View Full Version : What's wrong with all the Patriot Act shit ?? This is....

11-13-2005, 02:32 PM
It's COINTELPRO all over again :headwall: :headwall: :headwall:

and for thos not familiar with COINTELPRO http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO

I can almost hear Jeff Foxworthy's voice...

If you ever posted an anti oil message on a message board then you might be a terrorist
If you ever attended an anti war rally then you might be a terrorist
If you ever critisized George W Bush then you might be a terrorist


Nov. 21, 2005 issue - The FBI collected detailed data on political activities and Web postings of suspected members of a tiny environmentalist commune in southern California two years ago as part of a high-profile counterterrorism probe, bureau records show. Facing further new disclosures about the matter, the bureau last week agreed to settle a lawsuit and to pay $100,000 to Josh Connole, a 27-year-old ex-commune member who had been arrested—and later released—on suspicions he was one of the eco-terrorists who had firebombed SUV dealerships in the summer of 2003. But the bureau's rare concession of error, expected to be publicly announced soon, could bring new attention to what civil-liberties groups say is a disturbing trend: the stepped-up monitoring of domestic political activity by FBI counter-terror agents.


In their wrongful-arrest lawsuit, Connole's lawyers demanded to know why the FBI looked at Connole in the first place. Court documents show agents were initially tipped off by a neighbor to "suspicious" activity at the commune the night of the attacks. (In fact, says Connole, members were simply helping one of the residents move out.) Agents placed the commune under surveillance and developed a political profile of the residents, discovering the owner of the house and his father "have posted statements on websites opposing the use of fossil fuels," one doc reads. Another says the owner had ties to a local chapter of Food Not Bombs, an "anarcho-vegan food distribution group." Among activities flagged in bureau docs: the father of the owner had conducted a "one man' daily protest" outside a Toyota office, was interviewed for an article called "Dude, Where's my Electric Car!?" and posted info on a Web site announcing "Stop Norway Whaling!" Critics say such info has been increasingly collected by agents since the then Attorney General John Ashcroft relaxed FBI guidelines in 2002. "How does advocacy of electric cars become the basis for suspicion?" asks Bill Paparian, Connole's lawyer. Bureau officials say they collect such info only when there might be ties to violence or terrorism. A spokesman declined to comment on Connole's case, saying that because no settlement has been entered into the court record, it remains "a pending legal matter."

11-13-2005, 02:53 PM
"anarcho-vegan food distribution group."

A what? :blink:

I can't get the image of a bunch of asparagus tied together with the fuse lit out of my head now.

There are genuine "eco-terrorist" groups that do commit acts of violence. We've had a couple of construction sites burned to the ground in San Diego. Signs were left, credit was claimed. No one was injured, it was done during the night. (I'm not defending these actions, merely clarifying them.)

I'm surprised no one caught on to the dangers inherent in the Patriot Act sooner.

11-13-2005, 03:10 PM
I'm proud to say that the only senator to vote against the "Patriot Act" was Russ Feingold from Wisconsin. He was the only one who had the balls to actually say that a senator should actually read the entire bill before they voted for it.

11-13-2005, 03:14 PM
I'm proud to say that the only senator to vote against the "Patriot Act" was Russ Feingold from Wisconsin. He was the only one who had the balls to actually say that a senator should actually read the entire bill before they voted for it.

Wow. :blink:

You have a senator who actually can read? And does? How did he sneak in?

I'll bet the poor guy has nobody to have lunch with down to the ol' Senate Chambers. :(

11-13-2005, 03:24 PM
My favorite part of the Patriot Act stuff is the recent EO signed by GW that allows the FBI to retain data collected about people when the data had no value for the investigation.

Along with the retention of the records, the information may be released to other federal agencies, state agencies, and undefined "third parties when appropriate."

11-13-2005, 03:27 PM
My favorite part of the Patriot Act stuff is the recent EO signed by GW that allows the FBI to retain data collected about people when the data had no value for the investigation.

Along with the retention of the records, the information may be released to other federal agencies, state agencies, and undefined "third parties when appropriate."

Tin soldier and ....

Yup.. they can now collect all the info they want on you even if you aren't suspected of any crime and then give it to whoever they damn well please...

11-13-2005, 03:54 PM
Here's an interesting article from the Washington Post about the Patriot Act and the way it is being used... or should that be misused? Absolute Power...


11-13-2005, 05:26 PM
Agents placed the commune under surveillance and developed a political profile of the residents, discovering the owner of the house and his father "have posted statements on websites opposing the use of fossil fuels,"
Oh my god!! And the FBI didn't summarily execute him for that on the spot?! They're slipping.

Ah, but I can sleep better at night now. I'm safe from organic-carrot-growing terrorists! God bless America.


11-13-2005, 06:06 PM
Well, I hope they have all the big three automakers under watch too...

Seems that alternative fuel is all they have been talking about for the past while. Hybrid cars, how totally unAmerican.


11-13-2005, 07:15 PM
Well, I hope they have all the big three automakers under watch too...

Seems that alternative fuel is all they have been talking about for the past while. Hybrid cars, how totally unAmerican.

http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/blink.gifDamn fucking right! We need to be dependent upon the generosity of Arab sheikdoms and Muslim extremists!!

Why, if it weren't for them, our soldiers would have nothing to do, military graveyards would be saddly emptier. We'd be in our sixth year of a budget surplus instead of $62 trillion in the hole, and George Bush would have to nothing to brag about for his entire administration!!

Not to mention, we'd all be paying 92 cents for fuel again! And who wants to return to those old days? http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/dry.gif

How dare those automakers show themsevles to be so anti-patriotic!!! The bastards!!

Go get them Homeland Security!! We're counting on you! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/salute.gif

11-13-2005, 07:22 PM
How unpatriotic of you Americans to not support the patroit act. I'm very very surprised. :hmm:

11-13-2005, 07:33 PM
How unpatriotic of you Americans to not support the patroit act. I'm very very surprised. :hmm:Can't your read, son?

We totally support the Patriotic Act, Homeland Security and George W. Bush!!

Everyone knows the only way to protect our liberties and our rights is to first uttterly trash them!!


11-13-2005, 07:52 PM
Everyone knows the only way to protect our liberties and our rights is to first uttterly trash them!!

I'm all for that! :okthumb:

11-14-2005, 12:14 AM
I'm all for that! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/ok.gifThere ya go! And you heard it from a Brit!

If there's any one who knows about trashing of rights, it's the British! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wink.gif

Magna Carta written with a sword to King John's throat ... Guilty before proven innocent ... Colonial bastards ... etc ...

11-14-2005, 04:56 AM
LOL I love this thread... and very glad I live in Canada

11-14-2005, 05:33 AM
There ya go! And you heard it from a Brit!

If there's any one who knows about trashing of rights, it's the British! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wink.gif

Magna Carta written with a sword to King John's throat ... Guilty before proven innocent ... Colonial bastards ... etc ...

Nah too easy ;)