View Full Version : nowthatsfuckedup.com raided by sheriff

10-08-2005, 09:16 AM
It is at this point that I will find out how long it takes me to shut down all of my adult stuff :mad:


Polk Country Sheriff Raids Porn/War Website Over Obscenity

POLK COUNTY, FL - The Polk Country Sheriff’s Office raided the home of Chris Wilson, 27, of Edgewood Drive in Lakeland, Florida, and charged him with 301 counts of obscenity.

Wilson’s amateur porn website nowthatsfuckedup.com, which accepts and posts user-submitted pictures, made national news recently over its policy of granting free access to any American military personnel stationed in Iraq provided that they submit proof that they are serving overseas. Many of the soldiers submitted pictures of dead Iraqis, which were subsequently posted on the website, which in turn caused an investigation by the United States Army.

Wilson is charged with one count of wholesale distribution of obscene material and 300 misdemeanor counts related to 20 online films and 80 photographs obtained from his website. The obscenity charges all relate to pornographic images, however, and do not relate to the images of the dead Iraqis. YNOT has not yet been able to determine the exact nature of the images, or why the Polk Country Sheriff’s Office believes that they are obscene.

In terms of the announced obscenity charges against Wilson, the Polk Country authorities are triple-dipping. For each video and photograph in question, Wilson is being charged three times – once with distribution of obscene material, once with offering to distribute obscene material, and once with possession of obscene material with intent to distribute.

“The investigation into this matter is ongoing, and we will share any pertinent information with the US Army Criminal Investigations Division,” said Polk Country Sheriff Grady Judd in a press release. “In my 33 years of law enforcement experience, this is one of the most horrific examples of filthy, obscene materials we have ever seized.”

The press release also indicated that the Sheriff’s office was searching Wilson’s residence for a customer list, leading to speculation that the raid could be intended to provide the US Army with information as to which soldiers had sent pictures to Wilson in exchange for membership.


10-08-2005, 11:24 AM
Interesting tos of that site ..

10-08-2005, 11:42 AM
The idea of giving the military free access was a nice one, but posting pics of dead Iraqis was just asking for trouble. How could anyone not think that the army would get wind of it?

I think any sites that post submitted pictures from anyone are a target for the government these days.

10-08-2005, 02:56 PM
Interesting week ... the more indictments and stupidity of this administration and Republican Party, the more they need to wag dogs (terror in NYC!) , hit porn sites and come up with every possible distraction in a lame attempt to take the spotlight off of their corruption and incompetence.

And if anyone does not see this connection, or thinks this is some conspiracy nonsense, trust me -- you're only fooling yourself.

10-08-2005, 03:07 PM
Interesting week ... the more indictments and stupidity of this administration and Republican Party, the more they need to wag dogs (terror in NYC!) , hit porn sites and come up with every possible distraction in a lame attempt to take the spotlight off of their corruption and incompetence.

And if anyone does not see this connection, or thinks this is some conspiracy nonsense, trust me -- you're only fooling yourself.

What worries me is that for every fuck up of the administration, we suffer not only for the fuck up, but again with each distraction. And I'm sure they are not through fucking up.

10-08-2005, 03:15 PM
What worries me is that for every fuck up of the administration, we suffer not only for the fuck up, but again with each distraction. And I'm sure they are not through fucking up.You hit that nail on the head!

10-08-2005, 04:08 PM
this logic is a little crazy to me... whats the solution you guys? wait until the next president, hope he is a democrat cause they can do no wrong and porn will never be a problem again?

with or without Bush, this has always been a real problem and real risk. Bush did not define obscenity or come up with the notion of community standards. whether anyone likes it or not, religion is a powerful political force in the US ... do you really believe that any other administration is not going to do what they can to appease them? they need the votes, they support abortion and a lot of conservative issues, the religious groups support - they are definately going to throw them something and excuse me for being rational but porn is the ONLY logical choice. no one is going to support pornography. no one is going to see it as a constitutional issue. its a losing battle from the start... it always will be and the only ones that seem to realize this are the people going after pornographers.

Mike AI
10-08-2005, 04:10 PM
This guy was an idiot who was looking to be busted.

He is the only person I ever sued. He violated some copyrights, and instead of just taking down photos he got abusive with one of my employees. Needless to say, there was a settlement, and a written apology that my former emplyee still has framed!

The reality is I think he will probably get win his case, but it will cost him.

10-08-2005, 04:17 PM
This guy was an idiot who was looking to be busted.

He is the only person I ever sued. He violated some copyrights, and instead of just taking down photos he got abusive with one of my employees. Needless to say, there was a settlement, and a written apology that my former emplyee still has framed!

The reality is I think he will probably get win his case, but it will cost him.

strange. are you saying that a guy who was bragging about an upcoming CNN interview about him trading pics of dead iraqis for porn with soldiers is a moron?

i mean who could have possibly saw that coming back to bite him in the ass? i dunno... why would it be a problem to know you are now under investigation by the FBI and military and then go on CNN to discuss trading pics of dead people for porn with US Soldiers in Iraq? why would anyone expect the fine folks in the prosecutors office of Polk County Florida would feel pressured to look into the matter?

it must be Bush.

this guy should be shot in the head. not for obscenity... but for stupidity and to protect the gene pool.


10-08-2005, 04:23 PM
strange. are you saying that a guy who was bragging about an upcoming CNN interview about him trading pics of dead iraqis for porn with soldiers is a moron?

i mean who could have possibly saw that coming back to bite him in the ass? i dunno... why would it be a problem to know you are now under investigation by the FBI and military and then go on CNN to discuss trading pics of dead people for porn with US Soldiers in Iraq? why would anyone expect the fine folks in the prosecutors office of Polk County Florida would feel pressured to look into the matter?

it must be Bush.

this guy should be shot in the head. not for obscenity... but for stupidity and to protect the gene pool.


I happen to agree here ... it's rather dumb to complain about being wet when you have been pissing into the wind.

10-08-2005, 04:29 PM
theres a better article for this: http://www.theledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051008/NEWS/510080427/1039

Not the brightest to go on CNN. But according to the article, this has nothing to do with the war photos and everything to do with the adult photos. The photos in question are described as "revenge photos," which doesn't make sense to me as obscenity. Sounds like it would be more of a 2257 issue with regards to record keeping and consent, but not obscenity. I also haven't seen the pictures.

The bottom line is, no matter what - you lose. Even if you win the case, you lose because of the legal bills. And no one should say he deserved this, this should be wished up no one what he is about to go through.

10-08-2005, 05:31 PM
this logic is a little crazy to me... whats the solution you guys? wait until the next president, hope he is a democrat cause they can do no wrong and porn will never be a problem again?

with or without Bush, this has always been a real problem and real risk. Bush did not define obscenity or come up with the notion of community standards. whether anyone likes it or not, religion is a powerful political force in the US ... do you really believe that any other administration is not going to do what they can to appease them? they need the votes, they support abortion and a lot of conservative issues, the religious groups support - they are definately going to throw them something and excuse me for being rational but porn is the ONLY logical choice. no one is going to support pornography. no one is going to see it as a constitutional issue. its a losing battle from the start... it always will be and the only ones that seem to realize this are the people going after pornographers.Will the next president (Republican, Democrat, Whig, Martian) go after porn? Hell yeah. Will it go away with the leaving of the Bush? Of course not.

That said, yes, that porn -- when not terrorism or mock-terrorism -- is this Admin's major "wag the dog" choice is also true.

Is there a solution? Not that I'm aware of.

Addenum -- Was this particular guy just asking to be busted? Yes. Was the Red Rose child pedo story site? Yes. But the timing of this week is too damned convenient.

Mike AI
10-08-2005, 09:27 PM
Will the next president (Republican, Democrat, Whig, Martian) go after porn? Hell yeah. Will it go away with the leaving of the Bush? Of course not.

That said, yes, that porn -- when not terrorism or mock-terrorism -- is this Admin's major "wag the dog" choice is also true.

Is there a solution? Not that I'm aware of.

Addenum -- Was this particular guy just asking to be busted? Yes. Was the Red Rose child pedo story site? Yes. But the timing of this week is too damned convenient.

I do not think its a big story. It is not getting much national attention. Xanx, is a moron who kept forceing the issue. He was seeking publicity, it found him, and the gov't is reacting.

It should not surprise anyone. Drav I thought you were going to compare him to Rosa Parks!


10-08-2005, 09:39 PM
Drav I thought you were going to compare him to Rosa Parks!LOL! How about Malcom X? ;)

Mike AI
10-08-2005, 10:21 PM
LOL! How about Malcom X? ;)

Malcom X is such in insignificant person he had to have spike lee do his movie!


Evil Chris
10-08-2005, 11:11 PM
You guys just get your US dollar moving upwards, ok???

10-08-2005, 11:24 PM
You guys just get your US dollar moving upwards, ok???
its been going up for quite a while now.