View Full Version : Why Latin America hates Bush - Time magazine

11-04-2005, 11:32 PM
Man George W just makes friends all over... :unsure:


After pledging during his 2000 election campaign to correct Washington's indifference to Latin America, the President is viewed as having all but turned his back on the region after most Latin American capitals declined to back his invasion of Iraq. But Bush's hemispheric cold shoulder has backfired: It created a political vacuum that has been largely filled by neo-leftists like Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez


Far from being the mejor amigo he promised to be, Bush today is arguably more unpopular in Latin America than any U.S. president in history.


another is the perception that Bush is a Monroe Doctrine throwback to heavy-handed U.S. interventionism in the region. That image caught fire after the Bush Administration was widely accused of backing a failed coup against Chavez in 2002 (a charge the White House denies). Fuel was added last summer when conservative televangelist Pat Robertson—a high-profile supporter of President Bush — publicly called for Chavez's assassination.


But Bush's biggest south-of-the-border PR problem is economic. Even before the start of the November 4-5 Summit, devoted to combating poverty and creating jobs, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela and other Latin nations banded together to nudge Washington's Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) proposal off the agenda. The move, which has angered the Bush Administration, reflects growing skepticism in Latin America over the virtues of free-market reforms, which many believe have simply widened the chasm between rich and poor in a region that already displays the world's worst disparities in wealth.


The reality for Washington is that the region's neo-leftist revival extends far beyond the bluster of Chavez: At least eight Latin American nations either have recently elected left-wing heads of state (including the region's largest economy, Brazil) or have leftists leading in the polls for upcoming presidential elections (including Mexico and Bolivia). Failure to engage the region's new politics will not only have economic consequences; it could also imperil other key U.S. goals in the hemisphere such as the war on drugs, immigration reform and the consolidation of democracy.

11-04-2005, 11:35 PM
Yes. He's loved the world over apparently.

11-05-2005, 12:53 AM
well he is due to visit panama next week, and trust me he is not liked here either. people do not forget the panama invasion.

11-05-2005, 01:38 AM
well he is due to visit panama next week, and trust me he is not liked here either. people do not forget the panama invasion.Another one of Papa Bush's legacies. :unsure:

11-05-2005, 01:42 AM
Another one of Papa Bush's legacies. :unsure:

yup. it is all so fucked up i have known of locals that took some tourists to the canal and were told not to take pictures because he is coming.

fucking stupid huh. but then again it´s security however if you were not so busy fucking with the hole world you would not have to worry about some crazy fuck with a bazooka waiting for airforce 1 to land.

11-05-2005, 01:43 AM
mmm holy shit the NSA is going to be tracking this board now LOL

11-05-2005, 01:45 AM
mmm holy shit the NSA is going to be tracking this board now LOLEh, they've been tracking it since that Commie MikeAI owned it. :yowsa:

LOL! Sorry, Mike, I couldn't resist.

11-05-2005, 01:47 AM
Eh, they've been tracking it since that Commie MikeAI owned it. :yowsa:

LOL! Sorry, Mike, I couldn't resist.

hahaha good one.

.....waiting on mike´s pro bush post.....

.... waiting.......

..... waiting....

11-05-2005, 02:07 AM
Another one of Papa Bush's legacies. :unsure:
Uhhh ... it was a Republican who stole Panama from Columbia, but I don't thing Papa Bush was born yet. Not that they'd let that guy in the Republican party today, but still ...

If Regean had gotten his way and we sent U.S. troops to Nicaragua in the 80s, it would have created the fourth Nicaragua Service ribbon/medal for the U. S. military in the 20th century.

Don't forget - in addition to the invasion of Panama, it's only been 30-some years (a short time in diplomatic terms) when an American Corporation bought a CIA directed coup by delivering large sums of cash to the political organization of an American president.

11-05-2005, 08:28 AM
Uhhh ... it was a Republican who stole Panama from Columbia, but I don't thing Papa Bush was born yet. Not that they'd let that guy in the Republican party today, but still ...

If Regean had gotten his way and we sent U.S. troops to Nicaragua in the 80s, it would have created the fourth Nicaragua Service ribbon/medal for the U. S. military in the 20th century.

Don't forget - in addition to the invasion of Panama, it's only been 30-some years (a short time in diplomatic terms) when an American Corporation bought a CIA directed coup by delivering large sums of cash to the political organization of an American president.

..... still waiting on a pro bush statement.....

.... waiting.....


11-05-2005, 02:33 PM
Uhhh ... it was a Republican who stole Panama from Columbia, but I don't thing Papa Bush was born yet. Not that they'd let that guy in the Republican party today, but still ...

If Regean had gotten his way and we sent U.S. troops to Nicaragua in the 80s, it would have created the fourth Nicaragua Service ribbon/medal for the U. S. military in the 20th century.

Don't forget - in addition to the invasion of Panama, it's only been 30-some years (a short time in diplomatic terms) when an American Corporation bought a CIA directed coup by delivering large sums of cash to the political organization of an American president.Long history there. The last of which CIA Director Georgie puts in puppet dictator cum drug lord Noriega, then later goes in to clean up his mistake. And puts him so far away he could never talk about it.

11-05-2005, 04:03 PM
Yeah but he sure can dance! (http://www.speechperfect.com/Flashcartoons/dancingbush.swf)

;) ;)