View Full Version : One thing Oprano needs

11-17-2005, 02:49 PM
More Republicans and more Bush supporters.


They are all very quiet these days.

11-17-2005, 02:58 PM
You are certainly correct. There has been politics talk lately but it's been pretty one sided for the most part with the disagreements generally being in slight degrees rather than the polar opposites you'd get with more republicans/conservatives.

11-17-2005, 03:41 PM
Bush supporters are hard to come by these days. Even Republicans are jumping ship.

From CNN:
(CNN) -- Beset with an unpopular war and an American public increasingly less trusting, President Bush faces the lowest approval rating of his presidency, according to a national poll released Monday.


11-17-2005, 03:41 PM
You are certainly correct. There has been politics talk lately but it's been pretty one sided for the most part with the disagreements generally being in slight degrees rather than the polar opposites you'd get with more republicans/conservatives.

You say that like it's a bad thing. :hmm:

I, for one, am grateful not to have the "duck and cover" drills.

11-17-2005, 03:44 PM
i think the mike ai and mini mike ai's or mini AI's

scared a lot of people.

11-17-2005, 03:58 PM
After all the testerone-pumped, chest-thumping, supremely righteous, down right nauseating, holier-than-thou back-patting, maniacal smirking clamourfest everyone had to endure for months on end when Dubya was re-elected ... it's little wonder these very same ultra-right big-mouthed pundits are all playing ostrichs-with-Alzheimer's now.


11-17-2005, 04:03 PM
Bush supporters are hard to come by these days. Even Republicans are jumping ship.

From CNN:
(CNN) -- Beset with an unpopular war and an American public increasingly less trusting, President Bush faces the lowest approval rating of his presidency, according to a national poll released Monday.


Ya know, sometimes doing the right things for the right reasons is not the way to get popular :hmm:

Evil Chris
11-17-2005, 04:05 PM
I wish Ann Coulter would join Oprano just so I could bitch slap her on a daily basis.


11-17-2005, 04:06 PM
Ya know, sometimes doing the right things for the right reasons is not the way to get popular :hmm: And what does this have to do with Bush?

11-17-2005, 04:06 PM
I wish Ann Coulter would join Oprano just so I could bitch slap her on a daily basis.

hahahaha....I'll tag team with ya! :yowsa:

11-17-2005, 04:09 PM
You say that like it's a bad thing. :hmm:

I, for one, am grateful not to have the "duck and cover" drills.

I LOVE talking abou the two things people say you aren't supposed to talk about. Politics and religion. They are two of the most interesting topics for discussion there is and always brings out lively debate. Aside from the enjoyment lively debates bring eyeballs. Eyeballs are good. :)

Speaking of talking about religion.. I addressed a question to ya in the religion thread and you must've missed it cause you always reply. :>))

11-17-2005, 04:13 PM
I wish Ann Coulter would join Oprano just so I could bitch slap her on a daily basis.


Send her an e-mail.

---------------Copy and paste between lines-------------

Dear Ms Coulter,

Please come to Oprano.com so we can bitch-slap you on a dialy basis in political discourse.

Warmest regards,

Evil Chris


11-17-2005, 04:14 PM
You say that like it's a bad thing. :hmm:

I, for one, am grateful not to have the "duck and cover" drills.

If you research it you will find that you are actually safer now then you have ever been in your lifetime

11-17-2005, 04:17 PM
And what does this have to do with Bush?

Well, he is being beat up all over the place when all he's actually doing is what needs to be done but that noone else wants to admit needs to be done.

el pres
11-17-2005, 04:17 PM
Send her an e-mail.

---------------Copy and paste between lines-------------

Dear Ms Coulter,

Please come to Oprano.com so we can bitch-slap you on a dialy basis in political discourse.

Warmest regards,

Evil Chris


You missed the

P.S I am a Canadian and therefore a communist..

Evil Chris
11-17-2005, 04:19 PM
Send her an e-mail.

---------------Copy and paste between lines-------------

Dear Ms Coulter,

Please come to Oprano.com so we can bitch-slap you on a dialy basis in political discourse.

Warmest regards,

Evil Chris

--------------------------------------------------------She has her own board at anncoulter.com

She's such a twat. LOL
They probably ban those nasty "liberals".

Evil Chris
11-17-2005, 04:21 PM
You missed the

P.S I am a Canadian and therefore a communist..but of course! :okthumb:

11-17-2005, 04:34 PM
If you research it you will find that you are actually safer now then you have ever been in your lifetime

I wasn't talking about real life....I meant Oprano. :)

One of my oh-so-sadly-frequent smart-ass remarks that went :1thud:.

TE...I'll go find your question. :)

11-17-2005, 04:59 PM
Okay, I'll bite ...
Well, he is being beat up all over the place when all he's actually doing is what needs to be done but that noone else wants to admit needs to be done.
What exactly has he done that needed doing?

My list is simple. It has one item - he did invade Afghanistan.

That's proof that I'm an overly-generous liberal, though, because he didn't do the job right.

Other than that, his record, foreign or domestic, is the worst of any President in my lifetime. Ford, Carter and his own father accomplished more.

11-17-2005, 05:14 PM
Well, he is being beat up all over the place when all he's actually doing is what needs to be done but that noone else wants to admit needs to be done. You don't actually read your posts before you make them, do you? http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/hide.gif

Sorry, buddy!! I just had to use that line today, and your post screamed out my name!

11-17-2005, 05:17 PM
She's such a twat. LOL
They probably ban those nasty "liberals". She's a hawt twat though. And I suspect a closet lefty ...

I hear that while having sex instead of screaming out "Oh, God" she actually screams out "Oh, Darwin!"

11-17-2005, 05:26 PM
Okay, I'll bite ...

What exactly has he done that needed doing?

My list is simple. It has one item - he did invade Afghanistan.

That's proof that I'm an overly-generous liberal, though, because he didn't do the job right.

Other than that, his record, foreign or domestic, is the worst of any President in my lifetime. Ford, Carter and his own father accomplished more.

Well let's see. He cut taxes which is always a good thing to do. Put's more capital into circulation. Under him we have seen lower interest rates and more credit availability then in the 30 or 40 years prior to him.

Yes, he went into Afghanistan and then he proceeded to take an offensive against the rest of the middle eastern block and further he took it right into their territory.

Lololol....less effective than Ford or Carter, cmon PD even your liberal mind melt has not caused that much brain damage. And unlike Daddy, he didn't turn tail, he marched directly into satan's workshop (Baghdad) and kicked some fucking ass.

History will show him to be one of the most effective President's in the 2oth century. Before it's done, he will be more popular within the republican party than king god ronny ever was or will be.

11-17-2005, 05:35 PM
You're smoking your hemp pants again, aint'cha? :blink:

11-17-2005, 06:56 PM
You're smoking your hemp pants again, aint'cha? :blink:

Yaeh, I'm high. right.

Fucking libs want it both ways. They want to feel safe and protected and at the same time they want to have all the borders open for the rifraff to come in.

They want to make good money, they want to be able to be rich... Which means there better be low taxes.. But, at the same time, they want a super quality eductaion, free medical care, super good roads.

They don't want to kill motherfuckers that kill other people but they want to be able (at government expense of course) to kill a couple hundred thousand babies each year.

You want to see a lib become sane real quick. Have someone shoot their kid. Have their daughter come home pregnant and announce that she is gonna kill the baby. You will see libs jumping to the sane side of the death penalty issue and the abortion issue in a fucking second. And just so folks know, I am not Pro Life. I am Pro Sanity.

I get so tired of listening to the same liberal drivel over and over again. We finally have a sane administration, doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done and all they can do is whine about how Clinton got treated. Give me a fucking break please. :mad:

11-17-2005, 07:08 PM
Yaeh, I'm high. right. Good. Just as long as we both agree. :)

11-17-2005, 07:50 PM
Yaeh, I'm high. right.

Fucking libs want it both ways. They want to feel safe and protected and at the same time they want to have all the borders open for the rifraff to come in.

They want to make good money, they want to be able to be rich... Which means there better be low taxes.. But, at the same time, they want a super quality eductaion, free medical care, super good roads.

They don't want to kill motherfuckers that kill other people but they want to be able (at government expense of course) to kill a couple hundred thousand babies each year.

You want to see a lib become sane real quick. Have someone shoot their kid. Have their daughter come home pregnant and announce that she is gonna kill the baby. You will see libs jumping to the sane side of the death penalty issue and the abortion issue in a fucking second. And just so folks know, I am not Pro Life. I am Pro Sanity.

I get so tired of listening to the same liberal drivel over and over again. We finally have a sane administration, doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done and all they can do is whine about how Clinton got treated. Give me a fucking break please. :mad:

Out of the darkness, one or two nuggets of gold glimmer.

Many "liberals" would turn on a dime with a couple of the scenarios you drew. I'm not one of them, but I never hung a tag on myself. I despise labels and there are very few that I will accept. Someone else's definition of a "liberal" certainly isn't one of them.

A drunk driver killed my sweet, gentle, beloved cousin Michael. My Uncle, normally the most mild mannered of men, a true gentle soul, was watched carefully during the trial of the 19 year old girl that was driving the car that threw my cousins body about a hundred feet. My father was actually afraid that my Uncle would try and get into court and kill her. People do change when things hit home. Thankfully, my Uncle changed back, thanks to the being we called "cousin Libby." (Libby was a dog my Aunt got him. Libby required walking, feeding, care and was so lovable she brought my Uncle back into the realm of the living.) Up until that car hit my cousin I doubt my Uncle had ever had a harmful thought in his life. (He was the only one in my military family that *didn't* go career military.)

My stomach flipped at the thought of one of my daughter's becoming pregnant and wanting an abortion, and I'm solidly pro-choice. However, that would be *my* grandchild up for discussion here. What I would have to do is swallow what I felt and shut the hell up, because it would not be my place to say a damned word other than the supportive ones I'd utter to my daughter. I'd grieve for my lost grandchild in private. (Yes, I know damned well I'd do that. I would want desperately to lay out as an option "have the baby and your father and I would raise it," knowing how stupid and impossible that would be. We're too old to begin raising an infant and I'm too sick. I'd keep my mouth shut, but I imagine she'd see it in my eyes.) This is all imagination anyway, because my children are all adults living out on their own. When they lived at home, it would have been my responsibility to do what was best for my *child,* whatever that may have been.

But, my stomach did flip, and my Uncle did flip out...so I do see the points you're making, sarettah.

11-17-2005, 08:01 PM
Good. Just as long as we both agree. :)
I've seen it spelt in quite a few ways, but this is a new one for me :unsure:

Yaeh, I'm high.

11-17-2005, 08:05 PM
I've seen it spelt in quite a few ways, but this is a new one for me :unsure:

That's the "too many pints of grog Olde English" spelling. :)

Really. It is.

11-17-2005, 08:08 PM
That's the "too many pints of grog Olde English" spelling. :)

Really. It is.
Are you referring to "Spelt"?

It's still used here... um... here as in... where the language was born.... I'll use spelled next time if the Americans require it though :)

11-17-2005, 08:14 PM
here as in... where the language was born.... Born and died there, you mean. :whistling

11-17-2005, 08:15 PM
Born and died there, you mean. :whistling
Yo yo yo, you be rite wurd dawg ;)

11-17-2005, 08:20 PM
no wiggerisms please

11-17-2005, 08:33 PM
Are you referring to "Spelt"?

It's still used here... um... here as in... where the language was born.... I'll use spelled next time if the Americans require it though :)

As "spelt" is the past tense of a verb and "spelling" is a noun....I'd say, no, I'm not referring to "spelt." I was referring to the spelling used in "Yaeh."

You could look at it as backing up the shot you took at sarettah if you weren't being such a cunty Brit at the moment. :bleh01:

11-17-2005, 08:38 PM
As "spelt" is the past tense of a verb and "spelling" is a noun....I'd say, no, I'm not referring to "spelt." I was referring to the spelling used in "Yaeh."

You could look at it as backing up the shot you took at sarettah if you weren't being such a cunty Brit at the moment. :bleh01:
Ah, if it was about the spelling of Yaeh, try saying it out loud.

Then take the words: yay and yeyo and many others into account :)

11-17-2005, 08:44 PM
Typical tactics. Can't contribute to the conversation, so attack the spelling.


11-17-2005, 09:11 PM
Yaeh, I'm high. right.

Fucking libs want it both ways. They want to feel safe and protected and at the same time they want to have all the borders open for the rifraff to come in.

They want to make good money, they want to be able to be rich... Which means there better be low taxes.. But, at the same time, they want a super quality
eductaion, free medical care, super good roads.

They don't want to kill motherfuckers that kill other people but they want to be able (at government expense of course) to kill a couple hundred thousand babies each year.

You want to see a lib become sane real quick. Have someone shoot their kid. Have their daughter come home pregnant and announce that she is gonna kill the baby. You will see libs jumping to the sane side of the death penalty issue and the abortion issue in a fucking second. And just so folks know, I am not Pro Life. I am Pro Sanity.

I get so tired of listening to the same liberal drivel over and over again. We finally have a sane administration, doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done and all they can do is whine about how Clinton got treated. Give me a fucking break please. :mad:

I'll take one of those breaks you are requesting, too. The fecal content of that post fouled the pixels required to cause it to appear on screen so badly I've had to clean, defag, and perform exorcism on my monitor, so I'm tired.

Your arguements about immigration are as worn out as "Dravyk's balls" jokes. They have proven to be false since the time of the Know-Nothings. The same arguements have been made in every generation since the 1840s, and America seems to have thrived in spite of the doom and gloom predictions that don't stray far from a Know-Nothing tract the 1840s or a Klan pamphlet from the 1920s. Tain't no different this time.

Lower or higher taxes is only one of many factors that go into accumulating wealth. The reason it is getting more difficult to accumulate wealth is that it is becoming more and more concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. The taxation and commerce policies of this administration are designed to further that end.

No one has shot my kid, but people close to me have been killed by violence. Capital punishment cannot give me what I want - ten minutes in a room, with the perp tied to a chair and me equipped only with a small, dull pen knife. I know for a fact that not everyone changes their side when faced with the choice issue up close and personal. I suspect that there are far more pro-life hypocrites who have fewer grandbabies than they oughtta.

Yes, he went into Afghanistan and then he proceeded to take an offensive against the rest of the middle eastern block and further he took it right into their territory.

Lololol....less effective than Ford or Carter, cmon PD even your liberal mind melt has not caused that much brain damage. And unlike Daddy, he didn't turn tail, he marched directly into satan's workshop (Baghdad) and kicked some fucking ass.

History will show him to be one of the most effective President's in the 2oth century. Before it's done, he will be more popular within the republican party than king god ronny ever was or will be.
Hmmmm ... there are still a couple of Americans killed a month in Afghanistan, large areas of the country are more under the control of the Taliban than the government, NGOs can't operate to deliver relief, and the poppy crop is having a record year. That's success, George Bush style.

After Afghanistan, recognizing that we were attacked by Saudi Arabians, he attacked - Iraq. 2,070 American servicemen have died so far - approximately 1,900 of them after he declared victory. To paraphrase an old song - "Fools Rush in Where Daddy Feared to Tread" (and Daddy had about 2 1/2 the troops that Jr. did).

And as far as the final paragraph - George Bush will go down in history with famous Republican Presidents. He will eclipse some of the records for hatred set by Hoover.

11-17-2005, 09:15 PM
Ah, if it was about the spelling of Yaeh, try saying it out loud.

Then take the words: yay and yeyo and many others into account :)
I think the east coast boy has been in the midwest too long.

I believe that's from the Ozark hillbilly dialect, where they say it yee-ahh sometimes.

11-17-2005, 09:17 PM
The other thing that bothers me about Bush is his anti-conservation approach to things.

Before you know it, we will be facing another crisis in dealing with our natural racehorses.

11-17-2005, 09:56 PM
The other thing that bothers me about Bush is his anti-conservation approach to things.

Before you know it, we will be facing another crisis in dealing with our natural racehorses.

Ok Emily Litella......

Anticonservation ? I haven't seen any forests being torn down. Everybody is complaining about how the oil companies aren't increasing production, so, as far as I know there haven't been any new major pipelines built destroying mother nature and there sure haven't been too awful many new oil drills dug.

We started on the clean air/clean water programs back in '70 or so. I am sure you remember the days where you could walk across Lake Erie, when various major rivers in our country would all of a sudden catch fire. We had most of that cleaned up in an amazingly short period of time. All the doomsayers were saying Lake Erie was dead. Well, because of the stuff we put in in the 70's it was no longer true by the end of the seventies.

Almost all of our lakes and rivers are fishable, swimmable, drinkable and have been for many years. The only scaling back done by the administration was additional stuff that was put in place under Clinton. Most of it was designed to cost business money witout having any discernible impact.

Bush and Co didn't come in and say wipe it out, we don't need nature. They came in, identified that legislation that was costing lot's of money but producing no gain either ecologically or economically and they targetted it for repeal.

11-17-2005, 10:23 PM
Ok Emily Litella......

Anticonservation ? I haven't seen any forests being torn down. Everybody is complaining about how the oil companies aren't increasing production, so, as far as I know there haven't been any new major pipelines built destroying mother nature and there sure haven't been too awful many new oil drills dug.

We started on the clean air/clean water programs back in '70 or so. I am sure you remember the days where you could walk across Lake Erie, when various major rivers in our country would all of a sudden catch fire. We had most of that cleaned up in an amazingly short period of time. All the doomsayers were saying Lake Erie was dead. Well, because of the stuff we put in in the 70's it was no longer true by the end of the seventies.

Almost all of our lakes and rivers are fishable, swimmable, drinkable and have been for many years. The only scaling back done by the administration was additional stuff that was put in place under Clinton. Most of it was designed to cost business money witout having any discernible impact.

Bush and Co didn't come in and say wipe it out, we don't need nature. They came in, identified that legislation that was costing lot's of money but producing no gain either ecologically or economically and they targetted it for repeal.

The errosion in air quality/emisson standards allowed by some of Bush's de- and re-regulation goes much further back than the Clinton era.

The Clean Water Act accomplished a lot in some areas much quicker than anticipated, but arguing that the work was done by the end of the '70s is dead wrong.

The "pro-business" arguements ring kind of hollow. I've been around long enough to remember how the Clean Air Act was going to destroy the American economy. I've been around long enough to remember how the Clean Water Act was going to destroy the American economy. Oddly enough, the American economy has survived every piece of environmental legislation that was going to kill it. You would think they would learn a new line.

11-17-2005, 11:07 PM
The "pro-business" arguements ring kind of hollow. I've been around long enough to remember how the Clean Air Act was going to destroy the American economy. I've been around long enough to remember how the Clean Water Act was going to destroy the American economy. Oddly enough, the American economy has survived every piece of environmental legislation that was going to kill it. You would think they would learn a new line.

Nice twisting of the argument there PD :hmm: I didn't say that anything was killing the economy. What I said was that the regulations that were canned were ones that were ineffective meaning they were not and could not accomplish their goals in the manner that they were implemented. So, forcing companies to spend additional money on something that was not working was a waste. Instead, those companies have additional funds to find more ecologically friendly paths to their profits.

George W is an environmentalist. He owns the fucking Ponderosa for god's sake. He loves nature, you can tell by how much time he devotes to spending outdoors.

Sheez, you can call Dubya whatever you want but don't even try to paint him as anti environment. The environment hasn't had such a friendly administration since the days of Teddy Roosevelt.

11-18-2005, 12:25 AM
Nice twisting of the argument there PD :hmm: I didn't say that anything was killing the economy. What I said was that the regulations that were canned were ones that were ineffective meaning they were not and could not accomplish their goals in the manner that they were implemented. So, forcing companies to spend additional money on something that was not working was a waste. Instead, those companies have additional funds to find more ecologically friendly paths to their profits.

George W is an environmentalist. He owns the fucking Ponderosa for god's sake. He loves nature, you can tell by how much time he devotes to spending outdoors.

Sheez, you can call Dubya whatever you want but don't even try to paint him as anti environment. The environment hasn't had such a friendly administration since the days of Teddy Roosevelt.
That's a damned lie.

The most environmentally friendly President since Teddy Roosevelt is my least favorite president - Nixon. Clinton tried to do more for national parkland, but most of that progress has been overturned.

I will give credit where it is due - forestry management has improved, and should reduce the danger of massive fires over time. Whether that was done for environmental purposes, or because it was viewed as an in for lumber companies is open to debate.

The fact that GW owns some property upon which photo ops are conducted doesn't mean he is an environmentalist.

Hell's bells, there's even some criticism of his environmental policies from within his base - those religious fundamentalists who have not been bought out by the money changers and who take seriously the admonition to be stewards of the earth.

The effectiveness of the regulations that have been overturned is open to debate. I am skeptical of much of what is said by folks like the Sierra Club, but I cannot take seriously claims that an individual who dismisses virtually every practicing scientist today who believes in global warming is environmentally conscious, let alone friendly.

Besides - he has yet to make his stand on natural racehorses clear.

11-18-2005, 06:36 AM
Typical tactics. Can't contribute to the conversation, so attack the spelling.

You're pretty much on the money, but it's a matter of not wanting to contribute, as American politics (does such a thing exist) is so very boring. :)

11-18-2005, 09:59 AM
More Republicans and more Bush supporters.


They are all very quiet these days.

I'll be the token Republican, if one is needed.

Lifelong Republican, at that.

Evil Chris
11-18-2005, 10:56 AM
softwood lumber*cough*

11-18-2005, 11:31 AM
Bush supporters.



Almost everyone likes it trimmed or shaved