View Full Version : Jordanians protesting...

11-10-2005, 04:10 PM
And for once Middle Easterners are not protesting against America...

I think Al Queda might have blown it with this one.

Terror attacks spark fury in Jordan
Amman stunned by suicide bombings
Thursday, November 10, 2005; Posted: 3:06 p.m. EST (20:06 GMT)

AMMAN, Jordan (CNN) -- Three terror bombings that killed at least 56 people in Jordan's capital sparked furious protests against al Qaeda on Thursday after a Web site carried a claim that the group was behind the attacks.

Jordanians flooded Amman blaring car horns and waving the nation's flag to protest the suicide attacks at three hotels with Western connections.

Hundreds of angry Jordanians rallied shouting, "Burn in hell, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi!" after the terrorist group he leads claimed responsibility for the blasts.

Some Middle Eastern nations are accustomed to suicide bombings, but Jordan is not. Wednesday's blasts that wounded more than 100 people shook the country's confidence about its security.

Protesters also rejected the idea that the explosions were carried out to protect Islam.

Groom al-Akhras said, "The world has to know that this has nothing to do with Islam."

Jordanians accounted for most of the casualties from the Wednesday attacks, and Jordanian officials said they viewed the blasts as attacks against their country. The State Department said one American was among the dead and two were among the wounded.

A senior Jordanian intelligence said suicide attackers with explosive belts caused the blasts and contrary to earlier reports, no vehicles were involved.

Palestinian officials among dead

Jordanian Embassy officials in Washington said the blasts came without warning, and Jordanian government officials were not among the casualties.

Officials from other governments, however, were among the dead. Four Palestinians, including Maj. Gen. Bashir Nafeh, head of Palestinian military intelligence, died in the blast at the Grand Hyatt, said chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat.

Also killed was Col. Abed Allun; Jihad Fattouh, the brother of the Palestinian parliament speaker; and Mosab Khoma, Erakat said. The four were on their way back from Cairo, Egypt, he said, adding his condemnation of the attacks.

Three Chinese were killed and one wounded in the attacks, according to the Chinese news agency Xinhua, which cited a press release on the Chinese Foreign Ministry's Web site. They were members of a delegation from China's University of National Defense and were staying at one of the hotels, according to the report. The report did not specify which hotel.

11-10-2005, 04:29 PM
I think Al Queda might have blown it with this one.

ermn sare

it was a suicide bombing so they did want to blow it up. :)

11-10-2005, 06:40 PM
so 12 Palestinians died ?
Thats awesome, lets do it again