View Full Version : Last Night (Saturday)

11-20-2005, 07:53 PM
Was the culmination of 2 months of planning.

I attended a surprise party for a good friend, she turns 30 on Tuesday (which also happens to be Jen's birthday) so this was a "milestone" party.

The planning started one evening after work, we were all sitting in a bar and someone brought up the fact that it was her 3oth coming up. We first needed a theme. Since she laughs at every little fart or poop joke we decided on a theme of POOP.

We obtained brown baloons, made all sorts of piles of fake poop (expansion foam and brown paint makes a mean little poop pile), fashioned an outhouse door to be the entrance to the backyard heated tent (smoking area) and invented games such as "toss the turd", "pin the poop on the toilet", "poopardy" (fashioned after Jeapardy) and CRAPPO (fashioned after bingo). For food we decided on chocolate covered bananas (poop on a stick) and various other delights that could be fashioned to appear to be poop.

To cover the planning, we told HER that there was going to be a surprise party for my 50th that night and that it was going to ba clown themed party. She bought it hook line and sinker.

So, we set up last night around 6pm, she shows up at 7:00 in a complete clown outfit (to add to the misery when she called to say she was on her way we asked her to stop for ice which she did in her clown outfit)...

It turned into a great party. We had toilet paper streamers, poop piles everywhere, all sorts of presents with a poop or "number 2" theme...

It was hilarious :))))

11-20-2005, 07:54 PM
So it was the people who attended who were the party poopers? :blink:

LOL! Sounds like fun, Sarettah! :)

11-20-2005, 07:56 PM
I hope someone brought some good shit :)

11-20-2005, 08:25 PM
Best part of it was the lead in though :)

We had her so convinced that she was going to a surprise party for me that on Friday when I announced loudly at work "If anyone even tries to pull a surprise party for me I will kick their fucking asses" she ended up (found this out after the fact) getting all worried that I would be totally pissed about the party...lolololol...

Getting her to wear the clown costume was so good :)

This is the point atwhich she was figuring out what was up:


11-20-2005, 08:39 PM
That sounds like it was a lot of fun. I love being able to pull off a good surprise party on someone.

11-21-2005, 06:46 AM
Sounds like you guys had an excellent time, trust you to come up with the idea for a scat party though. :)