View Full Version : Help!

10-26-2005, 08:28 AM
OK, I got a halloween party in 2 days and I still have no idea what to dress up as...Anyone here have any brilliant ideas? ;)

10-26-2005, 09:28 AM
OK, I got a halloween party in 2 days and I still have no idea what to dress up as...Anyone here have any brilliant ideas? ;)

Cereal killer - strap boxes of snack pak cereals across your chest and mark them all with a big red X.

Dope pusher - just walk around the party pushing people and when they say "why'd you do that" say "I'm a dope pusher"

Shit Head - Take a can of expansion foam and spray it out all in a big pile. Once it dries (a couple or few hours) Paint it brown and scoop out the bottom enough so that it sits on your head.

I am sure I will think of more :blink:

10-26-2005, 09:29 AM
One more... Just came to me...

Get a Dick Cheney mask and go as a Dick Head :okthumb:

10-26-2005, 09:31 AM
Cereal killer - strap boxes of snack pak cereals across your chest and mark them all with a big red X.

Dope pusher - just walk around the party pushing people and when they say "why'd you do that" say "I'm a dope pusher"

Shit Head - Take a can of expansion foam and spray it out all in a big pile. Once it dries (a couple or few hours) Paint it brown and scoop out the bottom enough so that it sits on your head.

I am sure I will think of more :blink:Those are GOLD

10-26-2005, 09:47 AM
ROFL!!!!!!! You've got a GREAT imagination i may actually use the cereal killer one...lol :hehehe9:

10-26-2005, 10:01 AM
Hahahaha.. I might use one of those for the party I am going to this weekend!

10-26-2005, 10:14 AM

10-26-2005, 10:27 AM
you can tape a piece of paper to one foot and go as the world's biggest paperweight

I like to put on a pair of roller skates and tie a string to my penis and go as a pull toy

You could put a angel wing on your right shoulder, a potato on the front of your pants and go as a right wing dictator

10-26-2005, 10:29 AM
One of my absolute favorite Halloween costumes was worn by my-daughter-the-Goth to high school. As she wore black and all the accessories to school every day, she said to me thoughtfully "a vampire wouldn't go to a costume party *dressed* as a vampire, would she?" I said, no, of course not.

She went to school as a white bunny. Bunny ears, white clothing, white face with whiskers painted on, basket of carrots and a box of Trix.

Cool. (I think she may actually have frightened them more as the bunny.) :okthumb:

10-26-2005, 10:32 AM
you can tape a piece of paper to one foot and go as the world's biggest paperweight

I like to put on a pair of roller skates and tie a string to my penis and go as a pull toy

You could put a angel wing on your right shoulder, a potato on the front of your pants and go as a right wing dictator

Points for that last one! :clapping:

It caused my beverage to exit with great rapidity.

10-26-2005, 01:27 PM
Go naked and paint yourself in lime green.

Then you can go as Paris Hilton!!! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wwww.gif


10-26-2005, 01:31 PM
Put on about 250 pounds, paint on a 5 o'clock shadow, pull on some coffee stained shorts and a sweaty T-shirt and go as an adult webmaster. :yowsa:

10-27-2005, 09:15 AM
Just my suggestion.. :whistling

10-27-2005, 09:37 AM
Some nice ideas in here!

FB, hopefully you will take some pics of whatever you decide on. :)

10-28-2005, 02:38 PM
Well I decided to go with the "scarlet Vampire" with a goth side to it! It's actually real cool and sexy! I can't wait It's going to be so fun! And yes I will be posting pictures! :okthumb:

10-28-2005, 03:57 PM
That sounds fantastic, FB!!! Is Chris going to be a fellow vampire or perhaps a bloodied victim? :)

Or have you decided to have a good time and leave him home?
(heheheheh Sorry, Chris. Had to.)


10-28-2005, 04:37 PM
That sounds fantastic, FB!!! Is Chris going to be a fellow vampire or perhaps a bloodied victim? :)

Or have you decided to have a good time and leave him home?
(heheheheh Sorry, Chris. Had to.)


I decided to leave him home and enjoy my girls night out! ;) He'll be my victim when I get home!

10-28-2005, 04:54 PM
I decided to leave him home and enjoy my girls night out! ;) He'll be my victim when I get home!

:okthumb: :clapping:

10-28-2005, 05:04 PM
I decided to leave him home and enjoy my girls night out! ;) He'll be my victim when I get home!
Chris is either one lucky guy because he gets loads of "him" time, or he's big time hen pecked. :D

10-28-2005, 05:11 PM
Chris is either one lucky guy because he gets loads of "him" time, or he's big time hen pecked. :D

Let's not forget the possibility that he's one smart cookie who knows what delights await him when the happy costumed lady returns home. :yowsa:

10-28-2005, 05:12 PM
Let's not forget the possibility that he's one smart cookie who knows what delights await him when the happy costumed lady returns home. :yowsa:
I like your thinking. :okthumb:

10-28-2005, 05:58 PM
I like your thinking. :okthumb:

Thank you, crumpet! :yowsa:

More men should realize the profound benefits they will receive when their lady has a productive "girls night out."

1. Women talk about sex more than men do.
2. The occasional stray glances, flirtation, or even flat out propositions from other men is hardly a threat to the man at home. It is, however, quite a boost to the lady's ego and sexual attractiveness...and such boosts benefit the man at home in many, varied and often astounding ways.
3. The man at home who cheerfully waves his lady off and says "have a good time with your friends!" is seen as a secure partner and few things are as sexy as that.
4. The imbibing of alcholic beverages with the girls causes raucous laughter, some salty dialogues...and a woman returning home with the desire to take her man and wring him dry...so-to-speak.

Many a man has been hospitlized because his lady returned home saying brightly "the girls and I were talking...and there's something I'd like to try."

Uh...nice knowing ya, Chris! :waving:

10-28-2005, 06:07 PM
Thank you, crumpet! :yowsa:

More men should realize the profound benefits they will receive when their lady has a productive "girls night out."

1. Women talk about sex more than men do.
2. The occasional stray glances, flirtation, or even flat out propositions from other men is hardly a threat to the man at home. It is, however, quite a boost to the lady's ego and sexual attractiveness...and such boosts benefit the man at home in many, varied and often astounding ways.
3. The man at home who cheerfully waves his lady off and says "have a good time with your friends!" is seen as a secure partner and few things are as sexy as that.
4. The imbibing of alcholic beverages with the girls causes raucous laughter, some salty dialogues...and a woman returning home with the desire to take her man and wring him dry...so-to-speak.

Many a man has been hospitlized because his lady returned home saying brightly "the girls and I were talking...and there's something I'd like to try."

Uh...nice knowing ya, Chris! :waving:
Very interesting, I'm thinking that I'd prefer to see pics of FB's return. :D