View Full Version : Get to know you a bit better....

10-31-2005, 12:04 PM
Inspired by one of my favorite shows Inside the Actors Studio...

1) What is your favorite word? hello

2) What is your least favorite word? no

3) What turns you on? good looks com,bined with a great mind and personality

4) What turns you off? ignorance

5) What sound or noise do you love? the groaning or whining of a loser to my better poker hand

6) What sound or noise do you hate? nails on a chalkboard

7) What is your favorite curse word? fuck

8) What profession either than yours would you like to attempt? college professor

9) What profession would you not ever like to attempt? even though I love following politics being a politician

10) If heaven exists what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates? It's ok I'm still gonna let you in!! :huh:

10-31-2005, 01:10 PM
1) What are your favorite words? Wheres what I want?

2) What are your least favorite words? I can't do it

3) What turns you on? Good business

4) What turns you off? ignorance, stupidity and arrogance

5) What sound or noise do you love? The sound of a hammer falling

6) What sound or noise do you hate? sirens

7) What is your favorite curse word? cunt

8) What profession either than yours would you like to attempt? Mortician

9) What profession would you not ever like to attempt? factory worker

10) If heaven exists what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates? alright my son, the latinas are over there and the humidor in that corner

10-31-2005, 01:14 PM
1) What is your favorite word? invoice

2) What is your least favorite word? broken

3) What turns you on? wit

4) What turns you off? hypocracy

5) What sound or noise do you love? ca-ching!

6) What sound or noise do you hate? a door closing

7) What is your favorite curse word? fuck

8) What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? professional writer

9) What profession would you not ever like to attempt? doctor

10) If heaven exists what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates? You're lucky I'm in a good mood today. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wwww.gif

10-31-2005, 01:41 PM
Keep em coming guys...

10-31-2005, 02:10 PM
1) What is your favorite word? fuckwad

2) What is your least favorite word? can't

3) What turns you on? body modification, brains, big tits (not necessarily in that order)

4) What turns you off? toothless hookers

5) What sound or noise do you love? the high pitched scream of a young actress in a horror movie as she hs to flee the slasher/monster (additional points if she has a topless scene in the movie)

6) What sound or noise do you hate? a fart that is not mine

7) What is your favorite curse word? fuck

8) What profession either than yours would you like to attempt? college gymnastics coach

9) What profession would you not ever like to attempt? cockring tester

10) If heaven exists what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates? Am I being punk'd? What the fuck is going on here? Saint Peter, you cunt, is this your doing? oops, that's what He *would* say....what I'ds like to hear him say is "Here, the beer is free and so are the hookers"

10-31-2005, 02:19 PM
1) What is your favorite word? True/Right

2) What is your least favorite word? can't

3) What turns you on? Accomplishing something.... and horny girls...

4) What turns you off? ignorance, hypocrisis

5) What sound or noise do you love? Waking up to the sound of a elementary school's recess (which I had every day before I moved)

6) What sound or noise do you hate? bones breaking, or flesh ripping

7) What is your favorite curse word? fuck

8) What profession either than yours would you like to attempt? shrink

9) What profession would you not ever like to attempt? Im too quizzy for anything with blood and guts... so doctor, paramedic...

10) If heaven exists what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates? I do not exist...

10-31-2005, 02:27 PM
1) What is your favorite word? Shit!
2) What is your least favorite word? Maybe
3) What turns you on? Great sense of humour, intelligence
4) What turns you off? BO and stupidity
5) What sound or noise do you love? My son't little voice
6) What sound or noise do you hate? Car honking
7) What is your favorite curse word? fuck
8) What profession either than yours would you like to attempt? Cop
9) What profession would you not ever like to attempt? proctologist
10) If heaven exists what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates? ROFL!!!!!!!!

10-31-2005, 03:07 PM
OK, I have to post my answers before I read your's or it will taint the results ; )

1) What is your favorite word? cocksucker
2) What is your least favorite word? processor-I sell hosting and can't say it!
3) What turns you on? confidence and silky skin
4) What turns you off? cockiness, mustaches without a goatee

5) What sound or noise do you love? When my dog "talks" to me
6) What sound or noise do you hate? a fork on a stoneware plate

7) What is your favorite curse word? fuckhead

8) What profession either than yours would you like to attempt? lawyer-litigator

9) What profession would you not ever like to attempt? plumber

10) If heaven exists what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates? Your family is waiting for you in the next room! ; )

10-31-2005, 03:21 PM
1) What is your favorite word? Yes

2) What is your least favorite word? can't

3) What turns you on? intelligence, honesty

4) What turns you off? stupidity, deceit

5) What sound or noise do you love? orgasms

6) What sound or noise do you hate? children crying

7) What is your favorite curse word? fuck

8) What profession either than yours would you like to attempt? forensic scientist

9) What profession would you not ever like to attempt? mortician

10) If heaven exists what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates? Come on in, you've got a lot of friends and family that have been waiting for you.

Evil Chris
10-31-2005, 03:36 PM
1) What is your favorite word? doggie (at the moment)

2) What is your least favorite word? can't

3) What turns you on? big boobs

4) What turns you off? intolerance

5) What sound or noise do you love? birds

6) What sound or noise do you hate? dunno

7) What is your favorite curse word? fuck

8) What profession either than yours would you like to attempt? pro baseball player

9) What profession would you not ever like to attempt? accountant

10) If heaven exists what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates? Chris! You made it!

10-31-2005, 05:29 PM
Some interesting responses. :>))

10-31-2005, 06:46 PM
1) What is your favorite word? mellifluous (it means "smooth and sweet")

2) What is your least favorite word? endoscopy

3) What turns you on? wit, humor, intelligence

4) What turns you off? someone who's humorless or ignorant

5) What sound or noise do you love? I once gave a 9 month old baby artificial respiration. It was nearly 30 years ago, but I can still hear the first breath he took on his own. To this day, that's my favorite sound.

6) What sound or noise do you hate? a voice raised in anger at a child

7) What is your favorite curse word? shitfuck

8) What profession either than yours would you like to attempt? 4th grade teacher

9) What profession would you not ever like to attempt? waitressing

10) If heaven exists what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates? You did a good job.

10-31-2005, 07:03 PM
1) What is your favorite word? Dan

2) What is your least favorite word? no

3) What turns you on? The switch on my back

4) What turns you off? See above

5) What sound or noise do you love? My son saying dad

6) What sound or noise do you hate? The noise that goes with "Send error report"

7) What is your favorite curse word? I use far too many to choose just one

8) What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? Pilot

9) What profession would you not ever like to attempt? Sewage worker

10) If heaven exists what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates? So I'm guessing Hell is full.

10-31-2005, 07:13 PM
1) What is your favorite word? Thanks
2) What is your least favorite word? Can't
3) What turns you on? Energetic and Positive People
4) What turns you off? Procrastination
5) What sound or noise do you love? Children playing
6) What sound or noise do you hate? Pain
7) What is your favorite curse word? Don't have one
8) What profession either than yours would you like to attempt? Commercial Announcer
9) What profession would you not ever like to attempt? Insurance Sales
10) If heaven exists what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates? We've been expecting you. :)

10-31-2005, 07:17 PM
Steady...I think your voice would make you a shoe-in for the "Commercial Announcer" gig. :clapping:

10-31-2005, 07:21 PM
Steady...I think your voice would make you a shoe-in for the "Commercial Announcer" gig. :clapping:

Thanks, Morgan :) :)

10-31-2005, 08:01 PM
1) What is your favorite word? Fuck

2) What is your least favorite word? Pussy

3) What turns you on? Body Mods, Gender Bending, Brightly Colored Hair

4) What turns you off? Ignorance, Racism, Fatphobia

5) What sound or noise do you love? Footsteps in movies, Rain on windows

6) What sound or noise do you hate? Loud screechy noises

7) What is your favorite curse word? Fuck/Cunt/Shit

8) What profession either than yours would you like to attempt? Hair Stylist

9) What profession would you not ever like to attempt? One of those scientists that puts hairspray in bunnies eyes and shit like that.

10) If heaven exists what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates? "Bet you weren't expecting this were ya?"