View Full Version : Muscular Tension Headaches

10-13-2005, 10:16 AM
Anyone else get these?

My neck and shoulders stay so taut that it feels like someone has shoved an I beam under my skin. I get headaches as a result.

I try lots of calming techniques, but it doesn't seem to do much good with that particular issue. Because I can be very calm and relaxed mentally, and I still have that physical tension.

It's bad enough that I don't even think getting laid would take care of it.

I've heard beta blockers mentioned somewhere but I've yet to take the time to research it. I'd really like to avoid script drugs anyhow. They've had me on just about everything there is in the mood/anxiety range, and none of it has ever done me much good. With the exception of xanax, which they are now cunty about giving me. And it didn't really reduce muscular tension.

Almighty Jim
10-13-2005, 12:12 PM
Anyone else get these?

My neck and shoulders stay so taut that it feels like someone has shoved an I beam under my skin. I get headaches as a result.

I try lots of calming techniques, but it doesn't seem to do much good with that particular issue. Because I can be very calm and relaxed mentally, and I still have that physical tension.

It's bad enough that I don't even think getting laid would take care of it.

I've heard beta blockers mentioned somewhere but I've yet to take the time to research it. I'd really like to avoid script drugs anyhow. They've had me on just about everything there is in the mood/anxiety range, and none of it has ever done me much good. With the exception of xanax, which they are now cunty about giving me. And it didn't really reduce muscular tension.

Selena, I know what you mean about the pills. They just seem to work temporarily or not at all or have unpleasant side effects.
If a warm oil massage of your neck and shoulders by a trained professional is not available then here is something drug free that my wife used after going through tons of pain medication after a car wreck that affected those areas.

It's called a chin harness and it can be found at most medical supply stores. It was prescribed by the leading neck and back orthopaedic specialist in GA. The device is simple. It consists of a strap harness that fits comfortably around your head and has a cord that runs through a pully which you attach to the top of any closet door in your house. At the other end of the cord is a plastic/rubber bag that you add water to(about a gallon or 8lbs.) and that provides the weight that will gently pull up on your whole head and neck.

You just sit on the floor in front of your closet door in a meditation position and attach the harness and sit for 10 minutes three times a day. Do this for about a week and not only will the pain go away but the problem will be taken care of too. It really is simple and effective and I've seen the results firsthand. Hope you feel better, just tryin to help.:)

I swear it's not an S&M device.

10-13-2005, 12:28 PM
I get them once in a while and it's hell! I feel your pain...I tried relaxing methods, balms and the only thing that seems to work is the pills... My doctor told me stress is the culprit! Well what do you do?!? :scratchin Life is stressful so I figured I'd pack up a few bathing suits sell my house, my car and go braid hair on the beaches in mexico (how stressful can that be? lol) Care to join me?

10-13-2005, 12:38 PM
My doctor took the approach much more like Jim's wife's doctor. "Tension headache" is literal. It isn't "tension" as in "anxiety," it's "tension" as in "tightness." The way I think of it when it happens to me is "my head is on too tight." It can come from injury, posture...the ever popular "of course you've hurt yourself if you spend that much time on the computer!" (My own personal favorite.) I had real splitters, agonizing headaches, until my yearly optometrist visit came around and my eye doctor said "you do WHAT for a living? People who wear bifocals can't use a computer!!!!" And thusly my "computer glasses" came into being. (I can see clearly exactly 27 inches away from the bridge of my nose in those things. No closer, no farther. But...the headaches stopped.) I had been attempting to maneuver my head into the oddest positions to see the monitor without realizing it.

10-13-2005, 02:11 PM
I get both tension headaches and migraines...I can sooo relate!

I'm one of the lucky ones that can use Tylenol and within 20 minutes the pain is gone....but, this is just a band-aid really...it disguises the pain, but the muscle tension is still there.

I do use some relaxation techniques, but one thing that I really try to work on is my posture when I'm on the computer. I can't count how many times I all of a sudden realize that I have my shoulders covering my ears...haha. Everytime I notice, I push my shoulders downward...this has made my tension headaches dissipate in numbers.

Migraines are another thing all together....although I'm lucky with those too because most of the time I get the 'aura of a migraine' first (bright spot in my eyes that gets larger over 20 minutes or so) before the actual pain comes on and I take a tylenol right away...wait until the aura is gone so I can see again, and then I'm good to go.

If you don't want to do the meds thing...find a good relaxation technique you can do easily and quickly and stick to it for a while...or maybe some aromatherapy....try a mix of lavender and peppermint and rub it into your forehead, temples, neck and shoulders....

10-13-2005, 02:16 PM
I used to get those.

But then Ant told me I needed a philipino woman to walk up and down my spine.

There was no philipino women available , so Anthony did it.

The weird thing is...it worked.

I never get tension headaches or anything.

OK , I have no feeling in my feet now or in my left hand...but no headaches


10-13-2005, 02:26 PM
I used to get those.

But then Ant told me I needed a philipino woman to walk up and down my spine.

There was no philipino women available , so Anthony did it.

The weird thing is...it worked.

I never get tension headaches or anything.

OK , I have no feeling in my feet now or in my left hand...but no headaches


First...I actually *can* picture this.

However, when I picture it, you're screaming "I'll talk!!! I'll talk!!!" :)

10-13-2005, 02:46 PM
I used to get those.

But then Ant told me I needed a philipino woman to walk up and down my spine.

There was no philipino women available , so Anthony did it.

The weird thing is...it worked.

I never get tension headaches or anything.

OK , I have no feeling in my feet now or in my left hand...but no headaches

:)I figured your spine would be in the front after that. :yowsa:

10-13-2005, 02:52 PM
Anyone else get these?

My neck and shoulders stay so taut that it feels like someone has shoved an I beam under my skin. I get headaches as a result.

I try lots of calming techniques, but it doesn't seem to do much good with that particular issue. Because I can be very calm and relaxed mentally, and I still have that physical tension.

It's bad enough that I don't even think getting laid would take care of it.

I've heard beta blockers mentioned somewhere but I've yet to take the time to research it. I'd really like to avoid script drugs anyhow. They've had me on just about everything there is in the mood/anxiety range, and none of it has ever done me much good. With the exception of xanax, which they are now cunty about giving me. And it didn't really reduce muscular tension.I'm still working on this problem too. So while I don't have all the answers. Maybe these will help.

First, Advil. Gift from the gods! Don't take too many of them though, they can be rough on the stomach and kidneys in bulk.

Mineral Ice is another wonder. It definitely helps relieve muscle tension for a while.

Next, a lot of problems are from hunching over the computer. Get a cordless keyboard and cordless mouse (if you don't have one already) and vary your positions at the computer many times during the day.

Also, haven't done this yet (dunno why) but I'm very much considering getting one of those back massagers, the kind on the wand. (No, not sexual at all.) I think it might help break up the muscle knots, but no idea (yet) if they work.

My biggest problem is my shoulder and shoulder blade muscles get so knotted and tense, they're occasionally trapping nerves, which is a total bitch.

10-13-2005, 03:07 PM
I know most of my posting on this board has been goofing around and having fun, but I will give you a serious response because back and neck pain can be extremely painful.
I suffered a back injury many years ago, and the doctors I went to all wanted to give me painkillers and muscle relaxers. They didn't want to fix the problem, just treat the symptoms. After trying their way without results, I did it my way with great success. I have listed them in order of effectiveness.

Acupunture - gave me immediate results (eliminated my chronic pain, like magic).
Deep tissue massage - can be mildly painful but very effective.
Plus I meditate every day for 15 mins to 1/2 hr.

I havent been bothered with acute back pain since :)

10-13-2005, 03:24 PM
Dravyk...my husband has a huge, "Black and Decker" looking back massager. I hate to hold the thing because the vibrations kill my hands, but it works so well on his back. (He's a computer jockey, too.)

With regard to the "nerve clusters": if you have someone there, have them find the exact spot of the nerve cluster. You'll know when it's found because the pain will make you shriek. OK, have that person basically grind it with a thumb. (I call it "beating the hell out of it" when my husband does it.) Just grit your teeth and take it for as long as you can stand it. You may find that the pain stops immediately, though. Either way, it will help the nerve cluster. My back doctor did that to my back. Of course, he followed it up with a shot of Lidocaine into the nerve cluster, but the massage itself helped.

10-13-2005, 03:28 PM
That sounds rough glad I don't have a problem with it...

Suprisingly all I have is severe arthritis in my hands, a hell of a lower backache, and a pinched nerve somewhere in my right hand that emulates tendinitis including that fun feeling as if my entire right side of my arm as 'fallen sleep' :)

I can visualize you perking your head around like an ostrich looking for the right position to see your man blow up the bridge to get to level 2 ;)

I'm going to end up looking like the hunchback from Notre Dame if I maintain my posture as of lately though

10-13-2005, 03:31 PM
helix...I have had only one "deep tissue massage" in my life. It was one of the most fantastic things I'd ever experienced. I felt fantastic, and felt like I was high for a about two weeks. My energy level was incredible. I discussed it with my doctor, who said "yes, it's real. Massages are fantastic for you." :)

I did, however, look as if someone had taken a baseball bat to my back.

Sadly, that was all pre-fibro. If I had it done now, I'd most likely black out. Of course, this is said without having scraped up the courage to give it a shot.

10-13-2005, 03:36 PM
I swear, I'm never going to get out of this thread. :)

Ryan...I have the "whole arm falling asleep" thing, too, but my neurologist wanted an MRI of my *neck,* not my hands. He did a nerve conduction study on the hands and put me in industrial, SWAT team looking black wrist braces that I sleep in. Those helped. (I learned the hard way not to do the "wake up and rub your eyes" thing. Ouch.) Apparently, I was holding my hands in a funny position when I slept that was causing problems.

I feel as if I have reached a rare level of incompetance by sleeping "wrong."

10-13-2005, 03:37 PM
I used to get those.

But then Ant told me I needed a philipino woman to walk up and down my spine.

There was no philipino women available , so Anthony did it.

The weird thing is...it worked.

I never get tension headaches or anything.

OK , I have no feeling in my feet now or in my left hand...but no headaches


I only used one foot, the thinking was, half of 250lbs would be one filipina.

10-13-2005, 03:41 PM
Ryan, this might help. Sounds like something I had a few years ago. I had this lovely pain shooting from my right fingertips to my right shoulder blade and up and down my arm. I had steroids and lots of stuff. This lasted four and half rotten months. (Every so often it flares up for, thankfully, very brief periods though.)

Bascially, my computer packed up. And I ended up using a laptop on a makeshift table, actually some stackable, moveable plastic storage cartons. So, I can't put my legs under, so I'm hunching more. The keyboard on the laptop of course isn't at the edge but four or six inches "further in", so more hunching. The table was not at my optimum height ... Point is, after six weeks of doing everything wrong -- totally wrong -- but different -- it went away!!

So even if you think you're doing something "ergonomic" ... you might not be ... and if you do something that seems totally screwed up, the fact your arms, upper body are in a different position to the one you normally are in ... it fixes it!!
That's why when the new computer came I made sure to have the cordless keyboard and mouse and change positions throughout the day. It helps!

10-13-2005, 03:41 PM
Thanks for all these posts, everyone. While I don't want you to be in pain, I am glad someone understands what I am talking about. gigi said it perfectly about shoulders being at ears...I catch myself being like this *all* the time. Even when I don't feel the least bit stressed! It's like my body doesn't know how to relax or something.

I have a guy come bi-weekly to the house to give me massages. Serious deep massages that work my neck and shoulders. There is a spot he hits on the nape of my neck that sends what feels like electricity to my fingertips. It's one of those pleasure/pain kind of things. I'm generally okay for the rest of the day after he's been here, but the next day it will go right back to hurting like a motherfucker.

I also use aromatherapy, and relaxation aids such as ocean surf, temple chants, that sort of music. I can meditate and really feel centered and grounded, except for the fact that my neck feels like it could snap right into. ;)

Almighty Jim, that sounds like a wonderful device. Though I'd love if it were S&M as well. :D I'm going to run a search on them in a bit and see if I can track one down. Thanks for the input.

I have massagers that really can have a dual purpose. I think I'll leave that at that. :D

Morgan, it might not hurt for me to look into those type of glasses as well. I am at that funny stage of life eyes-wise. I have to take my contacts out to see anything up close. And I do get a screen glare that I catch myself having my chin tilted up alot of the time.

So posture improvement is something I need to work on as well.

I really, really appreciate the tips. This is getting out of control. I generally lose 2 days out of every 10 from this, so I'd like to at least make it more manageable, if not gone all together.

10-13-2005, 03:45 PM
If you people were animals you'd have been put to sleep by now. :blink:

10-13-2005, 03:49 PM
helix...I have had only one "deep tissue massage" in my life. It was one of the most fantastic things I'd ever experienced. I felt fantastic, and felt like I was high for a about two weeks. My energy level was incredible. I discussed it with my doctor, who said "yes, it's real. Massages are fantastic for you." :)

I did, however, look as if someone had taken a baseball bat to my back.

Sadly, that was all pre-fibro. If I had it done now, I'd most likely black out. Of course, this is said without having scraped up the courage to give it a shot.
I swear I had an out of body experience when I had that massage. Ten minutes into it and I was gone...I had never experienced anything like that in my life. When I was finished, I was very tired. Funny because I had laid motionless for 1hr except for the getting pushed and kneaded like a bread dough :). The energy level increase was fantastic.

I'm so sorry to hear about the fibro, have you tried MSM and did it work for you?

10-13-2005, 03:56 PM
I swear I had an out of body experience when I had that massage. Ten minutes into it and I was gone...I had never experienced anything like that in my life. When I was finished, I was very tired. Funny because I had laid motionless for 1hr except for the getting pushed and kneaded like a bread dough :). The energy level increase was fantastic.

I'm so sorry to hear about the fibro, have you tried MSM and did it work for you?

What is "MSM"?

10-13-2005, 04:04 PM
I swear, I'm never going to get out of this thread. :)

Ryan...I have the "whole arm falling asleep" thing, too, but my neurologist wanted an MRI of my *neck,* not my hands. He did a nerve conduction study on the hands and put me in industrial, SWAT team looking black wrist braces that I sleep in. Those helped. (I learned the hard way not to do the "wake up and rub your eyes" thing. Ouch.) Apparently, I was holding my hands in a funny position when I slept that was causing problems.

I feel as if I have reached a rare level of incompetance by sleeping "wrong."

LOL !!!!! :)

I actually had a 'nerve conduction study' back when I was making all those posts about Carpyl Tunnel. I was being treated for it with Vicodin and a muscle relaxer but I eventually ended up going off of Vicodin with Grimms posts pointing me in the right direction... Pain Killers are not good for someone with my personality.

The nerve conduction study came back I didn't have Carpyl Tunnel my doc wanted to send me to a neurologist - That's when I just gave up entirely.. Got sick of being told over and over they couldn't find what was wrong with me... All my gripes I feel like a hypochondriac sometimes :( So I jsut quit bitching and I deal with the pain - much better choice, huh? lol

Dravyk, I have thought many times it may be in my posture... Sitting at my desk as much as I do.. I would honestly be suprised if my spine wasn't already curved, hence the hunchback comment...

I've pretty much given up on all my little aches and pains but something as simple as changing my posture I might try.. God knows I need a new chair anyways and those things ALWAYS feel wrong until you break them in.. so no better time then when I get my next chair.

I should take a picture of this one... lol - The padding is literally flat so I am sitting on a piece of leather then steel.... I passed out on it one night and each one of my ass cheeks were in sheer pain for 2 weeks lmfao...

I'm such a tool haha

10-13-2005, 04:11 PM
Ryan...I told a *former* primary care physician that my forearm hurt for a solid year and got smiled and nodded at. I explained that I hadn't injured it and there was no reason why it hurt like that. Luckily - or a word like that - my lower back just went and died on me and I went to a much better specialist. The forearm hurt because of the fibro. I went through hell before the neuropathy was diagnosed, though, so I understand how you feel.

The first time I fired a doctor the feeling was orgasmic. You have to be so damned proactive when you're any kind of a patient that it's almost as if you have to go to medical school before you can be ill.

There are so many things that can cause intense pain. Some big, some small...like the wrong chair, or the keyboard at the wrong height, or twisting your head to see the monitor.

One of my favorite comments about chronic pain is: "The good news is: it won't kill you. The bad news is: it won't kill you." :)

Aren't nerve conduction studies *fun*? :mad:

10-13-2005, 04:40 PM
One of my favorite comments about chronic pain is: "The good news is: it won't kill you. The bad news is: it won't kill you." :)


Aren't nerve conduction studies *fun*? :mad:

Nothing like having voltage at different regulations running through every portion of the right side of your body ;)

10-13-2005, 04:46 PM
If you people were animals you'd have been put to sleep by now. :blink:Youngster, you'll see.

10-13-2005, 04:50 PM
Dravyk...my husband has a huge, "Black and Decker" looking back massager. I hate to hold the thing because the vibrations kill my hands, but it works so well on his back. (He's a computer jockey, too.)

With regard to the "nerve clusters": if you have someone there, have them find the exact spot of the nerve cluster. You'll know when it's found because the pain will make you shriek. OK, have that person basically grind it with a thumb. (I call it "beating the hell out of it" when my husband does it.) Just grit your teeth and take it for as long as you can stand it. You may find that the pain stops immediately, though. Either way, it will help the nerve cluster. My back doctor did that to my back. Of course, he followed it up with a shot of Lidocaine into the nerve cluster, but the massage itself helped.So much info to respond to! And as you said Morgan, could stay in this thread a long time. Anyhow didn't forget about getting back to you. :)

Love the Black and Decker sounding massage thing. As for nerves, yep, have had a few massages (long ago) and they were great. I keep saying I should get one weekly.

Selena, damn, twice a week! I'm envious!

10-13-2005, 04:51 PM
Youngster, you'll see.

Thanks for making me feel old !!!

Christ I'm only 27... I already say crap to my daughter I swore I never would with my own kids, bitch like I'm an old man about my ailments, and talk about how much gas you could get for $10 when I was 18... You had to add the topping!!

10-13-2005, 04:56 PM
I have migraines and have had them since I was 13. Imitrex came out approx 10 years ago and it's the greatest thing ever. I've tried EVERYTHING and seriously, it's the only thing that works for me.

Find a good Doctor who will work with you and best of luck!

10-13-2005, 05:00 PM
Selena, have you tried Ibuprofen gel? I get the same kind of thing sometimes and I just rub the gel into the neck muscles and 30 minutes later its all fine.

10-13-2005, 05:00 PM
Youngster, you'll see.
Ryan is no age. Explain that. :blink:

10-13-2005, 05:04 PM

Nothing like having voltage at different regulations running through every portion of the right side of your body ;)

Oh EMG's are the worst. After my car accident I had one done from mid back all the way to my feet. I never want to go through that again.

10-13-2005, 05:06 PM
Thanks for making me feel old !!!

Christ I'm only 27... I already say crap to my daughter I swore I never would with my own kids, bitch like I'm an old man about my ailments, and talk about how much gas you could get for $10 when I was 18... You had to add the topping!!Rats! Hate it when I shoot a target and it ricochets! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/unsure.gif

Seriously though, age has nothing to do with it on the one hand. This stuff can happen to people who are 20. Don't feel bad.

On the other hand, those who don't get crap younger can get it when they are older. And while I seriously hope whatshisname (lol) doesn't get anything bad ... just reminding him that while he wants to shoot all us horses that he might get shot one day too. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

Either way, this is all Trev's Fault! :hmm:

10-13-2005, 05:16 PM
What is "MSM"?
MSM stands for methylsulfonylmethane. However, this name is a bit confusing to some people, since there is no methane in the compound. The more proper chemical name for MSM is dimethyl sulfone.

I had to lookup fibro when I saw it in your earlier post, and I ran across this webpage of another fibro sufferer.

I read her page and she said she had found relief using MSM.

Found another link about the product

10-13-2005, 05:17 PM
My best ever!!!!

We were setting off driving from Vancouver to Orlando...we hadn't even got to the fucking border and the little shits started up the "How much longer" shit!!!!

We hadn't gone 50 miles and I was already saying the following...

"Don't make me come back there"
"I'll turn this car right around"

Two of the kids are older now and do it on purpose to mess with mind.And then score points for makibng dad say dumb things and freaking out :(

But I found the answers.
Firstly advise them that the reason why I buy them really cool stuff is not because I like to , but rather so I can take shit away from them when they piss me off.
Additionally future big ticket items like cars and relative coolness thereof is very dependent upon not pissing off Mum or Dad.

If they smirk and basically postulate the theory that Dad is a beyyyotch and will give in anyway eventually I revert to turning to the wife and saying:

1.) Looks like Daddy's gonna have to choke a kid
2.) "Looks like we are gonna have to kill like we did in 96"


My eldest son however is a shitkicker LOL

At dinner him and his sister were bickering.I advised my daughter she'd be banned from messenger for a day if they didn't stop bickering and being a smartass and that he would not be allowed to play Xbox.

Silence reined...Crowing in my victory I then said "Ha! that fixed ya both , how ya like them apples!!"

My son looked at me with a smirk and a glint in his eye....I said "Don't do it!!"
He looked at his sister and said "ripe , and rotten..... like her!"

Everyone pissed themselves .Even his sister.
Then I said "Well no Xbox tonight"
And he smiles brightly at me and says "it was worth it".

I hate kids....

10-13-2005, 05:26 PM
MSM stands for methylsulfonylmethane. However, this name is a bit confusing to some people, since there is no methane in the compound. The more proper chemical name for MSM is dimethyl sulfone.

I had to lookup fibro when I saw it in your earlier post, and I ran across this webpage of another fibro sufferer.

I read her page and she said she had found relief using MSM.

Found another link about the product

Thank you, helix. *huge hug*
When I read her "A letter to a friend, I think" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I log a lot of time in the kitchen muttering "I got up for something...what was it?" My ever-present notebook prevents me from making a pain pill mistake. I write down the time and dosage every time I take them. (It was 11:00 AM today.) Forgetting that you got up to make coffee and instead fed the cat is one thing. Forgetting when you took Vicodin and taking it again is quite another indeed.

Trivia alert: Glucosamine Chondroitin, which works very well for several things, was first developed by veterenarians to treat arthritis in dogs. Then they discovered it helped people as well. (Sold as an over-the-counter supplement; take with food; Walmart has the best prices.)

10-13-2005, 05:32 PM
I hate kids....

I hear you.
I was so glad when my kids got old enough to have stuff I could take away as punishment. Them discovering the phone was the *best*! (Taking away television didn't work because the little darlins had a tendency to watch PBS and the Learning Channel and Discovery on me. No way I'd take *that* away.)

I also know the "make the parents laugh" from *both* sides. I discovered early that no matter what I had done, my mother became helpless if I made her laugh.

Unfortunately...my children discovered that, too. :(

Points to you, Mom. You've been avenged. :wnw:

10-13-2005, 05:33 PM
Fuck your headaches.

I just goddamn came back from the neurologisst who did electical never conduction tests on my legs.

One of the parts they heavily tested was my Femoral Nerve, which runs with the Femoral Artery, which runs right goddamn next to my Nutsack.

I just spent an hour getting my nuts fried.

Headaches ain't shit.

10-13-2005, 05:36 PM
Silence reined...Crowing in my victory I then said "Ha! that fixed ya both , how ya like them apples!!"

My son looked at me with a smirk and a glint in his eye....I said "Don't do it!!"
He looked at his sister and said "ripe , and rotten..... like her!"

Everyone pissed themselves .Even his sister.
Then I said "Well no Xbox tonight"
And he smiles brightly at me and says "it was worth it".
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! :)

10-13-2005, 05:40 PM
I just spent an hour getting my nuts fried.

Headaches ain't shit.Ouch! :zoinks:

... And now I can't get that Nat King Cole Christmas song out of my head either. :yowsa:

10-13-2005, 05:43 PM
Fuck your headaches.

I just goddamn came back from the neurologisst who did electical never conduction tests on my legs.

One of the parts they heavily tested was my Femoral Nerve, which runs with the Femoral Artery, which runs right goddamn next to my Nutsack.

I just spent an hour getting my nuts fried.

Headaches ain't shit.

I still think you are protesting too much!!!

Some people love that shit!! lol

10-13-2005, 05:47 PM
Fuck your headaches.

I just goddamn came back from the neurologisst who did electical never conduction tests on my legs.

One of the parts they heavily tested was my Femoral Nerve, which runs with the Femoral Artery, which runs right goddamn next to my Nutsack.

I just spent an hour getting my nuts fried.

Headaches ain't shit.

Must look like a pair of dry roasted peanuts:)

10-13-2005, 06:02 PM
I still think you are protesting too much!!!

Some people love that shit!! lol

I know what to get you for X-Mas Now St. Nick :whistling

And Dravyk... My fucking hair is white now man!!!

I shit you not!!!

I took a couple pictures but I look like Dumbo with my ears so I decided not to post them... My fucking hair ... White !!!!! I looked in the mirror after I made that post... my fucking mom didn't believe me when I called and told her my god damn hair is WHITE!!!!!!

I know Dravyk is laughing with his spray painted voodoo doll of my.. Frosty white hair ? YOU ASSHOLE!!!!! lol

Better be short term from stress.... Fuck !

10-13-2005, 06:04 PM
Selena, damn, twice a week! I'm envious!

I fucked up and had to edit that to biweekly.

I'm lucky though. He's like a brother to me, so he comes, brings his table, works my neck and shoulders for an hour, and I pay him $25.

10-13-2005, 06:16 PM
Must look like a pair of dry roasted peanuts:)


10-13-2005, 06:18 PM
Fuck your headaches.

I just goddamn came back from the neurologisst who did electical never conduction tests on my legs.

One of the parts they heavily tested was my Femoral Nerve, which runs with the Femoral Artery, which runs right goddamn next to my Nutsack.

I just spent an hour getting my nuts fried.

Headaches ain't shit.


Anthony...omigosh...I remember the pain from the nerve conduction study on my hands. A couple of the zaps brought me right up off the table. I was *not* about to "let down the team" so I stayed bright and funny while he was doing it...but boy, I let loose when I got out of there and just cried. (I'd faked it so well I scared my husband when I fell apart.)

I...can't...even...imagine...your...test. :blink:

I do believe you've knocked us all out of the box pain-wise with that one.

10-13-2005, 06:23 PM



See Technicks post above :)

10-13-2005, 06:30 PM
Must look like a pair of dry roasted peanuts:)


I'm letting the midget loose, and pay him extra to kick you between the legs.

Queen Bitch
10-13-2005, 06:44 PM
I think it all depends on who you're 'getting laid' with. Lately my muscles have mighty relaxed :P

10-13-2005, 06:46 PM
I know what to get you for X-Mas Now St. Nick http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/whistling.gif

And Dravyk... My fucking hair is white now man!!!

I shit you not!!!

I took a couple pictures but I look like Dumbo with my ears so I decided not to post them... My fucking hair ... White !!!!! I looked in the mirror after I made that post... my fucking mom didn't believe me when I called and told her my god damn hair is WHITE!!!!!!

I know Dravyk is laughing with his spray painted voodoo doll of my.. Frosty white hair ? YOU ASSHOLE!!!!! lol

Better be short term from stress.... Fuck !I'll say it before Nick thinks of it ....

You can always change your nickname to "Kaiser". http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/run.gif

10-13-2005, 06:52 PM
I'll say it before Nick thinks of it ....

You can always change your nickname to "Kaiser". http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/run.gif

I don't dwell to much on him ...like you do LOL

The best revenge is living well :)

10-13-2005, 06:55 PM
I don't dwell to much on him ...like you do LOL

The best revenge is living well http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gifI can't help it. White-haired adult webmasters set off a bell. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif

10-13-2005, 07:04 PM
I can't help it. White-haired adult webmasters set off a bell. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif

The bells , the bells , they drove you mad...

We know , we know :)

10-13-2005, 07:06 PM
I think it all depends on who you're 'getting laid' with. Lately my muscles have mighty relaxed :P

I've been getting laid by myself for a long time.

Does my tension mean I'm a lousy fuck?


10-13-2005, 07:09 PM


See Technicks post above :)

All right, first off, that was clever. Nice use of the elipsis. :okthumb:

Secondly, uh, no...I can't imagine *those,* either. It wouldn't be ladylike. ;)