View Full Version : Australian Webmasters Gathering Postponed !!

10-07-2005, 09:57 AM
It is with regret and our profound apologies that the proposed Australian Webmasters Gathering 4-6 November 2005, will have to be postponed for the time being.

Our proposed travel agent and the boat cruise operator have now declined to be involved dues to the involvement of the adult industry (of which they had been made fully aware it should be noted). This has been totally out of our control.

With CuriousToyBoy being out of the country, and with time slipping away, it is just not feasible to have the weekend organized in a manner which we, or you, would be satisfied.

We look forward to bringing you details of a replacement function, potentially for March 2006, in the very near future.

If you have been inconvenienced unnecessarily due to this decision, please contact toyboy@curiouscash.com (toyboy@curiouscash.com) immediately and we will do our best to make recompense.

Please accept our sincere apologies for this unavoidable course of action.

Further details at www.curiouscash.com (http://www.curiouscash.com)