View Full Version : Adult Content Question

10-12-2005, 04:19 PM
Hi all,

I'm a newbie here and I have a question for anyone that might be willing to give me some advice. I am new at providing adult content to webmasters and I was wondering what would be a good price for photo and video work in the solo, g/g and b/g areas?

Thanks in advance,


10-12-2005, 05:07 PM
Oh man. That's a tough question because it's hard to say because we don't know things like the quality of the photo/videos, how many people you would sell it to, and several other factors.

Getting in the content biz is tough as there is plenty of competition and you have to build up a reputation as a reliabl;e provider for quality stuff and that you'll always have the documentation needed for webmasters to be legal with your content.

10-12-2005, 07:51 PM
Hi Jamie.
Welcome to Oprano. :waving:

As Enforcer said, that's a tough question. Pricing on content has a real wide range depending on the quality, reputation of company, etc. My best advice to you would be to check out your competition and see what they're charging. That will give you a good ballpark idea. Then you can go from there.

10-12-2005, 08:51 PM
Hello, Jamie! Welcome to Oprano! :cdance:
You best know the categories into which your pic falls with regards to niche, photographer, models, etc. The advice you've been given so far is very good. Check out and see what the competition - your direct competitors - are charging. Being new and trying to break into the business, you'd probably start out charging less.

Two other suggestions: one, is I want to emphasize again how important all the required 2257 documents on the photographs are. That's not something you or anyone who'd purchase from you can afford to make a mistake on.

The second suggestion is make sure you have a good promotional/advertising campaign set up. Content is a highly competitive business and many a good potential content provider has been driven out of the business because no webmaster was familiar with the company or, in some cases, even knew it existed.

The Newbie Board will hopefully be helpful to you as freesite webmasters come here often. Also, don't forget the "non-sponsor forum" for direct advertising. :)

10-12-2005, 09:39 PM
I would like to thank you all for the advice and warm welcome. The kind of content I am looking to shoot is exclusive content in any niche. Without disrespecting or offending my competition, how would I go about asking someone what they charge to do custom work? I know it's a highly competitive field and I feel that my work is pretty good esp. for being a beginner. Would you all give me some feedback on a solo set that i recently shot (quality, lighting and so on)? www.jjohnsonunlimited.com/janeanude.html (http://www.jjohnsonunlimited.com/janeanude.html)

Thanks again,


10-12-2005, 09:48 PM
Welcome to Oprano insomniac768 :) The best way to find out pricing is to approach content producers for their pricing that would give you a decent guide. To be honest these aren't bad at all especially for the amateur market.

10-12-2005, 11:27 PM
Hello and welcome!!

This is a great place to come as questions. Good luck!

10-13-2005, 05:25 PM
I was wondering what would be a good price for photo and video work in the solo, g/g and b/g areas?

Well, if you ever will get an answer to this question, please let me know, as I would be very very interested in this.
Usually a price of a product is dedicated to the costs of productions, costs of marketing and of course the win share you would love to get on it. So, it's not that hard to calculate, isn't it?

10-13-2005, 09:48 PM
If I were approaching this question, I would:

1. Go sign up at all the various content provider sites I could and go look through their catalogs to get an idea of where they are pricing their regular content.

2. Look on those same site for their posted prices for exclusive stuff.

3. Add up the costs of what I was planning to do and see if I can price in the same ball park.

just imho of course