View Full Version : If a search engine lists it, it's public domain ??

10-17-2005, 10:48 AM

Astronomers wrangle over Google research

The discovery of a new planetoid has set off a bitter feud between American and Spanish scientists while raising questions about the ethics of Internet research.

The dispute began in July when Michael Brown, a professor at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, discovered a new planetoid in the solar system known as the Kuiper Belt.

Days before announcing his discovery, however, a group of Spanish astronomers claimed the new planetoid.

American researchers said they learned that the Spanish scientists had discovered where Brown was aiming a Chilean telescope by using an Internet search engine.

Scientist José Luís Ortiz says he and his researchers did nothing wrong and the data found using the Google search engine should be considered public and thus free to use.

10-17-2005, 08:31 PM
so, wait....does that mean if I create a song and it somehow gets crawled by google, then anyone can come and claim that song as their own because I didn't register it with BMI yet? LOL...yeah, right

so, basically what the Spanish Astronomers are saying is that no one is ever allowed to post the progress of a experiment or their research on the web until it is conclusive and registered, otherwise it is public domain to claim as their own...LOL

10-17-2005, 08:48 PM
I know what a star is.

I know what a planet is.

I know what a moon is.

What on earth is a "planetoid"?

Yes, yes...I could look it up if I cared that much.

10-17-2005, 10:31 PM
I know what a star is.

I know what a planet is.

I know what a moon is.

What on earth is a "planetoid"?

Yes, yes...I could look it up if I cared that much.

Silly Morgan, a planetoid is a hemorrhoid you develop from flying on planes to often. Common among business travelers.

10-17-2005, 10:54 PM
Silly Morgan, a planetoid is a hemorrhoid you develop from flying on planes to often. Common among business travelers.Don't listen to him!

It's what gardeners get from bending over so much in their garden and then they sit back on a handle.