View Full Version : Yous Gotta Tawk Likes a Gangster Here

11-07-2005, 10:53 PM
Listen up you chumps! In dis here thread, yous gotta talk like a gangster, see? (Dat's gangster, not "gangsta".)

That's the idear. Got any problems wit it? Of course ya don't -- if you wanna keep on breathing dat is.

Anyone who don't follow da program, wants to make waves, will find demselves sleeping with da fishes, ya hear? (Delete your post.)

So I strongly recommends ya plays ball. Der's enough cut of the pie for everyone, see?

So whatchas waitin' fer? Let's hear dem keys a clattering, and gets down to business.

Evil Chris
11-07-2005, 11:06 PM
Can I axe you a kweshchun?

Why muthafucka why?

11-08-2005, 12:49 AM
Can I axe you a kweshchun?

Why muthafucka why?Nosey huh? Axing questions, huh?

You wants to know why? I tells you why. Cause I sez so iz why. And not only has I gots da biggest gun here, I got da biggest brain here, see? I run dis operation.

Now you gots the North Side, I gots the East Side, Christopher, I say we gets our gangs together and we runs dis town.

11-08-2005, 01:40 AM
Don Dravyk, Vinnie just clipped that cafone down at Paulies pizza joint. He thought he got him but turns out the mortadella is a mezza morta. Vinnie fucked up, but he's a friend of mine, what can I do?

11-08-2005, 02:29 AM
Don Dravyk, Vinnie just clipped that cafone down at Paulies pizza joint. He thought he got him but turns out the mortadella is a mezza morta. Vinnie fucked up, but he's a friend of mine, what can I do?
Che peccato, mi Timon. :( This Vinnie. Is he part of your team, yes? I do not know of him. Is he a wiseguy, an associate or a cugine? Either way you know Vinnie must finish the job he started.

So are you asking me questions that you already have the answers? If so, you waste my time. If you are asking me something else, speak plainly, Timon. Mi calamari estofado is getting cold.

11-08-2005, 04:27 AM
I jammed the roscoe in his button and said, Close your yap bo or I squirt metal

You dumb mug, get your mitts off the marbles before I stuff that mud-pipe down your mush and tell your moll to hand over the mazuma

11-08-2005, 06:07 AM
Surprise, surprise. Dale is the foist to see the fishes -- upclose and poisonal like. :goldie:

Can't play da rules of da game? Den you's out -- poimenantly! :clubinhan

Yeah, let dat be a lesson to da rest of ya, crumbs!! :grr:

11-08-2005, 06:09 AM
I jammed the roscoe in his button and said, Close your yap bo or I squirt metal

You dumb mug, get your mitts off the marbles before I stuff that mud-pipe down your mush and tell your moll to hand over the mazumaNot bad, not bad. You shows reals talent, I say.

How'd ya like to be my new capodecina?

11-08-2005, 06:11 AM
erm nextime say talk like italians on a ganster movie :)

i rather talk like a latino in miami

Say helo to my little friend!!!!

11-08-2005, 06:23 AM
erm nextime say talk like italians on a ganster movie http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif
Like dat woulda fit into head? What, you kidding me? Get dis bum outta here.

Say helo to my little friend!!!!Wait, wait. Ok, ya redeemed yerself there. Boy's got some stugots!

Think I'll let you hang around a little longer.

Miami huh? You gots a delivery system? Maybe I'll let you in for a taste.

11-08-2005, 06:31 AM
oye what the fuck are you talking about no me jodas...

we invented the deliveri fucking sistem man....

and you better let me jang out here or i will call carlitos and put a bullet in your cabeza. and then have your girfriend chuparme la pinga

carlitos come here man mira a este cabron.

11-08-2005, 07:00 AM
Che peccato, mi Timon. :( This Vinnie. Is he part of your team, yes? I do not know of him. Is he a wiseguy, an associate or a cugine? Either way you know Vinnie must finish the job he started.

Don Draviko, like I say, just a friend of mine. He's a scared to go hospital and a finish a jobbe. He gotsta go or I say buon' anima to Vinnie and touch the cafone in the hospital myself.

11-08-2005, 11:19 AM
Well , hello ,old boy!!

How the devil are you. Have you seen the new exhibition at the Tate?Its Fantastic!Lets go to the Dorchester for lunch.

(I knew a guy who was a wiseguy and spoke like that.FUCK your stereotypes!! You racist bald bastard!!!)


11-08-2005, 11:44 AM
Yo yo blizzity yo whatcha talk'n 'bout fool?

11-08-2005, 11:52 AM

11-08-2005, 11:59 AM
I believe he said "gangster" not "gangsta". ;-)))

11-08-2005, 12:07 PM
Them eggplants in here is giving me agita... fugetaboutit!

11-08-2005, 12:27 PM
Not bad, not bad. You shows reals talent, I say.

How'd ya like to be my new capodecina?

O Coors, Id be honored boss. So tell me, whats first on the agenda huh? A sit down with that rat Trev or Is your shylock (who brags about being a big earner for the borgata) tretening to do a piece of work cause you haven't paid your vig, and you don't know what the hell he's talking about?

11-08-2005, 12:29 PM
I believe he said "gangster" not "gangsta". ;-)))

You have to excuse us, were French ;)

11-08-2005, 12:39 PM
I jammed the roscoe in his button and said, Close your yap bo or I squirt metal

Don Draviko, word to the wise... this kid is a Fanook eh!

Can't have no fanook who be squirting with his roscoe up someone's button, that is che bruta!

11-08-2005, 12:57 PM
Don Draviko, word to the wise... this kid is a Fanook eh!

Can't have no fanook who be squirting with his roscoe up someone's button, that is che bruta!

As creative as that was you go Fuckyoself Gebroni. Just for a crack like that Im informan Don Draviko of your intentions you friggin jamook. Thats right, Im lettin everyone know that you are fuckin' mortadella. Now, take your stugots out your mouth and keep quiet if yas know whats good for ya.

11-08-2005, 01:05 PM
As creative as that was you go Fuckyoself Gebroni. Just for a crack like that Im informan Don Draviko of your intentions you friggin jamook. Thats right, Im lettin everyone know that you are fuckin' mortadella. Now, take your stugots out your mouth and keep quiet if yas know whats good for ya.

You don talk like that to a made guy strunzo, keep that shit up and Im a feed you to a the fishies!

11-08-2005, 01:44 PM
oye what the fuck are you talking about no me jodas...

we invented the deliveri fucking sistem man....

and you better let me jang out here or i will call carlitos and put a bullet in your cabeza. and then have your girfriend chuparme la pinga

carlitos come here man mira a este cabron.I tells you whut. Der's dis guy. He gots a few names. One is King Kaiser. Another is "The Columbian". Another is Brucie Shoeshine (on account of his putting shoe polish in his hair.)

He like to eat alone, eh! Facia bruta! He ran away with the juice, you know. Stiffed some friends of mine for some large. He's mezza morta already, but the mortadella don't even know it.

You take the contract on this strunnz and I welcome you into my borgota. Capice?

11-08-2005, 01:45 PM
Don Draviko, like I say, just a friend of mine. He's a scared to go hospital and a finish a jobbe. He gotsta go or I say buon' anima to Vinnie and touch the cafone in the hospital myself.You're a good boy! Have a canolli. Manga, manga!

11-08-2005, 01:47 PM
I tells you whut. Der's dis guy. He gots a few names. One is King Kaiser. Another is "The Columbian". Another is Brucie Shoeshine (on account of his putting shoe polish in his hair.)

He like to eat alone, eh! Facia bruta! He ran away with the juice, you know. Stiffed some friends of mine for some large. He's mezza morta already, but the mortadella don't even know it.

You take the contract on this strunnz and I welcome you into my borgota. Capice?

I want him dead!

I want his family dead!

I want his fucking cat dead!!

11-08-2005, 01:47 PM
Well , hello ,old boy!!

How the devil are you. Have you seen the new exhibition at the Tate?Its Fantastic!Lets go to the Dorchester for lunch.

(I knew a guy who was a wiseguy and spoke like that.FUCK your stereotypes!! You racist bald bastard!!!)

:)Don Nicidemo, no offense to you and your Liverpool Family. :)

11-08-2005, 01:48 PM
Don Nicidemo, no offense to you and your Liverpool Family. :)

Are you fucking calling me a fucking Scouser!!!

Fuck you! You fuck!! Fucking Northern cunts!!!

11-08-2005, 01:53 PM
Are you fucking calling me a fucking Scouser!!!

Fuck you! You fuck!! Fucking Northern cunts!!!Eh ... I do not see dis as a friendly gesture. This gives me agita. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/sad.gif

We should not be as this, I say. We are family, no?

Speaking of which ... how is your family, Nicidemo? Especially how is your brother? He recently got on a plane, no? He had a safe flight, I trust.


11-08-2005, 01:57 PM
Eh ... I do not see dis as a friendly gesture. This gives me agita. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/sad.gif

We should not be as this, I say. We are family, no?

Speaking of which ... how is your family, Nicidemo? Especially how is your brother? He recently got on a plane, no? He had a safe flight, I trust.


Sit down and shut up you big bald fuck , before I put you down!!!

You fucking East Coast moustache petes...you're era has come and gone.

No fucking drugs? You dumb fucks!! You cost us market share to the fucking Spics and the moulies!!

You Fucks!!!

11-08-2005, 02:12 PM
Sit down and shut up you big bald fuck , before I put you down!!!

You fucking East Coast moustache petes...you're era has come and gone.

No fucking drugs? You dumb fucks!! You cost us market share to the fucking Spics and the moulies!!

You Fucks!!!You show no respect. Then the gloves are off.

No drugs? Whatsamatta you? You think this is the Sixties and The Chairman's singing at the Flamingo, you cafone? You think things are run here by elderly old men with the olive oil on their hands? Gira diment!!

Hey, facia bruta, I got pipelines that would make your mouth water! You think cause you live in B.C. that you actually in Columbia or sumtin?

How about I cut off your tiny stugots and stuff 'em down your throat, you fuckin jamook!


11-08-2005, 02:14 PM
You don talk like that to a made guy strunzo, keep that shit up and Im a feed you to a the fishies!

Listen here you half wit, keep up the jaw smackin and I'll have a special pair of cement shoes made for you. You are just a snot nosed cugine you wanna be a made man? Yous need da talk to me. Else you'll get pinched capiche?

11-08-2005, 02:22 PM

You wanna go to war???

I'll give you a war!!!

say hello to my little friend!!!!

:shooter: :shooter: :shooter: :kapow: :kapow: :snipe: :snipe: :uzi: :uzi: :uzi: :uzi: :uzi:

11-08-2005, 02:37 PM
Hah! You shoot like the little putanna that you are! :whistling

11-08-2005, 04:41 PM
*fluffing my bleached hair; crossing my silk stockinged legs to show off my thighs and four-inch red spike heels; filing my red talons*

Honey babe, you's gonna be done dat biz-nez like anytime soon, baby? We's got us a good table to see Tony Bennett, yanno. *admiring my nails* Bruno made a call, got a bottle of dat Frenchie bubbly you's like on ice. I wanna show off these here rocks you's got me, too! *fingering the diamonds in my cleavage* Those other guma's gonna just shit, baby! :inlove:

11-08-2005, 05:42 PM
Say toots, what's a fine tomato like you doing in a hell hole like this? :groucho:

11-08-2005, 06:02 PM
Say toots, what's a fine tomato like you doing in a hell hole like this? :groucho:

*fluffing the hair, etc.*

This tootsie knows what side her bread's buttered on, baby! Since you's took over, this neighborhood's been real nice again. Ain't none o' them outsiders muggin' old ladies on the way to church no more. *popping my gum* You's gave them bastids what for, you's sure did, honey. Gave my little brother a fine job runnin' numbers. Mama's real proud he's workin.' He's got ambition now, too. Thinks maybe he works hard, he'll get noticed, do some rising up in the organization. I tole him work hard and show you's respect, and we'd just see what happens, baby.