View Full Version : Novice Webmaster Freesite Project

10-11-2005, 03:44 PM
We will be building a four page freesite; sharing it; getting input; fine tuning it for submission to linksites.

First we will be making a template for you to use on freesites.

Set up four pages: index.html, main.html, gallery1.html, gallery2.html
These will be your template pages. We can rename the pages (except for index.html) with keywords later.

They should have the meta tags in place.

Put the rough draft of your "warning" in the middle of the index page. (This will be fine tuned with keywords later.)

Put a table above your enter link on your index.html that will accept 8 linkback tables. In other words, this table should have 4 <td> across, then </tr><tr> and another 4 <td> across. (We will discuss which linksites to use later.)

Put this on every page of your template:
<center><a href="XXX" onmouseover="window.status='http://www.XXX.com/';return true" onmouseout="self.status='';return true">XXX</a></center>

You will be copy/pasting the above for your sponsor codes and the domain to hide the code. Yes, you will be using banners, in which case the "XXX" will be replaced with the <img> tag.

For those of you who are participating in the TGP project, put a linkback button or nice table link to your tgp on the main page as your third and bottom link. (Most linksites only allow three outgoing links per page.)

10-11-2005, 07:40 PM
Awesome to see there is more going on for us newbs to learn - I've only just started reading this now Morgan so a bit late for me to get going this evening, but this is now on my to do list :)

10-15-2005, 04:23 PM

I have a template if anyone would like it.

It also has the link back tables for the linksites that work the best for me on them. We won't be discussing specific linksites on the board, but we will in private. :)

10-15-2005, 07:55 PM
I'm interested!!

hit me up on ICQ. :)
