View Full Version : Frikkin Trick-or-Treaters

10-31-2005, 09:58 PM
Ignoring the "Sorry, no candy" sign and ringing my doorbell 20 times will NOT make candy appear.

Someone remind me to egg the neighbors house. :mad:

He said there's never any kids and not even 10 mins before my husband was supposed to get candy "just in case" a gaggle of children ring the bell. They left rather quickly so we just put out the sign and not a peep for hours. Then the door chime goes nuts and we hear kids getting all snarky about us not having candy.


10-31-2005, 10:22 PM
They didn't get the treat, so you got the trick :)

Evil Chris
10-31-2005, 10:52 PM
We had just enough candy this year to go around.

FB put the sign on the door at about 8:30 but it was all done by then anyway.
Some really cute costumes this year too.

11-01-2005, 12:14 AM
We didn't get a single kid. Which is all well and good because the dog would have been driving us crazy barking.

11-01-2005, 12:24 AM
We just found out one of the reasons the doorbell has been ringing.

Seems the neighbor took our no candy sign and hung it on his own door.

Damnit. :hmm:

11-01-2005, 01:49 AM
You folks put out signs? If they did that here, we'd get egged! LOL!

Thought the universal "sign" is what we always do. Candy ran out after an hour and a half, so the outdoor light goes out, the light by the window goes out, the blinds go down and instant dark house.

Lots of fun. Cute costumes.

Had these two kids around 10 or 11 years old come up to me three times. I said, "What's this? You're 18th time here?" Kid said "I wondered when you'd catch on". I said "I caught on immediately, just wondering how long you were going to try it."

Then both kids say "one more! one more!" Then they both say, "he got one more from you than me, give me one more so I'm even." I said "nope, good try. see ya."

The one kid walks away the second one tries it again "But he got my piece!" I said, "Oh yeah? Then go kick your buddies ass for it." hehehe

Little bastards will grow up to be adult webmasters for sure! Program owners, in fact! :)

11-01-2005, 07:07 AM
After Toni had given all of my son's candy away, I put a sign on the door simply saying "FUCK OFF!!". It worked a treat. :)

11-01-2005, 10:45 AM
After Toni had given all of my son's candy away, I put a sign on the door simply saying "FUCK OFF!!". It worked a treat. :)I wonder what you're like at Christmas time. :blink:

11-01-2005, 10:56 AM
We had over 400 kids come to the door!

It was good fun.

Guessing there costume completely wrong is amusing :)

No egging nothing....

Some of the people my kids wisited were giving away awesome shit.

Like full bags of potato chips and shit.

11-01-2005, 11:22 AM
Some of the people my kids wisited were giving away awesome shit.

Like full bags of potato chips and shit.I wonder if there's some place they give our Fabrege Eggs and Rolexes? :)

11-01-2005, 11:31 AM
I wonder if there's some place they give our Fabrege Eggs and Rolexes? :)


The Sultan used to give out Rolexes by yr dinner place setting lol , dunno if he still does.

A few years ago I used to stay at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cyprus an awful lot (90 days a yr)and got to know the senior doorman well. Played golf etc.

One time I'd just checked in and was outside , I saw him climbing out of an SL500 and said something along the lines of "fuck me business is good!!!l" and he explained what had happened.

The Sultan had flown in some of his entourage and took the entire penthouse floor.

They needed cars as they were staying a week , so he sent a lackey out and he bought 10 Benzes or so. (Well you would wouldn't you?)

When they left he gave them away as tips.

11-01-2005, 11:31 AM
My dog was barking his ass off, and I kept asking the groups of kids coming to the house which one of them was going to volunteer to be the treat for my dog, who was hungry.

Nobody volunteered, but one little ten year old cheerleader did offer her little brother.

11-01-2005, 11:32 AM
I wonder what you're like at Christmas time. :blink:
Christmas is a time of giving and I usually give them about 240 volts :)

11-01-2005, 11:35 AM
Christmas is a time of giving and I usually give them about 240 volts :)LMAO!

Cool story, Nick! :)

11-01-2005, 11:36 AM
My dog was barking his ass off, and I kept asking the groups of kids coming to the house which one of them was going to volunteer to be the treat for my dog, who was hungry.

Nobody volunteered, but one little ten year old cheerleader did offer her little brother.Read my first post, PD. We could feed my two 10-year-old con men to him. :p

11-01-2005, 11:58 AM
We had an amazing turnout....tons of kids, but unfortunately had to deal with the fucking pinhead 15 and 16 year olds who think trick or treating is fun and a hoodie is a fucking Halloween costume...we got an egg or two to the door, which is fine, it's part of Halloween and even the toilet paper in the tree was amusing, but these fucktards kicked the shit out of the jack-o-lanterns I carved and totally destroyed them, stringing them across the lawn and this was before the trick or treating had come to an end....

11-01-2005, 12:02 PM
We had an amazing turnout....tons of kids, but unfortunately had to deal with the fucking pinhead 15 and 16 year olds who think trick or treating is fun and a hoodie is a fucking Halloween costume...we got an egg or two to the door, which is fine, it's part of Halloween and even the toilet paper in the tree was amusing, but these fucktards kicked the shit out of the jack-o-lanterns I carved and totally destroyed them, stringing them across the lawn and this was before the trick or treating had come to an end....

Dude there is just so many things I can burn you over in this post....

We have the grumpy old man bitching at the kids angle..
the taking an egging and TP and just accepting it...
carving pumpkins...


No time now , gotta run out...


11-01-2005, 12:07 PM
We had an amazing turnout....tons of kids, but unfortunately had to deal with the fucking pinhead 15 and 16 year olds who think trick or treating is fun and a hoodie is a fucking Halloween costume...LMAO!

Don't you love them? Yeah, they pull their hooded-sweatshirt over as far as it will go, then they come up with their shoulders scrunched over and bending low, and a freaking white plastic bag from the local convenience store.

I ususally just look at them and give them one piece of whatever I think is the worse candy in the bowl. I'm always tempted to say "Just get a job, duuuuude." http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

11-01-2005, 12:43 PM
We didn't get as many as we hoped for - only about a dozen or so, but they were so cute, specially the little ones - I totally dig seeing the little (3-6 yr olds) kids dressed up with masks and looking all scary and creepy!

11-01-2005, 12:52 PM
We had an amazing turnout....tons of kids, but unfortunately had to deal with the fucking pinhead 15 and 16 year olds who think trick or treating is fun and a hoodie is a fucking Halloween costume...we got an egg or two to the door, which is fine, it's part of Halloween and even the toilet paper in the tree was amusing, but these fucktards kicked the shit out of the jack-o-lanterns I carved and totally destroyed them, stringing them across the lawn and this was before the trick or treating had come to an end....

I have a pellet gun for them... stings like a mother....

11-01-2005, 12:56 PM
Ignoring the "Sorry, no candy" sign and ringing my doorbell 20 times will NOT make candy appear.

Someone remind me to egg the neighbors house. :mad:

He said there's never any kids and not even 10 mins before my husband was supposed to get candy "just in case" a gaggle of children ring the bell. They left rather quickly so we just put out the sign and not a peep for hours. Then the door chime goes nuts and we hear kids getting all snarky about us not having candy.


Oh that would of pissed me off big time!!!! :mad: I put a sign and thank god no one had the guts to disturb me! ;)

11-01-2005, 02:30 PM
I have a pellet gun for them... stings like a mother....

I have one as well, but it was in the closet and by the time I would have gotten it, they'd have been gone (I'll learn for next year though)

11-01-2005, 04:32 PM
I have one as well, but it was in the closet and by the time I would have gotten it, they'd have been gone (I'll learn for next year though)
Another plus with us having Bonfire night so close to Halloween is that there's no shortage of air bombs in the house... nothing deters a teenager like the thought of losing a limb ;)

11-01-2005, 05:24 PM
Another plus with us having Bonfire night so close to Halloween is that there's no shortage of air bombs in the house... nothing deters a teenager like the thought of losing a limb ;)
I need to get me a couple of those for next year...

11-01-2005, 07:48 PM
Another plus with us having Bonfire night Isn't that Guy Fawkes Day?

11-02-2005, 04:30 AM
Ignoring the "Sorry, no candy" sign and ringing my doorbell 20 times will NOT make candy appear.

Someone remind me to egg the neighbors house. :mad:

He said there's never any kids and not even 10 mins before my husband was supposed to get candy "just in case" a gaggle of children ring the bell. They left rather quickly so we just put out the sign and not a peep for hours. Then the door chime goes nuts and we hear kids getting all snarky about us not having candy.


Fuck, it only took four groups of young kids to empty all our candy bags. They are a bit noisy but I enjoyed watching their nice costumes.

11-02-2005, 04:45 AM
I was actually dissapointed. I bought ALOT of candy!

The weather was really nice this year (NO snow yet!!!)


Kids are not out trick or treating anymore... I think most of them go to organized parties... its safer. And I'm in a nice neighborhood too.

Hehehe. I gotta show you guys the pics of my dog and my son dressed in matching convict costumes. Too cute for words! (I have to blur my kids face out though cause I will not post pics of my kids on a public forum).


11-02-2005, 05:44 AM
And... If I dont stop eating all this left over candy my ass is gonna look like Amber's soon!

At least I know Sergie will love me :)


11-02-2005, 10:49 AM
A knock on my door actually stunned me this Halloween. I thought "oh, no!" and answered the door. The lady next door had brought her 7 week old baby over to show me his "cat costume." Oh, seriously cute! What a bright baby! Even at that young age, he was thoughtfully moving his fingers as he watched my hand wave at him with a "hmmm...this is interesting" expression. The baby was all smiles, causing his mother to say "boy, he really likes you!"

I brought over a baby present and a boquet of flowers for them yesterday because they brightened my holiday so much. :)