View Full Version : I think I would have sat there quietly...

11-02-2005, 11:31 PM
Until I died :unsure:

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051103/ap_on_fe_st/toilet_seat_lawsuit;_ylt=ArW8HWuPdhn0uUBontW9ubfti BIF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--

Man Sues After Using Glue-Covered Toilet 2 hours, 34 minutes ago

BOULDER, Colorado - A hardware retailer Home Depot has found itself in a sticky situation, defending a lawsuit filed by a man who claims the chain's Louisville store ignored his cries for help after he fell victim to a prank and was glued to a toilet seat.

Bob Dougherty, 57, of Nederland, said he became stuck to a bathroom toilet seat on which somebody had smeared glue on Oct. 30, 2003, and felt "tremendous panic" when he realized he was stuck.

"They left me there, going through all that stress," Dougherty told The (Boulder) Daily Camera. "They just let me rot."

His lawsuit, filed Friday said Dougherty was recovering from heart bypass surgery at the time and thought he was having a heart attack. A store employee who heard him calling for help informed the head clerk via radio, but the head clerk "believed it to be a hoax," the lawsuit said.

Home Depot spokeswoman Kathryn Gallagher said she could not comment on pending litigation.

The lawsuit said after about 15 minutes, store officials called for an ambulance. Paramedics unbolted the toilet seat, and while wheeling a "frightened and humiliated" Dougherty out of the store, he passed out.

The lawsuit said the toilet seat separated from his skin, leaving abrasions.

"This is not Home Depot's fault," he said. "But I am blaming them for letting me hang in there and just ignoring me."

11-03-2005, 02:34 AM
Man Sues After Using Glue-Covered Toilet 2 hours, 34 minutes ago
I'm hoping that's a time stamp added there and not the actual headline. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/Crylol01.gif

11-03-2005, 06:06 AM
OMG... Thats even worse than the time I went to Fabutan and the lid on the tanning bed collapsed on me and I got trapped.

They had to break down the door and pry naked me out of it.


11-03-2005, 06:23 AM
OMG... Thats even worse than the time I went to Fabutan and the lid on the tanning bed collapsed on me and I got trapped.

They had to break down the door and pry naked me out of it.


Got some fractured bones then dude?

Well restroom prank jokes are still the best. :)

11-03-2005, 12:25 PM
OMG... Thats even worse than the time I went to Fabutan and the lid on the tanning bed collapsed on me and I got trapped.

They had to break down the door and pry naked me out of it.I bet you gave them a Mike AI snarl. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

Glad you were alright, Sabby.

Dale, if Sabby in any way looks like a "duuuuude" to you, then you're legally blind, duuuude. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/blink.gif

11-03-2005, 03:14 PM
I bet you gave them a Mike AI snarl. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

Glad you were alright, Sabby.

Dale, if Sabby in any way looks like a "duuuuude" to you, then you're legally blind, duuuude. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/blink.gif

Thanks for fielding that one, Dravyk. I was busy trying to get my jaw up off my keyboard. :blink:

Note: although, when I was in high school, my mother *did* request that I cease addressing her as "man." Those of us of the bell-bottomed, long hair persuasion addressed everyone thusly. "Dude" may be the same thing. It's not my generation, though, so I don't know for certain.

11-03-2005, 03:22 PM
OMG... Thats even worse than the time I went to Fabutan and the lid on the tanning bed collapsed on me and I got trapped.

They had to break down the door and pry naked me out of it.


OMG!!! That's my worst nightmare!!! :o

11-03-2005, 03:28 PM
He's suing for 15 freaking minutes?? Most men are on the toilet for much longer than that just pondering the complexities of the world!

Sabby, the new pic is HOT. I could swear they've gotten bigger...

11-03-2005, 03:51 PM
Dale_Ryan you fucker!!! Now they gonna make me post fan signs and my model is out of town!!!




11-03-2005, 03:54 PM
"Dude" may be the same thing. It's not my generation, though, so I don't know for certain.One can only hope. :blink:

11-03-2005, 03:55 PM
Dale_Ryan you fucker!!! Now they gonna make me post fan signs and my model is out of town!!!

Shit!ROTFL! That one was just great!!!! :lmao1:

11-03-2005, 04:46 PM
Dale_Ryan you fucker!!! Now they gonna make me post fan signs and my model is out of town!!!




Excellent Sabby. :bustingup