View Full Version : Saw II

10-30-2005, 09:45 PM
OMG!!!! This was hands-down the best movie I have seen in a LONG time!! Unlike most sequels, SAW II is even better than the first one. Great psychological thriller. I rate it right up there with Seven & Silence of the Lambs (story line NOT acting) This story could go on forever! :okthumb:

10-31-2005, 08:44 AM
Saw 1 was laughably horrible. so i think ill pass. Carey Elways... will act for food.

10-31-2005, 11:06 AM
I liked SawI but my wife absolutely hated it thought it was waaayyyy to horrible.

Cary Elwes was good in "Men in tights"

10-31-2005, 11:14 AM
Havent seen either as yet, might be worth checking it out for the claret

10-31-2005, 11:38 AM
I thought Saw was excellent and I'm really looking forward to seeing Saw II.

10-31-2005, 12:56 PM
I thought Saw was one of the best movies of 2004 and I think that Saw II is one of the best of 2005. I was expecting a watered down quickie sequel and Saw II totally delviered. It was one nasty motherfucker of a movie and I wouldn't say I liked it more than the first one, but damn did it deliver (especially considering the original script was one that had been floating around and got rewritten to become a sequel to Saw).

Oh yes, there will be blood and I would have no problem shoving more money into the producer's hands for a third one if they keep it mean, dirty and gory on the same level as the first two.

11-01-2005, 12:27 AM
I put off seeing Saw becaus of the lame ass "See Saw" commercials. But when I finally did see it I fell in love.

I can't wait to see the sequal! I didn't even know there was one until the other day when my husband mentioned it.

11-01-2005, 08:50 AM
I really enjoyed the first but haven't seen the second yet.

11-01-2005, 03:44 PM
The first "Saw" was one of those movies that made my husband sit there quietly then murmur "I'm trying to decide if that was a good movie or not." OK, big time points in my book, because my husband is one of those "that was OK" movie viewers. (I was recently on an eBay movie buying binge, and every title I brought up caused him to say "that was ok." 26 years and I'm still trying to find out if "OK" means "middle of the road, nothing really special" or "I liked it." I just stopped asking and bought dvds.) Any movie that acually makes the man ponder is aces in my book.

We'll definitely watch "Saw II," mostly because we watch everything we can.

Watched "House of Wax" last night, because blockbuster.com delivered it on Halloween. Paris Hilton's character actually asked a couple of intelligent questions...causing me to remark "I fear for any movie where Hilton plays the *smart one.*"

11-02-2005, 02:26 AM
I saw it last night a perfect movie for Halloween. I enjoyed both Saw I and II. Also they played a trailer for http://www.hostelfilm.com it looks pretty twisted.

11-02-2005, 02:41 AM
Oh I loved the first one. I cant wait to see the sequel!


11-02-2005, 04:19 AM
I haven't seen that one yet but with that reaction, I think I'll try to watch it.

11-02-2005, 11:55 AM
I saw it last night a perfect movie for Halloween. I enjoyed both Saw I and II. Also they played a trailer for http://www.hostelfilm.com it looks pretty twisted.
My most anticipated film of the year...while there was a love-hate relationship with Eli Roth's "Cabin Fever" I was in the love camp and can't wait to see "Hostel"

11-02-2005, 12:36 PM
My most anticipated film of the year...while there was a love-hate relationship with Eli Roth's "Cabin Fever" I was in the love camp and can't wait to see "Hostel"

I was in the "hate" camp. I looked at all those "self-preservationist" characters and wanted them all to die. (Quite lively discussions with my youngest ensued. She loved the movie.)

11-02-2005, 01:04 PM
I was in the "hate" camp. I looked at all those "self-preservationist" characters and wanted them all to die. (Quite lively discussions with my youngest ensued. She loved the movie.)

but...but...but...Cerina Vincent was naked....and the Evil Dead references (the "shemps" in the credits)...and did I mention Cerina Vincent was naked? ;-)

11-02-2005, 01:28 PM
Who the hell is Cerina Vincent? :scratchin

11-02-2005, 01:54 PM
Who the hell is Cerina Vincent? :scratchin

she was the naked exchange student in Not Another Teen Movie...