View Full Version : Do you work for terrorists

10-09-2005, 01:39 AM
I mean the real thing, not just a mean nasty person...

So why bother anyway? There is a pervasive attitude of „so what‰ as regards obscenity law. Even within the Agency there are echoes of „who cares‰. Well, apart from the social impact of pornography on society at large (and so much the more the case with legally obscene porn), the pornography industry is a very significant source of revenue for organized crime and for terror groups. As such, it is valuable to at least keep tabs on it. Much useful intelligence about more serious crime and security threats could come from keeping a federal finger on this pulse.



10-09-2005, 01:55 AM
It would be interesting to see upon what he bases the assertion that terrorists have an income stream from porn.

10-09-2005, 10:17 AM
It would be interesting to see upon what he bases the assertion that terrorists have an income stream from porn.

Exactly. A statement like that needs some proof to back it up.

10-09-2005, 10:34 AM
You have to have a little faith ya know.

They wouldn't say it if it weren't true :unsure:

There are WMDs in Iraq
No, Mr. President, I did not rat out Valerie Plame
We are doing a Magnificent job in New Orleans
Brownie, you're doing one heck of a job
I did report for duty
The insurgency is in it's last throes
I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees

Those websites are obscene


10-09-2005, 10:41 AM
It is ridiculous .

We all know who is making money from Porn and if for one second it was a terrorist we would have that fucker burned at the stake.

as has been said many times before wit hthis new patriot act, EVERYTHING will be said to be linked to terrorist to get a sneak peek and avoid the LAW of the constitution in regards to search and seizure ( one so important the founding fathersw made it number four on the list ) yep so far 1, and 4 are now meaningless under the Bush administration. what is next in line ? liquor stores are used by terrrorist? sexy lingerie makers are funding terrorsit? music players are funding terrorist?

can any one say RED SCARE? HISTORY? McCARTHY? hmmmmm

Hoover ? what about GW senior he was around then Oh yeah he was CIA chief then right ? ooops another liberal statment I must be just trying to ruin hte country again. I am sorry. I agree I think we need taps on the ose guys from all rock and roll bands those terrorist, I think we need taps on all teachers cause those liberal ones are terrorist suppoters, I think we need taps on all bars cause the dirty seedy lib eral terrrorist are in those establishments... we need taps on sports figures, CEOs of business we ...... oh I am sorry was i caught up in history again ?

10-09-2005, 06:01 PM
I'm not even clicking nor nor reading it nor even commenting -- other than to say the domain name there says it all.

10-09-2005, 10:36 PM

Lets be real here.

When I first entered into this business ( with the money there was and is to be made ) I was amazed there wasn't a bigger orgainised crime presence.

There is no doubt there is / was an orgainised crime presence.

Terrorist...???!!! ...sounds far fetched


hmmm there are some wealthy strict muslim spammers I know of based overseas, and who knows what political affiliations they have , or what groups they support.

I honestly don't think its as waaay "looney right" as it first appears.

Because there is NO doubt orgainised crime is a major feature of online.

It is actually one of the reasons why I laugh at GFY.

I picture these for real wiseguys reading these wannabees posts and giggling there asses off lol

10-09-2005, 10:57 PM
Likewise, I'm not laughing at the organized crime part. There is certainly one. American, Russian and other countries mafias on the Net.

It is the insanity of the Christian Right actually trying to tie pornography and Muslim terrorist extremists together that I find incredulous.

10-09-2005, 11:07 PM
Likewise, I'm not laughing at the organized crime part. There is certainly one. American, Russian and other countries mafias on the Net.

It is the insanity of the Christian Right actually trying to tie pornography and Muslim terrorist extremists together that I find incredulous.

Ummm dude why?

The IRA funded themselves with bank robberies.

Other groups with kidnapping , extortion etc...

You have no doubt orgainised crime is involved in this business.

I would say amongst all of us , that is a given.

Why wouldn't a terrorist group become involved as a method of fund raising utilising the same criteria that led to the invovlement of orgainised crime?

I mean seriously. It is relatively easy to earn 6 figures a week at this business.

It is also very easy to have those earnings sent pretty much anywhere and by a wide variety of methods.

Frankly I would guess they are DEFINITELY involved in some way.

10-09-2005, 11:14 PM
If they are involved, and it's not 100% impossible, it would have to be (and could be) something like the head ones hire some people who hire some people who hire some less-extremists who hire someone to work for them who does porn.

I just think that an Islamic extremist does porn about as much as an Orthodox Jew eats shredded pork with a side of bacon, or a extreme Catholic eats meat on Good Friday, etc etc ... I don't see the two meshing as neatly as the Right wingers pretend.

There's nothing with the IRA that says don't run guns or the Italian Mafia not to kill that is so integral to their daily lives. To put it another way, neither of those are or where religious extremists. Each, in fact, are very liberal or lax in their religion -- how else do we get the famous Baptism while killing off the enemies scene in Godfather I?


10-09-2005, 11:21 PM
Do you think Islam is a violent religion then?

Do you not think they can overlook a bit of porn in the ultimate service of allah.

Sorry mate you got carried away saying that the orgainisation making the statement is run by loonies.

You are correct IMO.

however even looneys can be right , and in this case you have already accepted that orgainised crime is involved (so they got that bit right) and you grant there is the possibility that terorists are involved indirectly..

neener neener lol

10-09-2005, 11:26 PM
Do you think Islam is a violent religion then?

Do you not think they can overlook a bit of porn in the ultimate service of allah.

Sorry mate you got carried away saying that the orgainisation is looney.

You are correct IMO.

however even looneys can be right , and in this case you have already accepted that orgainised crime is involved (so they got that bit right) and you grant there is the possibility that terorists are involved indirectly..

neener neener lolIslam is actually not a violent religion by nature of it's teachings. Like the Crusades and the Spanish Inquistion though, it can easily be made violent. :)

Do I think they could overlook a little porn in the service of Allah? Nope. I think that a Western mind -- like you or me -- could, but I don't think they could.

(Again, not directly, but possibly indirectly as I mentioned before. But maybe they can't even do that. Dunno. I have to much of a Western mindset to know for sure.)

10-10-2005, 06:12 AM
I would rather stick on adult biz than working on those terroists... I know they are such traitors...

Almighty Colin
10-10-2005, 08:11 AM
It would be interesting to see upon what he bases the assertion that terrorists have an income stream from porn.

I believe it's called taxation. *wink wink*

Queen Bitch
10-10-2005, 08:51 AM
Not since my five minute stint with Nick. Now I just work for a bitch :P

10-10-2005, 11:21 AM
Organised crime has been involved in porn since way before the internet. In the mid 70's when I was getting naked in a glass booth and talking to men for $1 a minute, all the sex shops with "live shows" in NY, NJ and Philly were owned by 2 families. It would stand to reason that the mob would be involved in internet porn as well.

As far as the muslims, I don't think it's as prevelant as we would be led to believe. They are so fanatical with their religious beliefs, that dealing in porn might keep them from those 72 virgins they can't wait to meet. But that doesn't mean they don't have supporters who are not opposed to using the infidel's desire for lust to fund the cause.

10-10-2005, 11:33 AM
Jason's too short to be a terrorist ;)

Mike AI
10-10-2005, 11:36 AM
This is the interenet people, one can find any crazy opinion, conspiracy, and "news". Move along, save your rightous indignation for something that matters - not on the tin foil crowd.

10-10-2005, 12:02 PM
I doubt Terrorists would bother with the small amounts of dollars made in online porn.

When you have Oil, porn money is pocket change

10-10-2005, 12:07 PM
Everyone equates terrorists it seem to Arabs.

Queen Bitch
10-10-2005, 12:22 PM
This is the interenet people, one can find any crazy opinion, conspiracy, and "news". Move along, save your rightous indignation for something that matters - not on the tin foil crowd.

Can you say 'spell check'?

Hi Michael, hope you're well.

10-10-2005, 12:27 PM
Can you say 'spell check'?

Hi Michael, hope you're well.
I think I'm falling in love with you. :o

10-10-2005, 01:01 PM
Everyone equates terrorists it seem to Arabs.

I was talking about the Bush family ;)

Queen Bitch
10-11-2005, 01:52 PM
Everyone equates terrorists it seem to Arabs.

And silly me, I always equated them with 'fucking fake brits' :inq9:

Queen Bitch
10-11-2005, 01:53 PM
I think I'm falling in love with you. :o

You'll get over it, most do (is there a way to keep Tude out of this thread? I could have really had fun with this one) roflmao

Queen Bitch
10-11-2005, 01:55 PM
I was talking about the Bush family ;)

Ahhh life is sweet. That post would have been pulled by the cretinous mods on Ebay for using the profanity "bush"

10-11-2005, 02:36 PM
You'll get over it, most do (is there a way to keep Tude out of this thread? I could have really had fun with this one) roflmao

You'll love my delectable crumpet. (Trev) He's a total sweetie. :wub:

He also has irascible moments that will appeal to you immensely. :okthumb:

One or two regulars believe the word "Bush" actually *is* a profanity.

10-11-2005, 02:48 PM
You'll love my delectable crumpet. (Trev) He's a total sweetie. :wub:

He also has irascible moments that will appeal to you immensely. :okthumb:

One or two regulars believe the word "Bush" actually *is* a profanity.
I've always thought of myself as a very placid kind of guy. :)

10-11-2005, 02:50 PM
I've always thought of myself as a very placid kind of guy. :)Better than flaccid. :blink:

10-11-2005, 02:52 PM
Better than flaccid. :blink:
The 'fella' is stronger than a pitbulls fart. ;)

Queen Bitch
10-12-2005, 12:47 AM
Trev, are you really a delectable crumpet? Don't be modest now :)

10-12-2005, 02:41 AM
pitbulls farts are for pussies. goat poop is where the real men hang their hat!

10-12-2005, 03:36 AM
pitbulls farts are for pussies. goat poop is where the real men hang their hat!Remind me not to rub your head for good luck. :yowsa:

10-12-2005, 04:24 AM
I would....but I wan't my virgins upfront.

10-12-2005, 08:31 AM
I would....but I wan't my virgins upfront.

I feel sorry for those 3 Bali suicide bombers..............they left their heads behind intact.......... wont be able to see their prizes lol