View Full Version : Stupid fucks.

11-15-2005, 11:46 AM
last week I was at Magic Mountain watching my daughter's cheerleading contest. They won 1st btw.

As I was looking for a parking space, about 10 mexican kids were blocking the way. I got close enough so that they could hear the car, but my mother and sister started complaining about me not starting a problem. So I end up going another way. The mexicans start yelling out, "yeah bitch, what I thought", in that type of vein.

No problem. We get to the gate, I'm off to take a piss. Lo and behold, there's 5 of them, and they all come up to my chest, tallest maybe my shoulder. Not one of those 5 bitches looked me in the eye. I guess it's easy to talk shit when you got your homies, and 5 of them weren't enough.

I didn't start any trouble, relieved myself and went on my way. Not worth my time educating idiots.

Anyone else get into situations like this? Or am I signled out due to my size, race, etc.?

11-15-2005, 11:57 AM
Congratulations on your daughter winning the cheerleading contest chap ;)

I don't normally get any problems when I go out truth be known.

11-15-2005, 12:56 PM
Anthony...it's a sad truth that you may be singled out because of your race. (That and the fact that scum read good people very well: you were very unlikely to start anything in front of your family.) I do imagine that the very second you stand up, however, the scum finds a reason to ease on down the road and find someone of a smaller ethnicity to harrass. You also give off that "I'll eat your liver with fava beans and a light Chianti" vibe that I love so much. :okthumb:

I've had the opportunity to play "white, middle-class, not-so-much-as-a-traffic-ticket" witness in the grocery store: I've just gone and stood behind the nice little Hispanic woman, tilting my head with a smile, causing racist wannabes to look elsewhere for their fun. I never had to say a word. Just the "c'mon, who do you think the Sheriff is going to believe?" facial expression was enough. That game is dangerous to play, though. It gives every male Hispanic in the area *two* females to defend, and with their social programming, that can get ugly. Very, very ugly. But, once again, the Sheriff is going to believe me, whatever story comes out of my mouth.

Several people have ended up dead here by asking others simply to turn their music down on the beach. They've insitituted "no drinking laws" to try and curb that, under the perhaps misguided thought that sober people don't commit murder over cd volume.

11-15-2005, 01:15 PM
I occasionally get the idiot or two who wants to give me shit about being a Jarhead ( you guys aren't so tough routine) when I go to the bar and tries to take it too far. I just tell them all they have to do is take the first swing and they can find out. Haven't had anyone take me up yet. :>))

But for the most part this is a medium (for wisconsin) sized town and that kind of stuff that you mentioned doesn't really happen. It might in Milwaukee and maybe Madison but not here.

11-15-2005, 01:16 PM
I'm a blonde blue eyed pudge ball. For some reason Mexicans and black men love me. I would have had a gangbang with all 10 but not in the same way you were in danger of ;)

11-15-2005, 01:33 PM
Morgan's right ... you may get singled out for your race and your size.

The other thing to consider, though, is that "I'll eat your liver with fava beans and a light Chianti" vibe she says you put off may attract some lunatics.

I don't know you well enough to suggest that you may be looking for it, but I know plenty of people who do (or did). I know a couple of them always used to have troubles every time they went into neighborhoods where I never had even a hint of difficulty.

11-15-2005, 01:46 PM
Morgan's right ... you may get singled out for your race and your size.

The other thing to consider, though, is that "I'll eat your liver with fava beans and a light Chianti" vibe she says you put off may attract some lunatics.

I don't know you well enough to suggest that you may be looking for it, but I know plenty of people who do (or did). I know a couple of them always used to have troubles every time they went into neighborhoods where I never had even a hint of difficulty.

I was in a car, driving. NO way they could have guessed my size. I always look this way, so I can't change that. Tried wearing glasses to soften my features as a recommendation from Nick, only made me more angry looking, though rather fashionable in my Armani frames.

It seems my size was more of a deterrant when using the head. I know my race is one that gets picked on alot due to our usual small stature. i was picked on till I shot up and widen out.

Evil Chris
11-15-2005, 01:56 PM
I doubt it had much to do with race Anthony.
Just a bunch of homies together acting like morons, and just waiting for the opportunity to spout off at the mouth.

They are lucky you had family with you.

11-15-2005, 02:01 PM
Only Anthony can tell a story about going to the bathroom with five guys -- and make it interesting without having had gay sex. :)

11-15-2005, 02:02 PM
I'm a blonde blue eyed pudge ball. For some reason Mexicans and black men love me. I would have had a gangbang with all 10 but not in the same way you were in danger of ;)In some bizarre way, that's adorable. :inlove:

11-15-2005, 02:13 PM
No doubt part of it was race, plus you were with your family, so they figured you'd start less shit than if you were witha couple of your buddies. Also, they probably misjudged your size until you stepped out of the car...that's why 5 of them had to walk up to you instead of 1 or 2...

11-15-2005, 02:34 PM
Like water off a ducks ass...

Just walk by.

the best revenge is living well.

11-15-2005, 03:01 PM
Morgan's right ... you may get singled out for your race and your size.

The other thing to consider, though, is that "I'll eat your liver with fava beans and a light Chianti" vibe she says you put off may attract some lunatics.

I don't know you well enough to suggest that you may be looking for it, but I know plenty of people who do (or did). I know a couple of them always used to have troubles every time they went into neighborhoods where I never had even a hint of difficulty.

He does send out that vibe, even when he doesn't mean to. I met him in person for the first time at a convention (after about a thousand hours of phone time, so I had a pretty good handle on intellect, sense of humor, all those mellow and groovy things). He was wearing a black suit. Also wearing a big smile with the hand out for a warm "meeting ya" handshake. I hope to hell my jaw didn't actually drop, but internally, it was "jaw dropping" time. Sort of a "wow, you are SO NOT what I was expecting!" (I *think* that was the first time we met. Conventions tend to bleed together in the memory into one, long session with a lot of booths.)

11-15-2005, 04:54 PM
last week I was at Magic Mountain watching my daughter's cheerleading contest. They won 1st btw.

As I was looking for a parking space, about 10 mexican kids were blocking the way. I got close enough so that they could hear the car, but my mother and sister started complaining about me not starting a problem. So I end up going another way. The mexicans start yelling out, "yeah bitch, what I thought", in that type of vein.

No problem. We get to the gate, I'm off to take a piss. Lo and behold, there's 5 of them, and they all come up to my chest, tallest maybe my shoulder. Not one of those 5 bitches looked me in the eye. I guess it's easy to talk shit when you got your homies, and 5 of them weren't enough.

I didn't start any trouble, relieved myself and went on my way. Not worth my time educating idiots.

Anyone else get into situations like this? Or am I signled out due to my size, race, etc.?

Put a uniform on, then you get that shit on a daily basis. Last night was the final straw though, I have been able to contain myself pretty well but last night this guy kicked me in the nuts when I told him to turn around and place his hands behind his back. Due to the matter probably ending up in court, I cannot say more, but I'm sure you can figure out what happend next.

11-15-2005, 05:00 PM
Put a uniform on, then you get that shit on a daily basis. Last night was the final straw though, I have been able to contain myself pretty well but last night this guy kicked me in the nuts when I told him to turn around and place his hands behind his back. Due to the matter probably ending up in court, I cannot say more, but I'm sure you can figure out what happend next.

I know what I *hope* happened next.
My husband and I spend a lot of time shaking out heads at the television muttering "when a police officer tells you to do something...just do it, asshole."
But...nope. They have to add resisting arrest, assault on a police officer or being shot dead to whatever the original charge would have been.

11-15-2005, 05:05 PM
I know what I *hope* happened next.
My husband and I spend a lot of time shaking out heads at the television muttering "when a police officer tells you to do something...just do it, asshole."
But...nope. They have to add resisting arrest, assault on a police officer or being shot dead to whatever the original charge would have been.

I get a kick :) out of dealing with these people for the most part. Getting kicked in the nuts is not a high point though.

Sorry Ant, didn't mean to go off on my own thing. I think you did the right thing. Punk ass kids/adults certainly are not worth your time, effort and potential problem/s which might arrise from beating their ass.

11-15-2005, 05:12 PM
Like water off a ducks ass...

Just walk by.

the best revenge is living well.

Of course I say that now....LOL

At the time it might have been a slightly different reaction...

11-15-2005, 05:16 PM
I'm a lover not a fighter...

I must be in to some kinky shit because they keep having to rebuild me :(

11-15-2005, 05:20 PM
Put a uniform on, then you get that shit on a daily basis. Last night was the final straw though, I have been able to contain myself pretty well but last night this guy kicked me in the nuts when I told him to turn around and place his hands behind his back. Due to the matter probably ending up in court, I cannot say more, but I'm sure you can figure out what happend next.Bad boys, bad boys,
Whatcha gonna do?

11-15-2005, 05:20 PM
I must be in to some kinky shit because they keep having to rebuild me :(And who knows? Maybe one of these days they'll finally get it right. ;)

11-15-2005, 05:22 PM
Bad boys, bad boys,
Whatcha gonna do?

Dravyk, I've said it before, I'll say it again. You are as predictable as a clock.

I'm actually suprised it took you that long. Now, let's wait to hear from Timon.


11-15-2005, 05:23 PM
Dravyk, I've said it before, I'll say it again. You are as predictable as a clock.

I'm actually suprised it took you that long. Now, let's wait to hear from Timon.

:)Ok, wiseass. What am I going to say next? :p

11-15-2005, 05:24 PM
Ok, wiseass. What am I going to say next? :p

i knew you'd post that...

11-15-2005, 05:24 PM
Ant, the fact that you walked away is a huge sign of maturity on your part. No reason to get shot in front of your family because some stupid kid is trying to impress his friends. I used to love situations like this... as you grow older you not only become increasingly aware of all the ways it can go wrong... and you tend to look back and remember all the other similar situations and how lucky you were that they ended ok. I find myself doing that quite a bit now at 35.

Fighting belongs on the mat or in the ring :)

11-15-2005, 05:29 PM
Ok, wiseass. What am I going to say next? :p

Just what you already said. ;)

11-15-2005, 06:11 PM
Some people have tried to stop me - I have showered in their blood...

11-15-2005, 06:13 PM
My brother went down to Maryland once to visit a buddy of his who was working on his Masters. They went to a college bar to have a beer. Sitting down, in his sweater and with his Irish face, my brother looks like the kind of guy a local could wipe the floor with. A local tried. He grabbed my brother by the throat. My brother shrugged, stood up, and put his hand around the guy's neck. It wasn't until my brother stood up the local realized he'd misjudged - he had a football player by the throat. My brother vividly remembers thinking "don't squeeze too hard, you'll hurt the guy." He doesn't remember much after that for a while because the local pulled a knife and slashed my brother's throat. Thanks to a quick thinking and high leaping bartender, my brother got to the emergency room in time, where his carotid artery and jugular vein on one side had to be permanently tied off.

Never forget that assholes often have weapons. The ship sailed on "fair fights" a long time ago...that is, if there ever was one.

11-15-2005, 06:14 PM
Some people have tried to stop me - I have showered in their blood... No more Xena reruns for you, mister! :nono2:

11-15-2005, 06:37 PM
This conversation reminds me of a funny story from when my father was in college...

Dad's roommate was one of those 5' 5" 120 pound type guys, and yes, his name was Dexter. He and my dad were in their dorm room studying, and a couple of football players were getting rowdy in the hallway, so Dexter went to ask them to quiet down. Big dude starts in with Dexter, and all my father hears is:



My father figures his roommate must be dead, and in walks Dexter saying "they'll never learn..." Apparently, Dexter had studied martial arts in Japan prior to attending college. :okthumb:

Those days are over though, and it's always better to walk away. Good move Anthony. :)

11-15-2005, 07:35 PM
No more Xena reruns for you, mister! :nono2:

Xena ?


The name is Jason, thank you....

I mean Dom, good lord, what's happening to me ?

He's taking control of my posts ah, ah blood machete

11-15-2005, 07:39 PM
Xena ?


The name is Jason, thank you....

I mean Dom, good lord, what's happening to me ?

He's taking control of my posts ah, ah blood machete

OK, boy toy...take a deep, calming breath and back away from your avatar! :blink:

11-15-2005, 07:42 PM
This conversation reminds me of a funny story from when my father was in college...

Dad's roommate was one of those 5' 5" 120 pound type guys, and yes, his name was Dexter. He and my dad were in their dorm room studying, and a couple of football players were getting rowdy in the hallway, so Dexter went to ask them to quiet down. Big dude starts in with Dexter, and all my father hears is:



My father figures his roommate must be dead, and in walks Dexter saying "they'll never learn..." Apparently, Dexter had studied martial arts in Japan prior to attending college. :okthumb:

Those days are over though, and it's always better to walk away. Good move Anthony. :)

Hi, VooMan! :waving:

As wonderful as stories about little guys named Dexter who kick football ass are...it's still better to walk away. For every "Dexter" story, there's countless more stories like the one about my brother, who will have to seriously watch his weight and his blood pressure for the rest of his life due to those tied off things in his neck. And considering he had his throat slashed, he got off lucky.

11-15-2005, 07:44 PM
OK, boy toy...take a deep, calming breath and back away from your avatar! :blink:

Why thank you Mrs, that's much better :)

11-15-2005, 07:57 PM
Why thank you Mrs, that's much better :)

Good lad.
Now come sit in my lap and I'll give you candy. :yowsa:

11-15-2005, 07:58 PM
Why thank you Mrs, that's much better :)
Ahhh, so that's how to do it... so me calling you a fucking nutter over icq didn't help fix it...

Oh and no! I've never done that with my mother. :hmm:


11-15-2005, 08:19 PM
Ahhh, so that's how to do it... so me calling you a fucking nutter over icq didn't help fix it...

Oh and no! I've never done that with my mother. :hmm:


Bottle baby? :rolleyes:

11-15-2005, 08:36 PM
Of course I say that now....LOL

At the time it might have been a slightly different reaction...

I distinctly remember one person start with...

Oh no you didn't.

-- Takes off Rolex

You mother fucker

takes off Armani sunglasses

Do you know who the fuck you are fucking with <<<< Yes, he did say this

takes off false teeth <<< at the time false, he got posts now

... By this time, the gentlemen that this attention was pointed, turned quickly and walked away.

11-15-2005, 08:38 PM
I distinctly remember one person start with...

Oh no you didn't.

-- Takes off Rolex

You mother fucker

takes off Armani sunglasses

Do you know who the fuck you are fucking with <<<< Yes, he did say this

takes off false teeth <<< at the time false, he got posts now

... By this time, the gentlemen that this attention was pointed, turned quickly and walked away.

I had some anger management issues...

I am much better now.... :)

11-15-2005, 08:45 PM
I distinctly remember one person start with...

Oh no you didn't.

-- Takes off Rolex

You mother fucker

takes off Armani sunglasses

Do you know who the fuck you are fucking with <<<< Yes, he did say this

takes off false teeth <<< at the time false, he got posts now

... By this time, the gentlemen that this attention was pointed, turned quickly and walked away.

I never saw this individual in action...but I've met him. :blink:

A technical question...that I already think I know the answer to...but...the Rolex *first,* then the sunglasses? When I play it in my mind, it actually *is* much more effective with the watch first, then the sunglasses rather than the other way 'round.

Do you guys learn this stuff in school? :blink:

There's a scene in the movie "Road House" where Patrick Swaze gets knifed and his facial expression never even changes. Now...I, personally, would not fuck with a man who can get knifed and not even blink. Nor would I fuck with a man who removes his teeth...perhaps indicating he has been on the receiving end of a punch or two and lived to kick the shit out of somebody again. But, hey, I'm a chick. I don't know too much about this sort of thing. We slap, hair pull, utter nasty names...that sort of thing.

11-15-2005, 08:46 PM
It is timed as the distance between the two parties closes...


11-15-2005, 08:48 PM
I had some anger management issues...

I am much better now.... :)Well, you're working on it. :whistling

11-15-2005, 08:49 PM
takes off false teethOk, who was fighting with my man, Sarettah? http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/unsure.gif

11-15-2005, 08:49 PM
Well, you're working on it. :whistling

Was that meant to be snide you FUCK!

You fuc..

Yeah , still needs some work..


11-15-2005, 09:03 PM
It is timed as the distance between the two parties closes...


I've always appreciated skill. :okthumb:

Admittedly, that does cause me to appreciate things I probably shouldn't....

11-16-2005, 08:17 AM
Hi, VooMan! :waving:

As wonderful as stories about little guys named Dexter who kick football ass are...it's still better to walk away. For every "Dexter" story, there's countless more stories like the one about my brother, who will have to seriously watch his weight and his blood pressure for the rest of his life due to those tied off things in his neck. And considering he had his throat slashed, he got off lucky.

Hi Morgan. :)

I agree wholeheartedly with what you said. My dad's story happened back in the late 50's, and things were just a little different back then. Sorry to hear about your brother, that's awful. :mad:

11-16-2005, 02:12 PM
Good lad.
Now come sit in my lap and I'll give you candy. :yowsa:

So candy's what they call it nowadays ! ;)

11-16-2005, 03:38 PM
Hi Morgan. :)

I agree wholeheartedly with what you said. My dad's story happened back in the late 50's, and things were just a little different back then. Sorry to hear about your brother, that's awful. :mad:

I can still hear my sister's voice on the phone, all these years later. She opened with "first, he's going to be all right." I assumed she was talking about my father, because a call that starts with a shaking voice and "he" usually is a "dad" call. Then she goes on to tell me my brother just got out of surgery after having his throat slashed.

My brother is the nicest guy in the world, really. He's always been a "big kid" at heart. He really was thinking "be careful, don't hurt the guy" when he got his throat slashed. Luckily, I come from a family that appreciates irony.

Unfortunately, the witnesses couldn't come up with much of a description of the guy for the cops. I don't imagine they'll ever get the image of my brother hitting the floor with arterial blood spurting out of their minds, though.

So candy's what they call it nowadays ! ;)

Discretion is the better part of...many things. :yowsa:

11-16-2005, 07:48 PM
Nothing to add, just wanted to say hi Voo! :waving:

11-16-2005, 07:51 PM
Voo, lovely to see you around! Can I please direct you to this thread?


If we need anyone's nipple pics, it's Andrews...


11-16-2005, 07:59 PM
If we need anyone's nipple pics, it's Andrews... This is true. Voo has nice nipples!

I've caught glimpes of them at shows when he tries to lick them and then shakes his head cause he can't and mutters "one day". :)

11-16-2005, 08:02 PM
OMG! I missed that. :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

11-16-2005, 08:06 PM
Aw, shucks... I never knew my nipples were so well liked!

They are *cough* beaming *cough* with pride. :yowsa:

11-16-2005, 08:09 PM
Well Andrew, I don't know if I like them yet! I need pics! :D


11-16-2005, 08:11 PM
Well Andrew, I don't know if I like them yet! I need pics! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

http://oprano.com/msgboard/showthread.php?t=44714 Tell her to get a camera, Voo! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/tongue.gif

11-17-2005, 09:59 AM
This is true. Voo has nice nipples!

I've caught glimpes of them at shows when he tries to lick them and then shakes his head cause he can't and mutters "one day". :)

Pennsylvania has a reciprocal on concealed carry laws.

Don't even think about being ghey around me, I'll shoot you.

Which reminds me, can you grab a box of Winchester Golden Sabers 210 grain .45 please?


11-17-2005, 12:00 PM
Which reminds me, can you grab a box of Winchester Golden Sabers 210 grain .45 please?
Who makes them? Seagrams or Bicardi? :yowsa:

Oh, and answer your PMs, biyatch! :hmm:

11-17-2005, 01:33 PM
Oh, and answer your PMs, biyatch! :hmm:

As someone who frequently sends pms - most of them "please send me your shipping information!" - only to get back a reply weeks later saying "I didn't even find this until today!" I think I'm going to periodically start a thread with "Check your PMs!" :huh:

I'm also going to include a notation saying "Have you checked who gave you points recently?" (Click on "User CP" and scroll a tiny bit. The list is right there.) :)