View Full Version : Piercings hot or not?

11-15-2005, 01:48 PM
I have my tongue pierced and my belly button! I find tongue piercings really HOT and fun! ;)

el pres
11-15-2005, 01:50 PM
Not for me, but never really played with any, that may change my opinion.

Evil Chris
11-15-2005, 01:59 PM
FB, yours are definitely HOT. :)

Some people go too far with piercings though.

11-15-2005, 02:06 PM
totally hot

11-15-2005, 02:15 PM
Tongue, ears, nipples, belly button and vaginal are hot, anything else is just a turn off for me...

11-15-2005, 02:46 PM
I have my nipple done, and I'm getting my clit done in the next few weeks.. I never used to like piercings but they grew on me, and I love them more now that I have one ;) I don't like the freaky ones, but I know the one on my nipple made it a million times more sensitive:)

11-15-2005, 02:51 PM
Pirecings have never been a turn on for me, but then I'm old.

To each their own.

11-15-2005, 03:07 PM
I've never been a big fan of piercings, with the exception of the earlobes. My daughters have matching eyebrow piercings, which I suppose is a sisterly thing to do.

One daughter is doing the "site design in exchange for tattoos" with her favorite tattoo and piercing shop. One of the piercings listed was a "monroe." I had to ask, of course. It's a piercing where a beauty mark would be. :blink:

I'd had to ask about "labret," too. Luckily, none of the piercings available at the shop involved genitalia. Those confound me. That takes trust to a place I just can't go....

11-15-2005, 03:08 PM
Piercings have never turned me on. I had someone with a tongue ring go down on me and found it more annoying than stimulating.

11-15-2005, 03:23 PM
I played poker on Saturday with a girl who had piercings on the top of her arm! I thought I had seed it all but this was new. She had matching bars a few inches above her wrist, it looked so weird and gross! Does anyone know what the name is for that?

11-15-2005, 03:26 PM
I played poker on Saturday with a girl who had piercings on the top of her arm! I thought I had seed it all but this was new. She had matching bars a few inches above her wrist, it looked so weird and gross! Does anyone know what the name is for that?

Hell the avatars on PP must be getting better! ;-)))

I'm with grump.

I'm old.They neither turn me off nor turn me on.

Excessive tatooes turn me off. Cause I always imagine the person with them at 70...lol

11-15-2005, 03:34 PM
Earrings are cool, but I normally find a lot of piercings as a turn-off .. prefer a g/f with no piercings ideally ..

11-15-2005, 03:42 PM
I played poker on Saturday with a girl who had piercings on the top of her arm! I thought I had seed it all but this was new. She had matching bars a few inches above her wrist, it looked so weird and gross! Does anyone know what the name is for that?

Yes that is gross, I didn't know you could even do that! :unsure: But then again some people find tongue pircings gross...

11-15-2005, 04:38 PM
Earrings are cool, but I normally find a lot of piercings as a turn-off .. prefer a g/f with no piercings ideally ..

:waving: I have only my ears pierced!

11-15-2005, 04:49 PM
Tongue, belly labia, HOT oh and on some girls the nose is cool but everything else is a big turn off for me.

11-15-2005, 04:54 PM
Tongue, belly labia, HOT oh and on some girls the nose is cool but everything else is a big turn off for me.
You can't say that you don't like her nipples to be pierced... can you? :unsure:

11-15-2005, 04:57 PM
You can't say that you don't like her nipples to be pierced... can you? :unsure:

Thats the BIGGEST turn off for me. I would rather see 20 hoops in her eyebrow rather than one on one nipple.

11-15-2005, 05:00 PM
Thats the BIGGEST turn off for me. I would rather see 20 hoops in her eyebrow rather than one on one nipple.
Interesting, each to their own though :)

11-15-2005, 05:01 PM
I thought I'd better post that Toni only has her ears and belly button pierced. That is all :)

11-16-2005, 12:22 AM
I vaguely remember seeing a Jackass episode where one of the guys had his butt cheecks pierced together. That would be a pretty cool piercing to get :p

11-16-2005, 02:27 AM
no thanks. I did have that chick who had two tats (no not two twats) and a tounge ring when my ex-gf and I were pissy (about a year ago, well one of those episodes), she was fun, but still looked a bit trashy to me. She gave me the best head I've ever had, but it wasn't because of the tounge ring. On a similar topic, tats.....it's like, when they are naked, they still aren't naked. Like they are stained with koolaid. A turnoff to me, at least.

11-16-2005, 02:52 AM
no thanks. I did have that chick who had two tats (no not two twats) and a tounge ring when my ex-gf and I were pissy (about a year ago, well one of those episodes), she was fun, but still looked a bit trashy to me. She gave me the best head I've ever had, but it wasn't because of the tounge ring. On a similar topic, tats.....it's like, when they are naked, they still aren't naked. Like they are stained with koolaid. A turnoff to me, at least.

Your STILL not over her? Build a bridge!

11-16-2005, 03:01 AM
Your STILL not over her? Build a bridge!

wasn't talking about my ex gf, can't you read? i'll build a bridge into your ass and send a train your way.

11-16-2005, 03:08 AM
wasn't talking about my ex gf, can't you read? i'll build a bridge into your ass and send a train your way.

You go booooooooooyyyyyyyyyyy!

BTW, was I being to insensitive? My apologies Pusher.

11-16-2005, 03:38 AM
You go booooooooooyyyyyyyyyyy!

BTW, was I being to insensitive? My apologies Pusher.

speaking of pusher, i'll pusher my cock in your ass, and send a train your way. ;)

11-16-2005, 11:05 AM
I had my ears done 4 times in each ear when I was a teenager, but I only wear earing in the bottom holes now. the second holes I could probably get earings in but I think the top 2 holes have grown over.

I also have my bellybutton done. That hurt alot more than I ever expected it would. I had to go to work right after that (I was a bartender at the time) and I couldnt bend over all night.

That's it for me. I think the tongue one would drive me absolutely nuts. And No tattoos. I think graffiti is tacky.


11-16-2005, 11:11 AM
:waving: I have only my ears pierced!

I have observed this ;)

11-16-2005, 11:40 AM
My new stepsister and her husband own a tattoo/peircing parlor.

A few years ago when my mother was dating my most recent stepfather (who is in his 70's or damn close) she informed me that she was going to get a tattoo for her 50th birthday. I just laughed at her. If you knew my mother you would see why this is so damn funny.

She never did go through with it though.


11-16-2005, 11:44 AM
Tattoo's are a big turn off for me.

11-16-2005, 11:56 AM
I love temporary tattoos. I can't see the point of having art anywhere where I couldn't appreciate it myself, but I have a registered letter from my arms' attorney saying "don't be stupid enough to stick needles here." So, occasionally, I dip into my rather large temporary tattoo collection and settle down to have people with real tattoos bond with me.

I've been trying to picture a tattoo on my husband ever since this thread started. It makes me giggle. The man can't have blood drawn without getting a little green.

11-16-2005, 12:08 PM
My older sister (and my only sibling in which we share both the same mother AND father but the one I look most different from) has always had really huge natural boobs. She was the "wild child" in our family and had her boyfriend's name tattooed onto her tit when she was 17.

Of course after they broke up a few months later she had to go get it covered so she got a rose.

After 20 years and 4 kids... it has now become a very LONG stemmed rose, LOL.


11-16-2005, 12:49 PM
My older sister (and my only sibling in which we share both the same mother AND father but the one I look most different from) has always had really huge natural boobs. She was the "wild child" in our family and had her boyfriend's name tattooed onto her tit when she was 17.

Of course after they broke up a few months later she had to go get it covered so she got a rose.

After 20 years and 4 kids... it has now become a very LONG stemmed rose, LOL.


Sabby...when I was first musing about the possiblity of getting a "real" tattoo - I'm at the age when I can do whatever the hell I want without fear of being booted out of the PTA, etc. - my daughters, with quiet intensity, made me promise *not* to get my husband's name tattooed on me. Their reasoning? They have never once heard of someone who'd had their partner's name tattooed on without an almost immediate breakup. They were *so* serious about this, too. They believe it carries a curse or something. Luckily, I'd had no intention of having his name permantently inked on my body. I know what his name is and I'm not likely to forget.

11-16-2005, 01:05 PM
I dunno... i just like the things that "enhance" beauty...

Boobjobs (I think a lift would be a really good move in my sister's case), laser skin resurfacing, acrylic nails, hair coloring and extentions, etc... are GOOD things.

Its hilarious when you hear a guy that it covered in tattoos proclaiming that he hates "fake" women with breast implants.

Breast enhancement looks alot more "natural" to me than graffiti and metal pegs and hoops stuck through holes where they don't belong.


11-16-2005, 01:13 PM
I dunno... i just like the things that "enhance" beauty...

Boobjobs (I think a lift would be a really good move in my sister's case), laser skin resurfacing, acrylic nails, hair coloring and extentions, etc... are GOOD things.

Its hilarious when you hear a guy that it covered in tattoos proclaiming that he hates "fake" women with breast implants.

Breast enhancement looks alot more "natural" to me than graffiti and metal pegs and hoops stuck through holes where they don't belong.


Excellent point. An "enhanced breast" is a normal body part made larger. (Or in some cases, smaller, firmer, whatever.) It isn't an addition to the set of things the body calls "standard." Fingernails grow long. They also break a lot, which puts acrylic nails in the same category. All of the things you mentioned may "improve" upon the original parts, but they don't swap the parts out for something else.