View Full Version : Fucking Baseball

10-19-2005, 11:23 PM
Go White Sox - beat the Colt 45s!

10-20-2005, 03:42 AM
i was rootin for the sox since they are from chicago, but i really cant now that they are not playing the cardinals. sox fans have no class and will be cunts till cubs win a series, which is up to and including 100 years, if the sox win it all. i remember at the taste on my birthday, my girlfriend and I were wearing our cubbies gear to the taste, some 30something year old sox fans walked by and screamed out such a clever phrase...."fuck you bitch!" right in front of my friends 10 year old brother and pleanty of other little kids. no class. astros can sweep the sox, if it's not against the cardinals, fuck it. cannot deal with these dumbshit sox fans having a series win under "their" belt.

if the sox do win, i guess the plus side is the service from my busboys will be a bit friendlier, assuming i'm not sporting one of my cubs jerseys.

10-20-2005, 04:23 AM
I really don't think you can say that fans of one team have more or less class than fans of another. I had the same thing happen to me by Cubs fans walking my daughters into a game in St. Louis, and I've worn more beer than I've drank every time I've gone to Wrigley in red.

10-20-2005, 05:43 AM
I really don't think you can say that fans of one team have more or less class than fans of another. I had the same thing happen to me by Cubs fans walking my daughters into a game in St. Louis, and I've worn more beer than I've drank every time I've gone to Wrigley in red.

The generalization is correct....just look at where and how they live as oppposed to us. Their crack house is our 5mill house. Have you ever said "boy that guy who refilled the air in our tires is a real contribution to humanity....go white sox!" ?

Yes, there are high class sox fans, including a few of my best friends, but overall, they are cocksuckers, plain and simple.

Evil Chris
10-20-2005, 10:05 AM
It's like the 2 of spades versus the 3 of hearts.

Unlike last year's King of Clubs versus the Jack of hearts.

10-20-2005, 12:15 PM
I really don't think you can say that fans of one team have more or less class than fans of another. I had the same thing happen to me by Cubs fans walking my daughters into a game in St. Louis, and I've worn more beer than I've drank every time I've gone to Wrigley in red.

st louis has to have some of the best baseball fans in the nation

10-20-2005, 12:17 PM
Go White Sox - beat the Colt 45s!

im just glad that red sox fans can let it go now. just shut up about it already, red sox fans sound like 40 year old men who still talk about the "big game" in high school. its time to go back to drinking and collecting welfare checks;)