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11-18-2005, 10:37 AM
Thank you.

That meant alot. :)

Especially today, when I've got the weight of an angst ridden 6'2" 18 year old on my shoulders, wondering wtf I did wrong as a mom to give him such a snarly attitude on life.

11-18-2005, 02:31 PM
Thank you.

That meant alot. :)

Especially today, when I've got the weight of an angst ridden 6'2" 18 year old on my shoulders, wondering wtf I did wrong as a mom to give him such a snarly attitude on life.

Nope. You didn't do a damned thing wrong. He's 18. That's the "snarly attitude on life" age. He'll get over himself. They always do. I remember an 18 year old or two that made me want to scream until my eyes bleed. They have magically morphed into young adults with whom I will gladly spend time.

That's actually what I'm doing today, tomorrow and most of Sunday. :clapping:
I heard a sound in the middle of the night, got up, and discovered that two of my daughters had driven down a day early as a surprise. :okthumb: Natually, I stayed up and we talked incessantly. :)

Just keep saying to yourself "don't throttle the miserable, self-absorbed idiot...you'll miss the wonderful adult into which he will eventually turn."

Trust me. My kids are 33, 26 and 24. They get along great with each other and with my husband and me. :)

The 24 year old is also very grateful she didn't murder her 26 year old sister and stuff her body into a dumpster, which had been her dream for years. They now live together and are the best of friends.

All you can do is your best. Childhood, and teenagerhood, suck - for everybody. No matter how hard you try there will be things you'll look back on and say "I wish I'd done this differently." But one of the hardest things you'll have to face is your own limitations. He's angst ridden because he's 18, not because you're his mother. (Really. Ask around to other mothers of 18 year olds. Theirs are, too.) You didn't break it and you can't fix it. You can only be their to listen, advise when asked and hope for the best.

He'll grow up. They always do. *hugs* :)