View Full Version : Looking for a possible... partner in a new field

11-14-2005, 04:12 AM
The field, is pratically untouched in the essence I would like to apply it to

It "IS" a risk, but one that if it sways to the side I expect it to - Wiill pay off handsomely... think about 'untargetted keywords' in a massive way. When I say massive, I mean it ..... The 'MAIN' keywords haven't even been applied properly in PCC campaigns.

I am looking to deal with, preferably, only people I have dealt with before or at least know to some extent. The better I know you... the less lawyers would have to be involved... Lawyers would have to be involved no matter what, even though I can't afford one.. lol

Expenditures could be $1,000 or $100,000 a month off the BAT literally - how wide open the campaign is laid out would be up to you as the person who is backing it financially. Although obviously the ability for us to interact with eachother on a reasonable level would be required.

BTW - I won't lie... I am a PITA to deal with... but when things click and I find someone who can deal with my BS things flow smoothly. Not here to kiss ass, here to lay out an opportunity. Done kissing ass, it's done nothing but put me in a place I 'DO NOT' belong. Others will tell you so, appropriately.