View Full Version : Is Everyone Anal These Days ??

Almighty Jim
10-21-2005, 01:04 PM
:unsure: Are you one of those people that constantly worries about the aesthetics of your site? :fanning:

Are always doing something to TRY to make it look better? :g01: or.....

Do you think, what the hell, I can put up any dirty site and make money!!:a2m:

10-21-2005, 01:10 PM
Do you think, what the hell, I can put up any dirty site and make money!!:a2m:



10-21-2005, 01:14 PM
I am anal...but I am not talking about web sites...

10-21-2005, 01:36 PM

Pretty=bookmarks=bandwith=waste of time and money.

We are NOT here to entertain the surfers.

OK, that was a freesite webmaster howling.

I have NO idea what you paysite people do. I do know that I've fallen in love with some gorgeous, classy paysites that I couldn't convert for anything, though.

10-21-2005, 01:44 PM
I'm anal. I know I'm wasting time by trying to make it all pretty. But I haven't been doing adult long enough to break out of my webmaster mindset yet I think.

Plus I get a kick out of making pretty websites and since this isn't going to make me a millionaire I might as well have some fun doing it. :)

10-21-2005, 01:46 PM
Ugly and porn seem to run hand in hand, mainstream is another story though.

10-21-2005, 01:50 PM
It seems to me that one of the first threads I ever read on an adult webmaster board was related to the argument between "pretty" and "ugly".

Some folks like Chevys, some folks like Fords ...

10-21-2005, 01:54 PM
Yay for Ford. But I'm biased.

Anyway... I think people should do what works for them.

When I first gave the adult web a go many years ago I was using a sponsor that didn't seem to pay anyone... but me. I was getting checks regularly.

I think a lot of this biz has to do with luck and timing.

10-21-2005, 01:55 PM

Pretty=bookmarks=bandwith=waste of time and money.

We are NOT here to entertain the surfers.

The purpose of a free site is to get some sumbitch to remove his hand from his cock so he can pull out his credit card.

I'm not so sure about not entertaining the surfers, though.

If entertaining the consumer wasn't a viable method of selling, why do the hordes of "Madison Avenue" ad agencies exist?

There are many paths to the skinless cat ...

10-21-2005, 02:08 PM
There are many paths to the skinless cat ...



Uhm... that's quite the expression.

10-21-2005, 02:13 PM
Yay for Ford. But I'm biased.

Anyway... I think people should do what works for them.

When I first gave the adult web a go many years ago I was using a sponsor that didn't seem to pay anyone... but me. I was getting checks regularly.

I think a lot of this biz has to do with luck and timing.

So, have you moved on from freesites to paysites? I know we (whitcon) were free site webmasters till Nick decided to open up paysites. Funny how 50 sales a day became 300 to 500.

Were your experiences similliar?

10-21-2005, 02:16 PM
So, have you moved on from freesites to paysites? I know we (whitcon) were free site webmasters till Nick decided to open up paysites. Funny how 50 sales a day became 300 to 500.

Were your experiences similliar?

Nope. I dabbled in freesites (I think I built 5 or so) and then I quit all together. I just recently decided to come back to the biz but so much has changed I feel like I'm all brand new.

10-21-2005, 02:18 PM
I think a lot of this biz has to do with luck and timing.


luck and timing?


The people that made lots of money were more daring and smarter than the one s that didn't.

Knowadays any chancer of a moron reckons this is the way they can make bank....nope...

Same as any business , the top 1% make the REAL money

10-21-2005, 02:18 PM
So, have you moved on from freesites to paysites? I know we (whitcon) were free site webmasters till Nick decided to open up paysites. Funny how 50 sales a day became 300 to 500.

Were your experiences similliar?

Hey, why teach a newbie something when you can amuse yourself by bashing the fuck out of them?

I knew you when, kiddo. You made one helluva success for yourself in this business. I do imagine there were one or two people who gave you some advice along the way, though.

10-21-2005, 02:22 PM
It seems to me that one of the first threads I ever read on an adult webmaster board was related to the argument between "pretty" and "ugly".

Some folks like Chevys, some folks like Fords ...

There are actually people who LIKE Chevys and Fords?

10-21-2005, 02:24 PM
This business is like poker.

If you are sitting at the table and you don't know who the fool is , its you.

10-21-2005, 02:25 PM
There are actually people who LIKE Chevys and Fords?
You're a communist, aren't you? :D

10-21-2005, 02:25 PM
There are actually people who LIKE Chevys and Fords?

Hey!!! My Ford Lightning was kinda cool ESPECIAllY when it was chipped to 500bhp!!


10-21-2005, 02:29 PM
This business is like poker.

If you are sitting at the table and you don't know who the fool is , its you.

And I'll keep on wearing the clown shoes and the red nose as long as my checks keep clearing.

10-21-2005, 02:30 PM
Hey, why teach a newbie something when you can amuse yourself by bashing the fuck out of them?

I knew you when, kiddo. You made one helluva success for yourself in this business. I do imagine there were one or two people who gave you some advice along the way, though.

Yep, I had three people who gave me advice and I ran away with it.

1. Nick - Traffic is king...
2. Serge - the surfer is commodity
3. BillPMB - Maximize your traffic, and increase your profits.

Everything else I read from the web. Just like I used to say back in the day, Learn, Implement, and Test. Everything I read, I did in real time. Like Mike Fold's earlier writings from Ynot on clicks and how to filter them. Like Colin's earlier version of "Building an empire" which led me to having the top 5 spot on Sextracker for my CJ's when it was worth something.

There was no fucking luck, I busted my ass, learned, and asked questions. I repaid that back in spades.

If asked by anyone here for help or advice on sites, I'd throw a lending hand. But the days of being the Newbie Board President are a half decade dead.

But going back to your earlier accusation... Bashing? My tounge in cheek ribbing? Nope, not I.

10-21-2005, 02:44 PM
I'm with Anthony ( well of course , he ain't heavy , he's my brother..LOL)...

The days of helping newbies en mass for me is long gone.

I happily give out advice , if I can , if someone wants to call me and ask me specific questions.

But I tend to shy away from helping people who..
1.) ask general questions
2.) decry my success as "luck" and "timing"

made me think though..

I think I am one of the few who made a fortune in one field of this business , spent it , then made another fortune in a different field , spent it , and then moved on to a new field ..I really have to keep it this time!!

Both Serge and stripclubguru has hammered into my head the fact "its not what you make its what you keep".

My problem is , without wishing to seem arrogant , I find making money in business in general very easy ,and in this business REALLY easy , its not hard. And when I see people that just don't get it and never will I get frustrated and a tad cunty. Because to me it really is just so bloody obvious.

Find something that makes you $10 a day and do it 1000 times a day! ;-))

10-21-2005, 02:44 PM
Yep, I had three people who gave me advice and I ran away with it.

1. Nick - Traffic is king...
2. Serge - the surfer is commodity
3. BillPMB - Maximize your traffic, and increase your profits.

Everything else I read from the web. Just like I used to say back in the day, Learn, Implement, and Test. Everything I read, I did in real time. Like Mike Fold's earlier writings from Ynot on clicks and how to filter them. Like Colin's earlier version of "Building an empire" which led me to having the top 5 spot on Sextracker for my CJ's when it was worth something.

There was no fucking luck, I busted my ass, learned, and asked questions. I repaid that back in spades.

If asked by anyone here for help or advice on sites, I'd throw a lending hand. But the days of being the Newbie Board President are a half decade dead.

But going back to your earlier accusation... Bashing? My tounge in cheek ribbing? Nope, not I.

I've got a splitting headache and you didn't use one of our many, many "this is tongue in cheek ribbing" smilies...which frankly, startled me.

To amplify on something I said earlier...yes, I knew Anthony "when." And he's telling the truth. (Actually, a shortened version of it, because I think the script would put its little virtual foot down if Ant listed *all* the work he did.) I listened to a lot of Anthony's ideas on the phone. I used to have one of those cool headset phones that I wore during the "talks." It had two batteries. Some of those talks managed to kill *both* of them.

A newbie today has to do the same. Ask questions, learn, research, experiment and work like a damned dog. It's almost horrifying how much work you have to do to make even a small success in this business. Old school webmasters don't respond well to remarks about "luck and timing," and I forgot that for a minute. It may *seem* like luck and timing, but that's only because you weren't standing behind the webmaster for the 24/7 he/she was on the computer working and learning and experimenting.

Newbies today have the same misinformation that the old newbies had. I recently pounded "the surfer is NOT your 'client'!!" into the head of one of our newbies until I thought both of us were going to have a stroke. "The surfer is a commodity" is a *great* way to put it, and I intend to swipe that line for frequent usage in the Oprano Newbie Lounge.

I owe you an apology, Anthony. I apologize. I was there for the "Newbie Board President" years and it was shitty of me to forget that. You rocked that gig for a long time.

10-21-2005, 02:47 PM
There's also an old rule that seemingly still applies today:

Newbies on newbie boards are coddled (or helped). Newbies on main boards aren't.

10-21-2005, 02:51 PM
The harder I work and the more ideas I come up with the luckier I get.

I've been a lucky fucker all my life :)

10-21-2005, 02:54 PM
I've got a splitting headache and you didn't use one of our many, many "this is tongue in cheek ribbing" smilies...which frankly, startled me.

To amplify on something I said earlier...yes, I knew Anthony "when." And he's telling the truth. (Actually, a shortened version of it, because I think the script would put its little virtual foot down if Ant listed *all* the work he did.) I listened to a lot of Anthony's ideas on the phone. I used to have one of those cool headset phones that I wore during the "talks." It had two batteries. Some of those talks managed to kill *both* of them.

A newbie today has to do the same. Ask questions, learn, research, experiment and work like a damned dog. It's almost horrifying how much work you have to do to make even a small success in this business. Old school webmasters don't respond well to remarks about "luck and timing," and I forgot that for a minute. It may *seem* like luck and timing, but that's only because you weren't standing behind the webmaster for the 24/7 he/she was on the computer working and learning and experimenting.

Newbies today have the same misinformation that the old newbies had. I recently pounded "the surfer is NOT your 'client'!!" into the head of one of our newbies until I thought both of us were going to have a stroke. "The surfer is a commodity" is a *great* way to put it, and I intend to swipe that line for frequent usage in the Oprano Newbie Lounge.

I owe you an apology, Anthony. I apologize. I was there for the "Newbie Board President" years and it was shitty of me to forget that. You rocked that gig for a long time.

None needed homegirl!

But to answer your question why I didn't use the sarcastic smilie, I have no idea what the code for it is, and I don't see the panel to pick it on here. :(

10-21-2005, 02:55 PM
The harder I work and the more ideas I come up with the luckier I get.

I've been a lucky fucker all my life :)

How's that back, bitch?

Incredible Hulk, my ass. King Kong ain't got nothing on you!!!


10-21-2005, 02:58 PM
How's that back, bitch?

Incredible Hulk, my ass. King Kong ain't got nothing on you!!!


fucking bastard!! :(

Piano's are fucking heavy!!!

I actually fucking felt it go , like "ping" ahahahahahaha fuck its hurts if i chuckle...ahahahahahah ow , ahahahahahaha ow...

10-21-2005, 02:59 PM
Ugly and porn seem to run hand in hand, mainstream is another story though.

10-21-2005, 03:02 PM
None needed homegirl!

But to answer your question why I didn't use the sarcastic smilie, I have no idea what the code for it is, and I don't see the panel to pick it on here. :(

*cuddle* :)

(I forgot to tell you...my regular UPS guy is the cutest Philappino! He's such a sweetie and has a thousand watt smile. He always offers to carry my packages into the house for me. I think of you every time I see him. *resigned sigh* I also muse "think of the fun I'd have if only I'd been born with a different personality." As it is, all I get to do is tell my husband "my cutie UPS guy was here today!" That's something, anyway. :) )

You've always called me "homegirl" and I've always liked it. :)

You should have a link [More] under the smilies to the right of the post box. Click on that and up will pop one of the largest smilie collections in the universe.

If you don't have one...TREV!!!! (That should set off crumpet's Scanner!)

10-21-2005, 03:05 PM
The harder I work and the more ideas I come up with the luckier I get.

I've been a lucky fucker all my life :)

Yeah exactly, the actual quote is (write it down people):

"The harder I work, the luckier I get"

10-21-2005, 03:37 PM
If you don't have one...TREV!!!! (That should set off crumpet's Scanner!)
He's good to go ;)

10-21-2005, 03:42 PM
He's good to go ;)

Thank you, O Delectable One. :inlove: