View Full Version : Only in a Bar ...

10-29-2005, 11:37 PM
So I was out tonight at my favorite pub with Electra. First time in a waaaayyyy too long 4.5 weeks. And it's the Saturday night right before Halloween.

So we go in and there's a bunch of folks wearing outfits. And the bartender has on a headband with three feathers in it (made of construction paper). He goes "woooowooowooo, I'm an Indian. Get it? 'Chiefs'?" The name of the bar. Yeah, ok, we get it, pour us a drink

So I ask, is there something special happening tonight? Is it costume night? He said, nope, they're just coming in that way. Ok, fair enough, pour down the pint.

Anyhow all night long they come in, maybe 70% of all the folks end up in costume. Two guys as Superman, and Daisy Duke (woo, she was hot, too!), Magnum PI, Donald Trump (I walk up to him and tell him he was fired.) and a bunch more.

Anyway, there was this one guy in there with probably the most interesting costume, of a little jockey riding a giant yellow "rubber" duck. Talked to him once during the night in passing. Later in the night I go to the men's room, and he's there in there in the next urinal, doing his thing. Big ass yellow duck and rest of the costume on the ground.

I stiffle my laughter. Briefly. Then after a few moments I turn to him in the other urinal and I say ...

"Ever hear of the movie 'Black Hawk Down'?" And he smiles and goes "Yeah?" And I scream:


And we both crack up. ... Just one of those things that can only happen in a bar. :)

10-30-2005, 12:45 AM
For a couple of my Navy years I was stationed in downtown St. Louis (hq for the recruiting district covering 1/2 of Missouri and almost half of Illinois).

We had a local bar we used to frequent, uh, once in a while. :D A buddy of mine and I were determined to be good (actually, more like under orders to be good) and were on our way to get a burger and a coke a little before noon; but when walking by the bar on the Friday before Halloween we noticed a sign that said "Free Pitcher of Beer to people in costume." Buddy says "Too bad we can't get one." I sez, "Watch me," and in we go.

I order a pitcher, and tell the bartender that would be my free one. She starts to tell me "no way - you're dressed like that every day!" I pointed out to her that there weren't any other people in the bar dressed like us, and we debated the topic for a minute or two. Finally, the manager walked up, and I told him that we wanted our free pitcher, and would be so grateful for it that we might call back to the office and mention it. We got our beer.

I made my phonecall. Actually, I made two - one back the headquarters, and the other to the first recruiting station in the "call tree."

By 3:00 p.m. the headquarters was "Closed For Mandatory Training," as were all of the Recruiting Stations within 75 miles of St. Louis. The manager told me on Monday he'd given away 30 pitchers of beer to the 60 +/- of us that came in. He also figured he sold enough in Tequila shots alone to make up for it ...

10-30-2005, 12:50 AM
He also figured he sold enough in Tequila shots alone to make up for it ...I'll drink to that!! :beer01:

10-30-2005, 01:15 AM
We had a lot of fun in that bar ... and some scary moments too.

This was a pretty big place, with a large bar on the main floor, a much smaller bar on a 2nd floor/balcony/mezzanine level, and a banquet room on the third floor. Because of its location, it attracted a lot of civilian government employees as well as sailors, marines and half-sailors (Coast Guard), and a gaggle of local and national telephone operators.

Allegedly, a group of sailors went into that bar on a Friday night when the banquet room was occupied. Supposedly they retired to the 2nd floor bar (purportedly along with the young ladies from a secretarial school), which usually emptied out by 9:00 or so. It was rumored that a Navy Petty Officer lit a cigarette made from a green leafy vegetable-like substance, which might have been routine by the time of night it is alleged to have taken place. On the supposed evening in question, however, the barmaid, manager, and various and sundry serving wenches reacted rather quickly to tell him to "just say no."

Seems that the function going on in the third floor dining room was a retirement party.

Seems that the guests at the retirement party were from a slew of Federal and State alphabet agencies.

Seems that the retiree had been a regional honcho for the Drug Enforcement Agency. The guests at the party were from the FBI, DEA, Secret Service, IRS, ATF, and representatives from most major police departments in the Midwest.

Allegedly, of course.

10-30-2005, 11:35 AM
We went to the halooween party at the local gay bar last night. There is no place like a gay bar on Halloween. We didn't get dressed up, but it was so much fun watching everyone.

10-30-2005, 12:44 PM
I was in a bar with most of my family last night - bloody frightening to say the least :blink:

10-30-2005, 01:45 PM
I was in a bar with most of my family last night - bloody frightening to say the least :blink:The best way to be with family is to have plenty of alcohol around.

Just don't drink too much, or you might end up flirting with some hot babe that turns out to be your cousin. :yowsa:

... Which isn't proper unless of course one is either a redneck or of royal blood. :blink:

10-30-2005, 01:49 PM
The best way to be with family is to have plenty of alcohol around.

Just don't drink too much, or you might end up flirting with some hot babe that turns out to be your cousin. :yowsa:

... Which isn't proper unless of course one is either a redneck or of royal blood. :blink:
Hot babe and cousin don't work together when talking about my family, I've had to marry good looking in to our clan ;)

10-30-2005, 02:01 PM
Hot babe and cousin don't work together when talking about my family, I've had to marry good looking in to our clan ;)Thank goodness Prince Chuck did that too! :)

10-30-2005, 02:19 PM
I have some "clan gathering" pictures of my in-laws that are priceless. My husband's grandmother lived to be 100 and every year that poor woman, rest her soul, was tortured by an "entire frigging family" birthday party.

I have a pic framed on the wall. I was in another room when a daughter of mine said "who's that?" while looking at it. I didn't have to come and look. I just said "that's your cousin Jennifer." Jen rather stands out, you see. The girl is absolutely beautiful and looks like a petunia in an onion patch in a family photo.

10-30-2005, 02:21 PM
Thank goodness Prince Chuck did that too! :)

Oh, goodness yes, and bred with her, too. Can you imagine the future of the House of Windsor if he'd married the *second* one during breeding years???? :blink:

10-30-2005, 02:47 PM
Oh, goodness yes, and bred with her, too. Can you imagine the future of the House of Windsor if he'd married the *second* one during breeding years???? :blink:I try not to have that mental image thank you.

But *shivers* I know exactly what you mean!

When will they realize you gotta get the more common people in there!

Diana and Fergie were the best things to ever happen to that family!!! :okthumb:

.... Why are they sooo stupid as to not understand that? :hmm: Or is it that they get it, but they just don't want to have to admit it?