View Full Version : Anyone done any research into Adult Ebay?

Queen Bitch
10-12-2005, 01:00 AM
I've taken a little time looking around in the Mature section, but haven't gone into the policies, etc.

I do know that they do their best to make it difficult to sell there, but obviously it's generating $$$ or they would elminate it, Ebay has the moral fiber of a rabbit.

No Buy It Nows, no Stores listings, no PayPal, etc. can make it a bit harder to do, but I see ways around that.

I see some unexplored niches and pathetic competition in all the areas I've browsed so far.

I've also seen one hell of a lot of copyright infringement going on, but perhaps a lot of the owners of the content being resold may be out of business or haven't looked.

I saw a lot of content for sale over there that I had licensed years ago and many of the glam super-star cds have so many top-notch photographers on them that there's no way they could be legal.

I haven't had the time to properly investigate it yet, but I have a feeling that there's some money to be made, don't know so far just how much.

There were 3 really lame audio listings, but some actually sold. Hrmmm..wonder where I could find some audio to toss up there? :)

I also saw a few areas where one could advertise in adult with crosspromotions to the same item listed on the main site with a different description to get around the Mature restrictions.

So, has anyone else done anything over there? What was your take on it?

10-12-2005, 10:09 AM
Haven't done selling on Ebay since the fuckers froze my account in the middle of two auctions even after I paid to have their ID verification system thingie done. Man was I pissed. It's certainly not as easy to make money there as it once was as it's hard to find good dropshippers that allow you to make a decent enough profit. Most of the ones that i found required memberships to get a half decent discount and such.

10-12-2005, 02:13 PM

off topic but have you checked out www.xbay.com, looks to be an adult auction place. I don't think they should of picked that name though :)

Queen Bitch
10-12-2005, 08:25 PM
Thanks Todd, you're right, I'm betting it won't be around long.

Kind of surprised that no one's attempted it, we'll see.