View Full Version : you see the bullshit joesmoe did to my oprano points

10-16-2005, 01:07 AM
take a peek.

10-16-2005, 01:12 AM
take a peek.

Joesho does not have the access to do that and neither do I....

As far as I know, only one mod would have the access to do that....lolololol

10-16-2005, 01:25 AM
brand0n a very good morning to you .. Joe didn't change your point amount, so stop bleating.

I will tell you what I will do, instead of you having -2147483648 points, I will give you 60 points (10 points more than normal) for users that have over 100 posts to start with. If you contribute wisely then users will contribute to your point count, make yourself a nuisance and they will be removed by the users, as its their choice.

It also enables you to add or remove points from others, once you are over the 50 point mark.

Do you want that option?

10-16-2005, 01:29 AM
brand0n a very good morning to you .. Joe didn't change your point amount, so stop bleating.

I will tell you what I will do, instead of you having -2147483648 points, I will give you 60 points (10 points more than normal) for users that have over 100 posts to start with. If you contribute wisely then users will contribute to your point count, make yourself a nuisance and they will be removed by the users, as its their choice.

It also enables you to add or remove points from others, once you are over the 50 point mark.

Do you want that option?
i just want a fair shake

am i asking 2 much?

10-16-2005, 01:30 AM
I'd like to cash in all my points...

10-16-2005, 01:31 AM
i just want a fair shake

am i asking 2 much?

That's cool a fair shake you will get .. changing the points now ..

10-16-2005, 01:31 AM
i just want a fair shake

am i asking 2 much?

i thought you were never posting here again?

10-16-2005, 02:22 AM
I'd like to cash in all my points...

You have over 200 points now, so the choice of an Oprano Travel Mug or an Oprano Cap are yours .. If you would like to choose one it will be sent to you .. Congratulations :)

Alternatively if you would like to donate it to someone that can also be arranged :okthumb:



10-16-2005, 06:52 AM
As far as I know, only one mod would have the access to do that....lolololol
There are 3 that have access to the points, I can assure you that it wasn't Newton or Technick that played with brandy's points. :)

10-16-2005, 06:53 AM
i just want a fair shake

am i asking 2 much?
I'd have told you to fuck off, luckily for you Newton is more reasonable than I am.

10-16-2005, 08:09 AM
Trev, wtf is that thing in your avatar, it's fuckin freakin me out man !

10-16-2005, 08:10 AM
Trev, wtf is that thing in your avatar, it's fuckin freakin me out man !
Scorpious from FarScape, wickedly evil. :okthumb:

10-16-2005, 08:31 AM
Scorpious from FarScape, wickedly evil. :okthumb:
I miss FarScape. At least they did bring it back and wrap up the story line after canceling it with a cliff hanger.

10-16-2005, 08:35 AM
I miss FarScape. At least they did bring it back and wrap up the story line after canceling it with a cliff hanger.
I thought it was an excellent show, it didn't stick with the usual scifi rules, it was dark and nasty at times. Good watching. ;)

10-16-2005, 09:30 AM
There are 3 that have access to the points, I can assure you that it wasn't Newton or Technick that played with brandy's points. :)

No shit ?


10-16-2005, 09:38 AM
No shit ?

I really am predictable aren't I. :rolleyes:

10-16-2005, 10:27 AM
HAHAAH what a tool. do you dream about me too?

10-16-2005, 12:05 PM
HAHAAH what a tool. do you dream about me too?

Funnily enough ...I do.

Last night I dreamt I jumped out of my bed and walked to the window,

In the yard was a grey wolf sitting looking up at me. I lit a cigarette and walked downstairs and went out to the garden , Joe and Gonzo were drinking coffee on the garden swing whilst Newton and Trev bounced on the trapoline.

the wolf walked over laid on the ground and started liking my feet then Ryan turned up for a poker game.

Sabby then came to the door saying to come back to bed until sarettah and Vick show up to light the bonfire and finish the wood floors.

Anthony looked up from the floor of the family room where he was wrestling with the kids and said don't worry I'll look after the kids and winked at me

I mean...WTF does it mean?


10-16-2005, 12:28 PM
Funnily enough ...I do.

Last night I dreamt I jumped out of my bed and walked to the window,

In the yard was a grey wolf sitting looking up at me. I lit a cigarette and walked downstairs and went out to the garden , Joe and Gonzo were drinking coffee on the garden swing whilst Newton and Trev bounced on the trapoline.

the wolf walked over laid on the ground and started liking my feet then Ryan turned up for a poker game.

Sabby then came to the door saying to come back to bed until sarettah and Vick show up to light the bonfire and finish the wood floors.

Anthony looked up from the floor of the family room where he was wrestling with the kids and said don't worry I'll look after the kids and winked at me

I mean...WTF does it mean?

Sounds like an episode of Twin Peaks... :blink:

10-16-2005, 12:33 PM
There are 3 that have access to the points, I can assure you that it wasn't Newton or Technick that played with brandy's points. :)


10-16-2005, 12:36 PM
I'm with Newton.

Give the man a fair chance ,....again :)

10-16-2005, 12:44 PM
I'm with Newton.

Give the man a fair chance ,....again :)
If we must then we must, I think we all know where it'll end up though.

10-16-2005, 01:00 PM
If we must then we must, I think we all know where it'll end up though.


10-16-2005, 01:04 PM

Yup...thats the smart money.

But lets see if he can contribute and act reasonably.

I've seen some reasoned , sensible posts by him on GFY lately.

10-16-2005, 01:07 PM
I've seen some reasoned , sensible posts by him on GFY lately.
Frightening isn't it. :scratchin

10-16-2005, 01:49 PM
He is a useless tool. but alas he does not bother me at all, I just cant wait till he is man enough to step up one day, I mean he threatens to throw kids off of balconys ( 2 yr olds) and tell people he is gonna rip the lungs /heart out and feed it to them.

but I give him an opportunity and he cowers away and calls me a keyboard wrrior? LOL

oh and your dream means you are a HOMO ( but you knew that already LOL)

10-16-2005, 02:04 PM
He is a useless tool. but alas he does not bother me at all, I just cant wait till he is man enough to step up one day, I mean he threatens to throw kids off of balconys ( 2 yr olds) and tell people he is gonna rip the lungs /heart out and feed it to them.

but I give him an opportunity and he cowers away and calls me a keyboard wrrior? LOL

oh and your dream means you are a HOMO ( but you knew that already LOL)
oaf.. there is this new tool out.. photoshop. look into it.

i never said shit about that guys kid, im a father, and i wouldnt attack someone by going after there kids. thats as low as it gets.

joe, can you not act (keyword act) professional once in your life? do you think your threats of beating me up do anything but make you look like someone who can not control his temper? is that how you settle all your lifes problems?

when you get overcharged for gas, do you beat up the clerk? when children at the grocery store say "mommy mommy look its chunk from goonies" do you beat up the father?

2 words for ya buddy

anger management.
nice lady, long couch, and a clip board. check into it hot head.

10-16-2005, 02:32 PM
Funnily enough ...I do.

Last night I dreamt I jumped out of my bed and walked to the window,

In the yard was a grey wolf sitting looking up at me. I lit a cigarette and walked downstairs and went out to the garden , Joe and Gonzo were drinking coffee on the garden swing whilst Newton and Trev bounced on the trapoline.

the wolf walked over laid on the ground and started liking my feet then Ryan turned up for a poker game.

Sabby then came to the door saying to come back to bed until sarettah and Vick show up to light the bonfire and finish the wood floors.

Anthony looked up from the floor of the family room where he was wrestling with the kids and said don't worry I'll look after the kids and winked at me

I mean...WTF does it mean?


I love those spicy curries too .. :okthumb:

10-16-2005, 03:14 PM
well here is the thread moron.

should I dig the ones up where you challenge the mexicans, or the ones where you threaten to hand people there lungs ?

you are an all talk piece of shit . period. amd you have zero balls. PURE WHITE TRASH

funny how when you are telling people what a tough guy you are it is OK, but when you know someone will stomp the living piss out of you, you change your tune and try the dance of the " I am a business man " BULLSHIT I mean seriously you could not even make a super domain like weed.com work all you had was a bunch of kids on there asking each other where to score pot at in different towns, you are/have been/ wil always be a fucking loser in life it is your destiny young grasshoppa .

haha what a joke you talk about traffic and how you send sales yadda yadda yadda using your AVS system

well sissy boy we easily sent over 500 sales last month how about you ? LOL LOL

so keep guessing how to do it MORON. and the offer still stand if you are such a tough guy meet me for a discussion just you and I , lets see how it ends up got any balls? I already know you are falling short in the brains dept.

10-16-2005, 03:34 PM
Lets own Joe!
well here is the thread moron.

should I dig the ones up where you challenge the mexicans, or the ones where you threaten to hand people there lungs ?

1st off.. its called photoshop clown. i could make an im saying you want to kill the pres and does that make it so? do you know how long it would take me to change that name on there to joe? .00002 sec hello moron

funny how when you are telling people what a tough guy you are it is OK, but when you know someone will stomp the living piss out of you, you change your tune and try the dance of the " I am a business man "

1st off oaf we both know you arent going to stomp the living shit out of me. You arent superman. if anything ever goes down like that between us, you know as well as i do that you arent walking out unskaved. am i just going to stand there and let you beat me up lol.. and i point out the "im a biz man" to you so offten becouse all you can ever come up with is trying to beat me up. joe you dont even have a fucking reason to want to fight me. you are just trying to show out to your friends on how much of a tuff guy you are. lol here :wnw:tuff guy

BULLSHIT I mean seriously you could not even make a super domain like weed.com work all you had was a bunch of kids on there asking each other where to score pot at in different towns, you are/have been/ wil always be a fucking loser in life it is your destiny young grasshoppa .

no one can stop who types in there domain. ofcourse you wouldnt be able to put this together as you tend to lose thought pattern about half way throught a sentence.

and who cant make what work? that domain, along with the others are making a nice chunk daily with the ppc model. take a close look. see those adds, they are OVERTURE adds. how many other people do you know with overture feeds? how bout this bonehead, go find out what it takes to be considered for one of those feeds, then come back and tell me about it not working. here ill help, www.overture.com

haha what a joke you talk about traffic and how you send sales yadda yadda yadda using your AVS system

wow.. your brain is a fucking train wreck. ive never mentioned me owning, having to do with, or any fucking thing about avs. ive never touched an avs site. wouldnt know where 2 start... 10 deep breaths joe, count 1-2-3 with eatch untill you reach 10. again, just offering help.

well sissy boy we easily sent over 500 sales last month how about you ? LOL LOL

who is we? someone else that odds are will drop you like a bad habbit on payday in a short amount of time? i sent enuff sales to enuff companys to pay all my bills, add some money to the accounts, and have a good time when me n the feonsay wanted 2. i live a happy life as far as that goes. ofcourse, i dont rely on anyone else for my sales or anything like that, they are self produced. that offers a comfort that it seems alot of people dont have... ahem ahem....

the offer still stand if you are such a tough guy meet me for a discussion just you and I , lets see how it ends up got any balls? I already know you are falling short in the brains dept.

mommy mommy its chunk from goonies ;)

10-16-2005, 03:35 PM
Great Googly Moogly, what should I do today?

Should I watch the wrestling match between Truman Capote and Richard Simmons?

Maybe listen to the Battle of the Bands featuring Wierd Al against Ray Stevens?

Or should I follow the battle of wits between BrandOn and Joesho?

What to do, what to do ...

10-16-2005, 03:40 PM
a battle of witts with this guy would be like fighting an unarmed man.

look at that fucking mess he just posted. almost needs a translater to understand where he is going with that.

in a nutshell "make chunk mad, chunk smash!"

10-16-2005, 03:41 PM
Hello, pot? This is kettle ...

10-16-2005, 03:47 PM
Note to self: Purchase PD a Day Timer so that when the schedule gets this crowded with possibilities he will have the tools needed to function. :)

brand0n...it's not "unscaved," it's "unscathed." (Do not take offense at this, I do it to everyone. If anything, it should give you a nice feeling of inclusion.)

Frankly, you two gentlemen are long past beginning to bug. One of you is going to have to take the high road and stop responding to the other. Just because someone attempts to yank your chain does not mean you are compelled to allow your chain to be yanked. Keep your chain where others can't reach it.

A long time ago, somebody said to me "you just absolutely *have* to have the last word, don't you?" This person - OK, it was Nick - pointed out one of my worse flaws. I did in fact always have to have the last word. Not the most intelligent word. Not the "stinging retort." Not the most valid point. More along the lines of "beating a dead horse." I'd just keep on pissing way past any point of intelligence. I've had several indications lately that I've for the most part triumphed over that particular character flaw. (And one miserable thread with Serge that demonstrated I need to keep working on it lest I backslide. He gave me an "out," I stupidly didn't see it, and kept on posting.)

You two have fallen into the "I have to have the last word" game. Not the best words - they're always the same words. You both crave having the last word. Neither of you will win. You're just going to keep on posting the same damn words at each other.

How about one of you take the high road and post about something else?

10-16-2005, 03:48 PM
"ThunderDome" "ThunderDome" "ThunderDome"
Two men enter, one man leaves

10-16-2005, 03:52 PM
Note to self: Purchase PD a Day Timer so that when the schedule gets this crowded with possibilities he will have the tools needed to function. :)

brand0n...it's not "unscaved," it's "unscathed." (Do not take offense at this, I do it to everyone. If anything, it should give you a nice feeling of inclusion.)

Frankly, you two gentlemen are long past beginning to bug. One of you is going to have to take the high road and stop responding to the other. Just because someone attempts to yank your chain does not mean you are compelled to allow your chain to be yanked. Keep your chain where others can't reach it.

A long time ago, somebody said to me "you just absolutely *have* to have the last word, don't you?" This person - OK, it was Nick - pointed out one of my worse flaws. I did in fact always have to have the last word. Not the most intelligent word. Not the "stinging retort." Not the most valid point. More along the lines of "beating a dead horse." I'd just keep on pissing way past any point of intelligence. I've had several indications lately that I've for the most part triumphed over that particular character flaw. (And one miserable thread with Serge that demonstrated I need to keep working on it lest I backslide. He gave me an "out," I stupidly didn't see it, and kept on posting.)

You two have fallen into the "I have to have the last word" game. Not the best words - they're always the same words. You both crave having the last word. Neither of you will win. You're just going to keep on posting the same damn words at each other.

How about one of you take the high road and post about something else?
If I may take the liberty of offering a breif précis of what Morgan said ..


10-16-2005, 03:59 PM
Trev, wtf is that thing in your avatar, it's fuckin freakin me out man !

Me too, but I can't stop looking at it! :unsure:

10-16-2005, 04:01 PM
Me too, but I can't stop looking at it! :unsure:
He's a cutie for sure. ;)

10-16-2005, 04:07 PM
You know Morgan, Porndoggy you are right, at the end of the day nothing changes.

Brandon is still a scared little sissy, and will always be retarded.

I do not need to wollow in the mud with him, I can see he is too scared to do anything but run his mouth and I have much more profitable things to do.

Sorry to have subjected you here at Oprano to it.

10-16-2005, 04:38 PM
I'm not gonna get involved in this whole heartedly, but that IM wasn't photochopped :) I had a look at it in PS myself. Try again on that one...

10-16-2005, 04:39 PM
Oh and once you use a "1st off" in a post...it's pretty much a rule you can't use it again. Just sayin...

10-16-2005, 04:39 PM

You don't think I'm right, Joe. You missed my point entirely. You're still trying to get the last word.

Perhaps brand0n will get the point and agree with it.

10-16-2005, 05:04 PM
I like pie

10-16-2005, 05:08 PM
I like pie

Me, too. Deep dish, especially. At the moment, my favorite is peach. What's yours?

How do you stand on the age-old apple pie issue? Hot with a slice of cheddar or a la mode? This one has divided many a family, sadly.

10-16-2005, 05:16 PM
Me, too. Deep dish, especially. At the moment, my favorite is peach. What's yours?

How do you stand on the age-old apple pie issue? Hot with a slice of cheddar or a la mode? This one has divided many a family, sadly.

I actually prefer a warm Dutch Crumb apple pie, a la mode. :)

Yummy !

10-16-2005, 05:20 PM
I actually prefer a warm Dutch Crumb apple pie, a la mode. :)

Yummy !

Ooohhhh!!! YES! :wnw:

I had forgotten about Dutch Crumb apple pie!! Absolutely delicious, and yes, warm and a la mode!!!! :okthumb:

10-16-2005, 06:06 PM
Peach pie rules.

Apple pie is nice. Apple crumb pie is very nice. We just put up about five gallons of apples for the winter pie supply.

But peach pie is the best.

10-16-2005, 06:41 PM
Note to self: Purchase PD a Day Timer so that when the schedule gets this crowded with possibilities he will have the tools needed to function. :)

brand0n...it's not "unscaved," it's "unscathed." (Do not take offense at this, I do it to everyone. If anything, it should give you a nice feeling of inclusion.)

Frankly, you two gentlemen are long past beginning to bug. One of you is going to have to take the high road and stop responding to the other. Just because someone attempts to yank your chain does not mean you are compelled to allow your chain to be yanked. Keep your chain where others can't reach it.

A long time ago, somebody said to me "you just absolutely *have* to have the last word, don't you?" This person - OK, it was Nick - pointed out one of my worse flaws. I did in fact always have to have the last word. Not the most intelligent word. Not the "stinging retort." Not the most valid point. More along the lines of "beating a dead horse." I'd just keep on pissing way past any point of intelligence. I've had several indications lately that I've for the most part triumphed over that particular character flaw. (And one miserable thread with Serge that demonstrated I need to keep working on it lest I backslide. He gave me an "out," I stupidly didn't see it, and kept on posting.)

You two have fallen into the "I have to have the last word" game. Not the best words - they're always the same words. You both crave having the last word. Neither of you will win. You're just going to keep on posting the same damn words at each other.

How about one of you take the high road and post about something else?

since when was a good piss frowned upon on Oprano .?????

blessed be the peacemaker.....yeah right...not on this board lol

10-16-2005, 07:03 PM
I just had a seizure looking at Nick P's avatar. I am suing unless Joe gives me a bizillion points. Thank you.

10-16-2005, 07:38 PM
I just had a seizure looking at Nick P's avatar. I am suing unless Joe gives me a bizillion points. Thank you.
Joe can't help you so I need to ask, how many zeros are there in a bizillion? :D

10-16-2005, 07:39 PM
Peach pie rules.

Apple pie is nice. Apple crumb pie is very nice. We just put up about five gallons of apples for the winter pie supply.

But peach pie is the best.

Peach pie or Peaches pie? ;)

10-16-2005, 07:46 PM
Never argue with idiots - from a distance, people can't tell who is who


10-16-2005, 07:47 PM
Joe can't help you so I need to ask, how many zeros are there in a bizillion? :D
A lot. :okthumb:

The software won't let me be 100 years old - it for sure won't give me a bizillion points :(

10-16-2005, 07:49 PM
A lot. :okthumb:

The software won't let me be 100 years old - it for sure won't give me a bizillion points :(
Lets see about that. ;)

10-16-2005, 07:52 PM
Woohoo!! Time to cash in. It will be a pleasure owning your house, Nick :)

10-16-2005, 07:56 PM
There you go, you had them. Even if it was just for the briefest of moments. I did say somewhere that "I would stop playing with the points" ;)

10-16-2005, 08:00 PM
So close and yet so far away :(

10-16-2005, 08:02 PM
So close and yet so far away :(
Considering you're probably the only person that won't ever cash them in, I'll wait for what m'lord has to say ;)

10-16-2005, 08:09 PM
I gave Peaches 10 as just the one didnt seem the gentlemanly thing to do :)

10-16-2005, 08:15 PM
Considering you're probably the only person that won't ever cash them in, I'll wait for what m'lord has to say ;)
LOL! I get cash on another board. I think I'm up to $800+ now and haven't cashed in. I need to do it and take the FFNs out to dinner! :okthumb:

10-16-2005, 08:20 PM
Considering you're probably the only person that won't ever cash them in, I'll wait for what m'lord has to say ;)

Trev , please...there is no need to call me m'lord.

Well not since the House of Lords Act 1999 anyway. "Sir" is fine. ;-)))






hmmm...ya never know.... :)

10-16-2005, 08:41 PM
LOL! I get cash on another board. I think I'm up to $800+ now and haven't cashed in. I need to do it and take the FFNs out to dinner! :okthumb:

We request a Toxxxic Limo next time we go backwoods dining.

10-16-2005, 10:37 PM
We request a Toxxxic Limo next time we go backwoods dining.
I for one will be getting a hotel room. Driving down back roads tired at 2AM was NOT fun. Sometimes I don't think.... :scratchin

10-16-2005, 11:01 PM
since when was a good piss frowned upon on Oprano .?????

blessed be the peacemaker.....yeah right...not on this board lol

I agree with your statement completely.

A good piss is nice to see. This place has been happy-happy-joy-joy enough to gag a maggot lately. That being said, between these two the meat is beyond beyond ground and has turned to sludge.


However, the joint urine output of the two combatants in question couldn't put out a burning paper match.

Put another way, when you're dying for a good piss, a mere dribble is frustrating to the point of being painful.

10-16-2005, 11:03 PM
Peach pie or Peaches pie? ;)Yes.

10-17-2005, 12:01 AM
I miss FarScape. At least they did bring it back and wrap up the story line after canceling it with a cliff hanger.

Main characters are on Star Gate now. :)

Queen Bitch
10-17-2005, 02:05 AM
That bug...bugs me.

10-17-2005, 05:34 AM
Trev , please...there is no need to call me m'lord.

Well not since the House of Lords Act 1999 anyway. "Sir" is fine. ;-)))

Yes Sir, sorry Sir. :)