View Full Version : Last night survivor (spoilers for those who TIVO'd)

10-14-2005, 03:17 PM
Holy fuck those people are stabbing each other in the back left and right. The orginal Makum tribal members may have been better athletically but man they are short on smarts and strategy!! Two weeks now an original Nakum member turned on theior originalk tribe and gave up the advantage to the members of the other tribe!!

On another note man was Steph just BUMMED after her tribe got their asses kicked in the reward challenge. Poor girl was just as frustrated as one can be. They really got a pick me up with the immunity challenge win though! :okthumb:

10-14-2005, 04:33 PM
Yeah it was great! I think Stefenie is about ready to blow up....lol I feel bad for the poor girl! I think this may be the best survivor so far! ;)