View Full Version : Chris, Belhiom, DMSteve? Where are you now?

10-08-2005, 11:00 PM
How do you like the Habs now?


man, you'll be lucky if you have enough of your old timers playing by december to field a team ;)

10-08-2005, 11:06 PM
That's two minutes for taunting ...

Evil Chris
10-08-2005, 11:08 PM
You're fast. The game just ended. Good game too.

Don't mix me up with someone that you think dislikes the Habs. I grew up watching them and the Leafs on Saturday nights. I'll always be a fan of both teams, with the Leafs first, the Habs second.

Michael Ryder is going to have a great year.

10-10-2005, 12:49 AM
What's this I hear? Crickets?

10-10-2005, 11:02 AM
is crickets that game where they use a puck and skates?

10-12-2005, 11:16 PM
A) That's not how you spell my name
B) I missed the game due to thanksgiving
C) was an excellent game from what I heard
D) Leafs are just getting warmed up. And Sundin was out broken
E) I would have replied to this earlier but didn't see it cause i've had more important things to do.... like test :D

I'd like to point to last nights game where they dominated over philly

10-13-2005, 10:48 AM
A) That's not how you spell my name
B) I missed the game due to thanksgiving
C) was an excellent game from what I heard
D) Leafs are just getting warmed up. And Sundin was out broken
E) I would have replied to this earlier but didn't see it cause i've had more important things to do.... like test :D

I'd like to point to last nights game where they dominated over philly

you know what I hear? Someone who is really used to coming up with excuses for his team... and in life...

Did your dog eat the puck?


10-13-2005, 11:41 AM
Vancouver is doing well... :)

10-13-2005, 12:45 PM
Habs suck. I heard that Taylor made has a new driver out, perhaps the team can make a volume purchase for a discount.

I know your boys will enjoy watching the playoffs as much as I will this year.