View Full Version : Help Nick and a good cause...

11-03-2005, 11:25 AM
Ok, I hope you read this and found it in your heart to do something.

Nick drank for 20 years and now he needs a new kidney to keep going for another 20...
He didnt want me to post this but I feel if anyone is in real good shape, they could probably spare a kidney...
I mean, we're all in this together right....

he'll also take paypals... to ease the pain ya know...

11-03-2005, 11:28 AM
I knew nothing of this, but I'm good for a few $$. Anything to help a fellow webmaster out in a time of need :okthumb:

11-03-2005, 02:42 PM
Ok, I hope you read this and found it in your heart to do something.

Nick drank for 20 years and now he needs a new kidney to keep going for another 20...
He didnt want me to post this but I feel if anyone is in real good shape, they could probably spare a kidney...
I mean, we're all in this together right....

he'll also take paypals... to ease the pain ya know...

I would give him one of mine except that his liver will be next(I'm surprised it didn't go first) and he'll want that too. Give someone an inch...

Queen Bitch
11-03-2005, 02:46 PM
I have a bit of gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe. I know he'd do the same for me...........:whistling

Queen Bitch
11-03-2005, 02:46 PM
And Dear Doctor:

When making up a big fat lie, get the disease right :P

Red's right, it would be the liver lolol

11-03-2005, 03:49 PM
I just got off the phone with Nick. It's really bad, because of the Kidney thing, he can't get any money from the banks or atms.

So, any paypal, epassporte or cash in large stacks of small denomination unmarked bills will gladly be accepted.

So, please help my friend by sending your donations to my paypal at letshelpnickskidney@yousucker.com

I will make sure that Nick gets every cent of it. I promise.

Trust Me

11-03-2005, 05:36 PM
Just a bump for my dying friend Nick.

Keep them paypals coming boys and girls :okthumb: It's for a good cause. Nick appreciates it greatly and until the atms and banks that were wiped out during the recent kidney episode are back up and working, the paypal and epassporte money is all he has to keep him and his family going.


Queen Bitch
11-03-2005, 09:27 PM
And besides, the local package store accepts PayPal now :P

11-04-2005, 02:06 AM
I can only stress that DrGuile and Sarettah are only doing this because Nick is really in need, anyone not able to donate through paypal can send wire payments direct to the hotel in Whistler, please PM me for his suite number.

Come on people, it's times like these we should band together.

11-04-2005, 02:37 AM
I can only stress that DrGuile and Sarettah are only doing this because Nick is really in need, anyone not able to donate through paypal can send wire payments direct to the hotel in Whistler, please PM me for his suite number.

Come on people, it's times like these we should band together.The first one who starts singing "Kum-bai-ya" gets shot!! :hmm:

11-04-2005, 05:50 AM
I just wish him goodluck and I hope he'll get positive response as soon as possible.

Excuse me, what's "Kum-bai-ya"?

11-04-2005, 08:17 AM
C'mon boys and girls, let's give it up for the Nickster!
Kum-ba-ya, my Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Kum-ba-ya, my Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Kum-ba-ya, my Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Oh Lord, kum-ba-ya.

Someone's singing Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Someone's singing Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Someone's singing Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Oh Lord, kum-ba-ya.

Someone's crying Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Someone's crying Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Someone's crying Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Oh Lord, kum-ba-ya.

Someone's dancing Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Someone's dancing Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Someone's dancing Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Oh Lord, kum-ba-ya.

Come by here, my Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Come by here, my Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Come by here, my Lord, kum-ba-ya,
Oh Lord, kum-ba-ya.

11-04-2005, 10:44 AM
it's hard to donate a liver..... unless you're dead....

So kidney it is...

11-04-2005, 10:57 AM
I contacted Sperber. He's on his way now to bring kidneys to Nick!

(just to clarify this was NOT an attack on Sperber - he's one of my favs in the biz :) )

11-04-2005, 11:27 AM
I contacted Sperber. He's on his way now to bring kidneys to Nick!

Does he have cash as well?

I've got snowboa... Kidney transportation rental to pay for today. :)

11-04-2005, 12:04 PM
Thks so much everyone.

Last night I tried to eat a lot of goose liver to try and fix my liver as best as I could. :(

Kidney...sure a kidney will do , but cash is always good.

Oh and the word "hotel" is a typo its a hospital , thankfully Tre and Newton were kind enough to keep me company during my initial treatment.

I'm trying to keep my chins up , but its tough :(

Queen Bitch
11-04-2005, 12:19 PM
Thks so much everyone.

I'm trying to keep my chins up , but its tough :(

No comment :yowsa:

11-04-2005, 12:20 PM
No comment :yowsa:


11-04-2005, 12:22 PM
Thks so much everyone.

Last night I tried to eat a lot of goose liver to try and fix my liver as best as I could. :(

Kidney...sure a kidney will do , but cash is always good.

Oh and the word "hotel" is a typo its a hospital , thankfully Tre and Newton were kind enough to keep me company during my initial treatment.

I'm trying to keep my chins up , but its tough :(
I must apologize, it had been a long day at the hospital and with all the news I really wasn't thinking straight. :(

11-04-2005, 12:29 PM

It seems at 10 am the Doc has advised me to imbibe copious quantities of caffeine in combination with nicotine with the possible addition of baconite , sausiginomo ,eggnite and potatoynol prior to going shopp...err surgury.

He also suggests hot water therapy later....

:( Its gonna be a tough day.

We may have to visit with a Doctor Hy's this evening.


11-04-2005, 12:40 PM
I've had it confirmed that Technick will be joining us at apporximately 4pm on saturday.

Anthony wanted to be here but has suffered an unfortunate scheduling conflict.


oh the lungs are pretty iffy too......

11-04-2005, 12:41 PM

It seems at 10 am the Doc has advised me to imbibe copious quantities of caffeine in combination with nicotine with the possible addition of baconite , sausiginomo ,eggnite and potatoynol prior to going shopp...err surgury.

He also suggests hot water therapy later....

:( Its gonna be a tough day.

We may have to visit with a Doctor Hy's this evening.

Oh god no!!! :(

I'm just about to meet up with Newton and jump a taxi to the hospital, we'll be there for you in this time of need. :)

11-04-2005, 12:46 PM
Oh god no!!! :(

I'm just about to meet up with Newton and jump a taxi to the hospital, we'll be there for you in this time of need. :)

Or you could just get in a elevator...oh shit!!!

Yeah taxi....thats it...

I'd better get dressed. I'm comfortably sitting in front of the fire in my surgical gown.


11-04-2005, 12:59 PM
You're being so brave through all this. It just brings a tear to my eye to see how courageously you are facing the failing of your body parts.

It makes me proud to know you *sniff*

11-04-2005, 01:42 PM
Sure, there you sit back in your easy chair, watching the monitor, doing nothing.

Meanwhile poor Canadian entrepreneurs are in dire need. No longer can they afford the Presidential Suite, but must suffer the cruel indignaties of the Ambassador Suite.

No longer can they afford the Jaguar XK line, must shamefully purchase from the inferior XJ series. ... Please. Won't you help?

For as little as a grand a day, you can make their lives better ...

11-04-2005, 02:21 PM
I've been much too distraught to post in this thread until now. :boohoo:

Small children are going door-to-door in my neighborhood with their "Help Nick" containers. School has been canceled. Churches are packed. Streets are deserted. Hollow-eyed, grey faced personal shoppers at the local Nordstroms are putting together care packages for Mrs. Ilynx and the children. The manager of Tiffany's is so upset that his hands are shaking so much he has to keep retying the white bows. I went into the local golf shoppe and the manager came forward immediately, forced a brave smile to his tear stained face, pressed my hand comfortingly and said "be brave, be strong. Nick *will* golf again. You have to believe."

This is more than I can bear.

11-04-2005, 02:28 PM
it's hard to donate a liver..... unless you're dead....

Actually you can donate half of your liver, people will do just fine on half a liver if they don't drink, it's been done before.

Nick my kidneys and liver were fucked since I was 16 but I'm willing to chip in a testicle if that helps?

11-04-2005, 02:34 PM
Actually you can donate half of your liver, people will do just fine on half a liver if they don't drink, it's been done before.

Nick my kidneys and liver were fucked since I was 16 but I'm willing to chip in a testicle if that helps?

The warmth, generosity and esoteric knowledge of this board never ceases to amaze me.

Timon is right. You can donate part of your liver to someone. I recently read an article about a mother who gave a piece of her liver to her young daughter. Both mother and daughter are doing well.

And, if I may:


11-04-2005, 02:41 PM
Timon is right. You can donate part of your liver to someone.I'll happily donate the liver! Now who wants the onions? :groucho:

11-04-2005, 02:46 PM
I can spare a few Oprano Points. Hope it helps. :(

11-04-2005, 02:49 PM
Actually you can donate half of your liver, people will do just fine on half a liver if they don't drink, it's been done before.

Nick my kidneys and liver were fucked since I was 16 but I'm willing to chip in a testicle if that helps?

Right. Where are you gonna find a testicle to donate? Let's keep this real please :huh:


11-05-2005, 12:04 AM
Actually you can donate half of your liver, people will do just fine on half a liver if they don't drink, it's been done before.

Nick my kidneys and liver were fucked since I was 16 but I'm willing to chip in a testicle if that helps?

All donations are welcome...no matter how small :)

Thank you all so very much :)

11-05-2005, 12:58 AM
i would donate my liver but i think it is just as fucked....

so if you want a permanent buzzz let me know i can give you half of my liver well preserved in alcohol

11-05-2005, 11:02 AM
OK...I didn't want to tell you todays events , but felt I should.

I'm gonna be operated on.

Its a tricky procedure to partially remove calcified extended growths on 10 digits and is usually followed by filing them down.A tricky and labour intensive proceudre

I have been told that the prognosis is not good , however , that they will probably grow back and require further surgery at a later time :(

wish me luck.... :(

Perhaps an Webmaster Auction could be orgainised.

11-05-2005, 11:11 AM
OK...I didn't want to tell you todays events , but felt I should.

I'm gonna be operated on.

Its a tricky procedure to partially remove calcified extended growths on 10 digits and is usually followed by filing them down.A tricky and labour intensive proceudre

I have been told that the prognosis is not good , however , that they will probably grow back and require further surgery at a later time :(

wish me luck.... :(

Perhaps an Webmaster Auction could be orgainised.

OMG, poor Nick.
I've had that procedure done and yes, they will grow back and you will have to have it done again and again. You have my utmost sympathy and I think an auction once a month should help cover the cost of this ongoing removal of these growths.

Hang in there Nick, we're all pulling for you.

11-05-2005, 12:41 PM
OMG, poor Nick.
I've had that procedure done and yes, they will grow back and you will have to have it done again and again. You have my utmost sympathy and I think an auction once a month should help cover the cost of this ongoing removal of these growths.

Hang in there Nick, we're all pulling for you.
I think the monthly auction is a fantastic idea. I've never seen anyone feeling as low as Nick is right now.

I can only drop to my knee's and beg you all to find it in your hearts to help in this dire time. :(

Queen Bitch
11-05-2005, 01:23 PM
I sraped up a peso and a 50 centavo piece out of the bottom of my purse. Opening a Mexican PayPal account now so that I can send it to Nickers. :P