View Full Version : Good horror flicks!

10-25-2005, 11:20 AM
I'm a big fan of scary movies...Just wondering what your all time favorite scary movie is! ;) I would have to go with the original Friday the 13th and JAWS (I still can't go in the ocean...lol) I was very young when I saw it and it really left an impession!

10-25-2005, 11:29 AM
See mask :yowsa:


10-25-2005, 11:30 AM
I'm a big fan of scary movies...Just wondering what your all time favorite scary movie is! ;) I would have to go with the original Friday the 13th and JAWS (I still can't go in the ocean...lol) I was very young when I saw it and it really left an impession!

Woo hoo!! A fellow JAWS viewer that is scarred for life after watching the movie!! :okthumb:

el pres
10-25-2005, 11:30 AM
I saw Jaws when I was 6, I was scared to sit on the toilet..

First Horror film, a hammer house of horror film 'Beast in the cellar'.
Scared the shit out of me.

The first freddy film was good, hellraiser aswell.

Sitting though a horror alnighter.. tripping on mushrooms, changed my mind forever.

10-25-2005, 12:49 PM
I love "Jaws." It's one of my "comfort movies." (To me that means any movie I've seen so many times I can recite the dialogue. I pop in a "comfort movie" when I feel terrible and it just plays in the background sometimes.) "I think you're gonna need a bigger boat" is up there with "Houston, we have a problem" as far as "great understatements" as far as I'm concerned.

The only horror movies that have always maintained the ability to scare me no matter how many times I see them are "Evil Dead" and "Evil Dead II." I adore "Army of Darkness," but it's also funny as hell and doesn't scare me anymore.

The original "Night of the Living Dead" scares me. After that it became "oh, all right, enough already."

I like "House of the Dead" because the zombies can run like hell in it. All of that stiff legged, slow motion they-catch-the-people-anyway stuff went out the window, thankfully.

10-25-2005, 01:10 PM
The Thing, Reanimator, From Beyond, Dog Soldiers, Evil Dead 1,2,3, Dust til dawn

10-25-2005, 01:14 PM
Some of my favourites have already been posted but here goes:

The Legend of Hell House
Child's Play 1
Friday 13th 3 & 4 (The rest are a bit shite, those two were genuinely scary)
Evil Dead 1 & 2
Jaws (The bit when Ben Gardener's head pops through the hole in the bottom of the boat still scares me now)
Halloween (The first one, another absolute classic :) )

10-25-2005, 01:26 PM
Oooh...dom...yes....the Ben Gardner head scene...I do still jump at that one.

10-25-2005, 01:34 PM
Oooh...dom...yes....the Ben Gardner head scene...I do still jump at that one.

Yep - because my thought straight away was - "Fuck me ! The shark is still nearby ! Get out of the water stupid Richard Dreyfus !"

Evil Chris
10-25-2005, 02:07 PM
I thought "Saw" was pretty good. The sequel looks good as well.

10-25-2005, 02:48 PM
Yep - because my thought straight away was - "Fuck me ! The shark is still nearby ! Get out of the water stupid Richard Dreyfus !"

It was *very* unfair of Spielberg to lead one to believe that Richard Dreyfuss had been eaten. *That* bugged the first time I saw the movie. Led to a nice "buddy moment" ending, though.

I love shark movies. I think I'll pop a tape in.... :)

10-25-2005, 02:54 PM
I only like Zombie horror movies because regular horror movies freak me out and scare me too much!!!

I loved 28 Days Later and Shaun of the Dead

Almighty Jim
10-25-2005, 04:16 PM
Imagine This... A horror movie so scary that when it first came out and was shown in Atlanta there were preachers, priests, ministers, rabbis and clergymen from all religions literally waiting in the lobby to counsel viewers that came running out screaming from the movie. I was there, I saw it! Can you name the movie???

10-25-2005, 04:20 PM
Superstition aka the witch?

10-25-2005, 04:28 PM
Imagine This... A horror movie so scary that when it first came out and was shown in Atlanta there were preachers, priests, ministers, rabbis and clergymen from all religions literally waiting in the lobby to counsel viewers that came running out screaming from the movie. I was there, I saw it! Can you name the movie???


"The Exorcist"

Try explaining *that* little nugget of historical information to your kids.

10-25-2005, 04:30 PM
The Exorcist?

10-25-2005, 04:31 PM
God damn slow laptop!!!!! :(

10-25-2005, 04:31 PM

"The Exorcist"

Try explaining *that* little nugget of historical information to your kids.

But what a classic horror movie! :okthumb:

10-25-2005, 04:37 PM
But what a classic horror movie! :okthumb:
My mother used to tell me all about the preists standing outside of the local cinema and ranting about this film and telling me that it was sooo bad and evil it got banned...

It was re-released a few years ago and I was chomping at the bit to see it, I must say it's the funniest film I've ever seen.

10-25-2005, 04:51 PM

"The Exorcist"

Try explaining *that* little nugget of historical information to your kids.
Mine are still not very forgiving of the fact I pointed out to them - while they were very young - that the house their mother had just bought was about two blocks away from the hospital that the boy upon which the story was based was treated at.

10-25-2005, 05:24 PM
Mine are still not very forgiving of the fact I pointed out to them - while they were very young - that the house their mother had just bought was about two blocks away from the hospital that the boy upon which the story was based was treated at.

My kids would have loved that little fact.

I watched it with my youngest a few years ago and she kept muttering "when are we getting to the scary part?"

She did appreciate the story about Mercedes McCambridge, who did the voice coming out of Linda Blair when she was "posessed." Ms. McCambridge said that Linda Blair mouthing those obscenities was the funniest thing she'd ever heard.

I vividly remember the incredible uproar over that film. There was a surge in "real exorcisms" and churches went nuts. It's funny how it just hasn't stood the test of time at all. "Night of the Living Dead" was an earlier film...and it's still scary, black and white though it may be.

The spoof that Linda Blair did as an adult was funny. :)

Almighty Jim
10-25-2005, 05:29 PM
The younger you are the more vivid and uncluttered the mind. Also the more religious one was the scarier it was. To me the special effects at that time were awsome. It is still the horror movie that has had the most impact when seeing it in the theater for the first time.

10-25-2005, 05:49 PM
I have never been scared by a movie. I think something might be wrong with me :( The Exorcist book scared me though. Read it at night when I was in the 8th or 9th grade - not the smartest thing to do!

10-25-2005, 06:22 PM
See Avatar ;-)

10-25-2005, 06:24 PM
A couple of books have scared me ... I was living in Portland, Maine, and stationed in Brunswick, about 40 miles north. I was driving an old, beat-up 60 VW that I'd just bought and hadn't had a chance to work on yet. I used to drive it up Route 1 instead of '95 to get to work.

Finished up Salem's Lot about two in the morning, and was just about to crash when I got called in to work. Drove an old, beat up VW Beetle that I'd just bought, so I took old Route 1 from Portland to Brunswick, Maine, in the middle of a nor'easter. Perhaps it was being tired; maybe it was an excess of leafy green vegtable-like substance; could have been the way light gets screwed up at night with highbeams and rain - anyway, every set of friggin' driveway reflectors looked just like something straight out of the book.

10-25-2005, 07:06 PM
Alien and aliens 2 was cool ..

10-25-2005, 07:08 PM
Did anyone mention the *original* Amityville Horror yet ?

10-25-2005, 07:51 PM
I never read horror until somebody said "you've got to read Stephen King's 'The Shining'!" So...I decided to give it a go. Yup, one scary book.

Especially when you work in a hotel.
And are walking down the hall in the middle of the night after escorting a drunk back to his room.
And you pass the power room as the elevator growls to a clanking start.
And you see the vague, red *THING* at the end of the hallway.

And you completely forget you're wearing a red uniform jacket, the end of the hallway is a window, it's black as pitch outside...and you've just been frightened out of your mind by your own reflection.

When I got back to the front desk they took one look at my bleached face and assumed the drunk had done something horrific to me when in actuallity he'd been the most pleasant part of the entire endeavor.

10-25-2005, 07:52 PM
I never read horror until somebody said "you've got to read Stephen King's 'The Shining'!" So...I decided to give it a go. Yup, one scary book.

Especially when you work in a hotel.
And are walking down the hall in the middle of the night after escorting a drunk back to his room.
And you pass the power room as the elevator growls to a clanking start.
And you see the vague, red *THING* at the end of the hallway.

And you completely forget you're wearing a red uniform jacket, the end of the hallway is a window, it's black as pitch outside...and you've just been frightened out of your mind by your own reflection.

When I got back to the front desk they took one look at my bleached face and assumed the drunk had done something horrific to me when in actuallity he'd been the most pleasant part of the entire endeavor.

The Shining is the only book I have ever read that made me feel like I was being watched and keep looking around the room to check there was no-one there :)