View Full Version : voodooman I'd like your opinion on the war on drugs

11-18-2005, 01:41 PM
I'm just curious as to where you stand on the war on drugs. It seems that you might work in the narcotics area of law enforcement and i'm curious as to how many in that division are true "drug warrior" believers and how many do that job but aren't total "hawks" about the war on drugs.

11-18-2005, 01:57 PM
Touchy subject but I will say this first. It provides me with job security.

Here in the city I live in we have 5 K-9 units available to us 2 of them being City property or officers. In the county there are probably around 10 K-9's.

Now we have that many interdiction officers PLUS a narcotics unit that soley look for drugs. Every rookie that walks through the front doors of the PD wants to work drug interdiction, but its a art. It takes more than just a dog to find drugs.
Drugs will ALWAYS be around so I believe the term 'War on Drugs' was designed to not only make the public think that the gov is doing something, but to further cloud their minds as to what the gov really IS doing about it. As for how many here are true warriors, well, One of the Highway Patrol Special Ops troopers recently recieved an award for most dope taking off the streets in Oklahoma. So far this year he has got 3.7 million in cash, 100 pounds of coke, 6000+ pounds of weed, 113 pounds of meth and some other drugs. He is a walking K-9. Other than him there are probably only 3 that are true drug interdiction officers.

11-18-2005, 02:03 PM
One of the Highway Patrol Special Ops troopers recently recieved an award for most dope taking off the streets in Oklahoma. So far this year he has got 3.7 million in cash, 100 pounds of coke, 6000+ pounds of weed, 113 pounds of meth and some other drugs. He is a walking K-9. Other than him there are probably only 3 that are true drug interdiction officers.

I'd sooo be doing the...

"hmmm , how about I take half the money and half the drugs and walk out of here and we forget I was even here?"


11-18-2005, 02:04 PM
I'd sooo be doing the...

"hmmm , how about I take half the money and half the drugs and walk out of here and we forget I was even here?"


Believe you me, thats the only way a cop will make any money.

FOR THE RECORD. I would never do anything like that though.


11-18-2005, 02:24 PM
Thanks for the reply.

I'm rather up front that I think the "war on drugs" is a colossal waste of money. I have a VERY libertarian view of drugs, as well as most social issues for that matter, in that I don't believe it's the governments place to even be having a "drug war" going on. Overall I think it has actually done more harm than good to the country. I especially think that is the case when it comes to the constitution which, IMHO, the courts have completely rendered the 4th amendment worthless when it comes to drugs and alcohol.

I'm certainly no fan of high level drug dealers who put cops like you at risk every day you are on the job. I just think the governments approach actually makes your jobs tougher and less safe than they should be and keeps them in power. Just my 2 cents.