blink:

11-23-2005, 01:10 PM
I never knew they made flesh colored PlayDoe before! :o

Ok, let's examine facts.

helix made his request at 11:10 (as the time shows up for me).
I posted the pic at 11:59 so 49 minutes later.
Let's suppose that I saw Helix's post right after it was made (which I din't)
Let's suppose I wasted absolutely no time at all deciding to post the picture.

So, that would give me 49 minutes max to:

1. Construct a play doh dick with detail that looks pretty lifelike.
2. Get with my photographer to come take the pic.
3. Make the fan sign.
4. Get the pic taken.
5. Move the pic from the camera card to my computer.
6. Color/brightness/balance correct the pic.
7. Optimize the pic for the web.
8. Upload the pic to my server.
9. Post the pic.

Sorry, that is pretty quick work, even for me. Step 1 alone would have taken me hours. So, try again Drav :okthumb:

In actuality it went like this....

Made the original post. went and did some work.

Came back to the board at some point and saw that Helix had posted.
Typed in a snide reply to Helix but killed it because my brain all of a sudden went "Why not?"
Angsted back and forth over whether to do the pic just for the shits and grins of it for a while.
Finally decided, what the hey.
Got with Jen (who was busy) and asked her to bring the camera downstairs when she got a few minutes.
Made the fan sign.
Waited for Jen, read the board, hund out for a little.
Jen cam down.
I posed.
Jen snapped a couple of pics. We looked at the results in the LCD.
I reposed.
Jen snapped a few more pics.
Jen went back upstairs, pulled the card from the camera, placed it in her card reader and placed the images on the network for me to grab.
I scanned through the images real quick, decided which one looked best.
I pulled the image into superjpg, gave a quick crop to get rid of wasted space and shrank it to web size.
I uploaded it to the server.
I made my post back to Helix.


11-23-2005, 01:14 PM
Too much explanation, Sare. You blew it. :p

11-23-2005, 01:18 PM
Too much explanation, Sare. You blew it. :p

Ok, you give me a time line where your explanation makes sense...

11-23-2005, 01:34 PM
Ok, you give me a time line where your explanation makes sense... No, no, no, no.

You have a cock long enough to part your hair with!! (.... if you had any.)

I bow out gracefully before you start pointing that damned thing at me. :blink:

11-23-2005, 01:35 PM
This thread is wrong on SOOOOOOO many levels.... :(

11-23-2005, 01:42 PM
You have a cock long enough to part your hair with!!

Nah, it's not that long. I can't even self fellate since I hurt my back :blink:

11-23-2005, 01:50 PM
Nah, it's not that long. I can't even self fellate since I hurt my back :blink: Awww. So sorry to hear that. :(

Well at least you can still GFY!!! :lillpeppe

11-23-2005, 01:54 PM
Awww. So sorry to hear that. :(

Well at least you can still GFY!!! :lillpeppe

Nah, it don't bend like that :unsure:

11-23-2005, 01:55 PM
practically free promo. what's not to understand?

11-23-2005, 01:57 PM
Nah, it don't bend like that :unsure: Southern slope? So you can till your garden then?

11-23-2005, 01:59 PM
practically free promo. what's not to understand?

If it has the girls url on it, yes it would be, but most don't.

In many cases, from what I see, the girls are in essence providing free content top sites that are not giving anything back.