View Full Version : Titan vs Titanic

11-17-2005, 08:31 AM
You educated people may have known this, but since I am an ignorant hick, I did not, and I found it rather fascinating. The munchkin and I are reading a scholastic reader type of book called SOS Titanic. It's a mix of fact and fiction, rather like the movie.

Anyways, in the book, one of the passengers is freaked about the ship, because he thinks it is too much like a book he read 14 years ago. He is only on the Titanic to make his wife happy. The little scholastic book names the book that freaked him. It calls it Futility, and says it was written 14 years ago (from that time) about a ship called the Titan.

The boy wanted to know if there was really a book about that, so I googled it. Scroll to about the 2/3rs mark of this page, and look at the comparison. It's pretty damned eerie.


11-17-2005, 08:59 AM
There are lots of stories like that about the Titanic, which is in part why she remains such a facinating subject to this day.

I don't know how old your son is, but there are several books with awesome photos and drawings of the wreck as it was when discovered and great narration by Dr. Ballard, the man who led the team that found the ship.

11-17-2005, 09:24 AM
Anyways, in the book, one of the passengers is freaked about the ship, because he thinks it is too much like a book he read 14 years ago. He is only on the Titanic to make his wife happy. The little scholastic book names the book that freaked him. It calls it Futility, and says it was written 14 years ago (from that time) about a ship called the Titan.

The boy wanted to know if there was really a book about that, so I googled it. Scroll to about the 2/3rs mark of this page, and look at the comparison. It's pretty damned eerie.

Nope, I'd never heard about that.

Just looked. All I can say is ... "wow"!!

11-18-2005, 09:56 AM
There are lots of stories like that about the Titanic, which is in part why she remains such a facinating subject to this day.

I don't know how old your son is, but there are several books with awesome photos and drawings of the wreck as it was when discovered and great narration by Dr. Ballard, the man who led the team that found the ship.

It boggled my mind, that much is for sure. Of course, my mind is easily boggled. ;)

He's 9, and I think getting some additional books is a great idea, Grump. We've seen Ghost in the Abyss, and something else of that nature, but I'm pretty big on advocating reading.

Thanks for the idea :)

11-18-2005, 12:19 PM
I ran into that years ago ... some magazine did an article or a sidebar about oddities like that (the "Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln; Lincoln's secretary ..." kind of stuff).

It can get downright freaky when life imitates art ...